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  1. I was fighting a flottila of French allies. And with them were some Greece ships. The first TP I meet, charge me in reverse. The other two... https://ibb.co/28f2KsB It only stop after taking a certain amount of damage (I rammed it).
  2. Japan ignored the treaty early on.
  3. One thing I notice since for a long time is that it appears to me that you are only really at war with one nation. Aka that while you are technically maybe in war with many nation the game only generates missions against one. Alliance warfare seems to be the biggest weakness of the game right now, in terms of campaign. Wars escalate fast into constant war worlds, because the way one war always effects everyone relation ships. then we don't really have proper alliances because we don't end wars together but every nation (and AI nation rarely seem to end wars with each other) makes separate peace (something that was ironout during the 19th century, since no one was keen to accept that anymore).
  4. "what is right" in your mind certainly. Besides it doesn't really make it ironic given that the "weak" are not complaining here. Also mister "strong and right" goes then on to cry about how hard modding is. Why should I make a mod about something I don't care about? I don't have the desire to have the swastika on my ships. So there is no actual evidence but your "feeling" that in are in the majority. Why is it relevant? besides you are calling the people who complain showflakes but now try to put that into my mouth. Why I'm not surprise someone who wants the swastika showing that level of honesty in a debate? I wouldn't complain about an option to turn this flag (or if someone really wants, other flags) off. But then again I didn't complain about the flags to being with.
  5. @o BarĂ£o you talk about "the weak" but you are the one crying here... anyway. According to this website: https://tmg110.tripod.com/weimar1.htm the flag you show is slightly off. But yes, the ships themselves should use the weimar naval flag, thou it is a minor issue and other thigns are more important. And nothign stops you to either make or search for someone that has made, a mode with your desire flags. btw: was there a poll on the matter or why do you speak of the "majority"? (I abstain from the forum for a while).
  6. @o BarĂ£othat German Flag is the version used after imperial Germany fell but before the nazi took power. What makes this the "snowflake" version? Against historical accuracy?
  7. One bug I notice but don't see mentioned in the fix ist that many of the new hulls (coastal BB for the US and CA for Spain) don't seem to have hitboxes for torps. Trops simply go through them (I reported this ingame). Now I hope that the Target system works again and I can enjoy the game once again.
  8. this is not a direct feedback to this version, but I think the UI needs alot of work. For example I want to mange my ships through the port menu not the fleet menu. I want to see the ranges of my ships on the campaign map. I want to see a map which show me where the port is I select to build my ship in. I think you could add to this.
  9. Building ships seem again to be a problem during the end turn Workaround: go to main menu and reload the game you start in the new turn
  10. you sometimes get messages that "XY was replace due exzessive spending", but I wonder if that has any real consequences for the Ai.
  11. "building new ships" seem still to cause trouble when ending the turn Edit: when loading the game after the crush it does start in the new turn
  12. I have seen it too
  13. in a future update minor countries and colonizing is suppose to come.
  14. I would be in favor of a Minimap and that torp and they expected routes are or can be shown upon.
  15. my guess is that both countries show "their" encounter. hence you get it twice.
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