Since the thread about final update is locked I presume that this is, sadly, the end.
I was hoping for DLCs and further development, not killing off the project.
Have you tried lowering speed? Underwater torpedo tubes were unable to launch at speeds above 10-13 knots. Talking about port and starboard torpedo tubes. The water currents at high speeds tended to jam or break the torpedo exiting the tube.
The economy in latest versions just make campaigns unplayable. Even maintaining minimal fleet becomes mission impossible. And I'm talking of normal difficulty.
Crew training costs are excessive for no gains at all.
Transport fleet upkeep is excessive.
Research also tend to spiral out of control.
Just great! Most of the battle I'm forced to conserve ammo and use secondaries and tertiaries only. I have even started building BBs with atrophied main battery and swollen secondaries consisting of 203mm guns.
Seems I'm playing Ultimate Admiral: secondary battery.