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  1. Another example of weirdness, this guy only has side underwater tubes but somehow managed to throw them out forwards... Neat trick
  2. Yea so torps are still being fired in completely the wrong direction... This is apparently a "save" launch... DD vs DD, I dunno maybe they spotted a Whale and decided it was a better target... 0.3km range for what it's worth. This kind of thing straight up just makes the game tedious at times, when it really has the potential to be great.
  3. I am curious if the AI is forced to use the same rules as the player when it comes to ship design or if for the benefits of simplicity the AI is allowed to cut corners? I ask because (The AI designs have always been nuts) since the most recent patches I have been seeing far more outlandish designs that even when trying to replicate myself I cannot get even close. Exhibit A When trying to replicate this the closest I could get needed 2,200 ton hull in order to replicate and even then the top speed I could manage was 36 knots. Exhibit B When you just cannot decide on what calibre to bring: These designs all seem a bit cheaty compared to what we can design at the same weight levels.
  4. Is anyone else seeing guns just not firing regardless of clear shot or decent accuracy chance? I'm seeing this on both main guns, secondaries and Torps. Been happening the last couple of patches but the one from today is by far the worst, I have entire sections of a fleet just refusing to fire even if set to aggressive. Very frustrating! If anyone knows of a mechanic reason why this is happening I'd love to hear it, but it feels like a bug that has crept in recently.
  5. Image attached that pretty much speaks for itself, everything is either on the centre point of the ship or behind it and yet still there is a Fore weight offset. . . This is the worst example I have seen on the Battlecruiser V but in general the mass centre points seem off on a lot of ships. I have a feeling I know why it's doing it, because of the main tower, even though it's basically on the centre point. But even so having the turret so far from the centre of mass to the rear with the aft tower seem to have no impact at all. Thoughts?
  6. Exactly the same here, will happily climb to whatever RAM is available. Mine reached 24gb by itself before freezing on return to campaign map from the ship designer. Whatever you did had zero effect as it's exactly the same as before, so either that particular fix did not make it into the build or however you are testing it internally does not match real world. Also the advice about leaving it and it will recover, yea no, it just straight up crash locks.
  7. Very close with what we have available. I'd really like to see a sandbox type mission, this should allows all the various styles of turrets, towers and funnels to be available. That would really let us style ships to match our favourites (I cannot wait to build a HMS Nelson).
  8. Torpedo bulges are already in, they just aren't visually showny yet. I assume at some point they will be added as an aesthetic later one. Not a bad write up about bulges though and might of been a good one for the Shipyard discussion board. In general and to be clear, I agree the visuals will be nice eventually but my understanding from what I can see is that the mechanics for this from a simulation perspective are already in. Probably explains why torpedos at the moment are so underwhelming, probably needs tweaking...
  9. With that in mind I present to you a pocket Yamato... (I found simple graphics prevents the CTDs memory issue)
  10. I'm going to break this up into categories to make it easier to read. Functionality The system for moving turrets anywhere (Using Ctrl) should be replicated for the other systems, particularly the barbettes as it limits the turret positions at the moment. Towers and funnels would be nice to use this feature too. It would be nice if we had some control over turret shape design, maybe after selecting barrel numbers we could choose from a number of set shape patterns. (The round pre-dred turrets look particularly cool) Ability to switch nation state, which would update flags and perhaps provide a different set of designs (themes) for when choosing turrets, towers etc. Saving out designs, but also the ability to save these out for Workshop support when on steam. I think that has the potential to be pretty popular. A way to make it clearer what fore weight / aft weight penalties are, it is one of the few things that aren't described well. Can we have more control over secondary armament? At the moment it seems shell type and amount of shells is used for both, would it be possible to split this and add a secondary section under the armament? In fact more control over secondaries in game too would be fantastic, I really wish there was a way to choose their targets separately. Graphical A way to change the camouflage or paint scheme for the ships would be nice. It would be extra nice if these give benefits to stealth obviously at a cost. Anti torpedo bulges should make visual changes to the outside of the ship, depending on the level of tech used. Features Catapult launchers, both WW2 and prewar, I was always fascinated with launching planes from the top of turrets. This could come with a secondary requirement of needing a crane system if you hope to recover the plane. Or will it be a one shot launch. (Even if all this does is just add's bonuses without visually launching in game.) A way to name the Class of ship, as well as the vessel.
  11. The view from that bridge must be amazing...
  12. No apology needed Ink, I understand the process of development and have no doubts the issues will be solved. I've sent a couple of crash logs to you Ink, have you received them? Do you have a good idea what is causing the crashes or do you need them to be narrowed down more?
  13. Same, with no save system and the game crashing on every mission it has become unplayable at the moment, I'm mainly just testing it but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone just yet who only wants to play rather than test.
  14. It was on the "undefended convoy attack" mission.
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