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  1. It is a joke not a game. Can't hit enemy even though we could hurt their sailors by blast effect from our guns. AI goes into sip building every turn. But best for last, auto resolve: 1TB vs 1CA and CL
  2. US VS JAP Max year Unlocked hulls on Default fleets (1 of everything) It might have been that Maine was about to fire after some maneuvering (The ship was weird, all components placed with ctrl, 3 forward 4x20", one 3?x9" at the back as a counterweight, used a hull that allows placement of rear tower with an overhang, and 9" might have fired for a first time not in broadside, those 20" were also super close) First time I see this crash (the game is very stable on my system)
  3. "Compensation" -> Go and demand a chargeback. Damn entitled *****. Maybe you haven't noticed but the world is going to the crapper and that will affect the development of the game.
  4. Just for lulz I tried to go with a pair of "small and agile" BBs with lots of torps. I almost succeeded. Managed to dodge all torpedoes and sink all DDs. Unfortunately BBs killed me first, anti-torp V on every BB T.T Sunk one and damaged other two. If the enemy rolls BBs without anti-torp V then it's quite doable. If not I guess it's still possible but would require many more tries.
  5. Git good On a serious note: Try maybe to change the academy from pass/fail to score based system. There is a difference between sinking the target ship with a lucky torpedo volley fired during a suicide run and designing a well balanced ships that are able to defeat the enemy without getting badly mauled. Also maybe better balance between techs. Sometimes it's a no-brainer choice. Idk really.
  6. Taken to 11
  7. To beat a mission you need to understand it. 1) Destroyers are always a threat 2) Enemy will run if battered (and is very fast) 3) All enemy ship types present 4) Enemy has 2 BBs and a BC 5) Enemy has high torpedo protection 6) You need to kill 70%. As there are 9 ship that means 7 ships need to go down. Let's look at potential composition DD/Cl -> invalidated by 5 CA -> can't really fight with BBs, especially because 5 (you can put 4 tubes/side on this hull) BC -> if you are a gambling man, remember the cards are stacked against you (those 2BBs, even if you can kill them you will be battered and slow, enemy will run away) BB -> if in doubt BB Ok what are the design requirements: Fast (because 2) 30+ is a must Able to take a hit (2 and 4) So high armor is a must Not totally useless against DDs (1 and 3) So decent secondary battery, torp protection (max one torp hit, and not a disabling one), maneuverable (for a BB) Can kill capital ships (you need to kill minimum of one (6), realistically 2) so some decent guns are needed Cheap (hehe) Hard thing to do, I present fast battleship Ugly. (rotations are due to first time trying to go for small form factor and forgot to change that, now that i see I also could take better 2nd tower) Enhanced firepower, best FC and RAD are a no brainier. The next quality improvement is on a guns with too small of a caliber. (hell even 16" were not able to pen the enemy BB which had 50+ effective o.O) triples are fun but doubles are cheaper and more accurate (and we need armor) General ship design: Look at: pitch roll weight offsets It's cool that you built a 15 or 18 barrel 16" monster with secondaries that could level a small city. But usually, in the same displacement range, fewer guns will be better, because due to better balancing the fire platform is more stable, and those guns are more accurate. You win by hitting the enemy not by killing all the fish in the ocean. But design is the half of battle. Few things to have in mind: Avoid the torpedoes (that torpedo protection is more for betterment of the crew morale, then actually protecting from torpedoes) When possible prioritize DDs (when the second one sinks they will start to run, fire a salvo or two but don't count on sinking the third (I didn't) ) Avoid the torpedoes A damaged ship that is slower than yours stops being a target. Avoid the torpedoes Pick your targets (I disregarded super-BB (tried to maintain high angle of impact) and went for BC first then weaker BB (when BC got an engine hit) then back to BC) Avoid the torpedoes Did I mention that you need to watch out for torpedoes? (Generally you want to close in to the distance that they cannot hit you too hard but you can start disabling their ships, but those DDs require you to balance the range greatly) Going back to slowed BC after sinking a BB: Just passed the mission: DD got away (~47 knots O.o) second BB had 25.x" and krupp+citadel (+108%) O.o While some luck is needed, it's not pure luck (I got an engine hit pretty late in the fight) Battered but victorious.
  8. Minimaps are so obsolete. Google Supreme Commander to see a better way (fluid zoom).
  9. I managed to do it without the cheat, but with only a few minutes to spare. Basically 1799 style go close and exchange broadsides, hope for fires (HE). Small fire will be put out. But if you manage to start two in one volley, the enemy gets massive damage. (I built 2 ICs for that RoF)
  10. Turn radius: It doesn't turn.
  11. If you were 2 seconds from a fire source that was caused by explosion... you are dead.
  12. Why do fires last seconds/minutes? Are there automatic fire suppression systems installed on every ship? The time for anyone in DC to even know that there is a fire would be longer than the time it takes to put it out in the game.
  13. Yeah what is not clear is that you don't have to kill the BB. Invest in speed and range and kite the bastard until he runs out of ammo and decides to eat an Apfelstrudel at home
  14. Shells cannot destroy already red parts of the ship. Nor can they "pass" further into the ship even though they over-pen, eve that after the amount of hits suffered the ship would sink during first rain. Also you can't hit the prop while firing at the stern? This makes last 2 missions impossible without lucky explosions, as the enemy has brains and starts to run. Which sucks.
  15. Because it's not in the same folder as the game. Go to support forum see the dir they want you to delete (read a few posts) and info about progression is there.
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