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  1. Hi @Chieftan, 1) The first issue, this is a known issue within the J&P mod (and I think vanilla). Sorry about that, I've tried to fix this but I guess it didn't work, just try replaying the battle and eventually it will trigger. That is not a great answer but it works. 2) In my submod, when you are zoomed out you enter 'macro' or 'brigade' mode, whatever you like. This allows you to select entire brigades with one click. If you zoom IN, it will re-enter normal mode in which individual units (regiments) can be selected. You can change the distance at which this mode changes in the Historical config file. But just zoom in, I think this is the problem you are having. In addition, make sure you're not double clicking the unit because this will also select the entire brigade in the submod. Let me know if you're still having issues.
  2. OH. I thought you meant the download link. https://discord.gg/wVn6Y7uZ
  3. It would be possible if game-labs decides it is possible. Not sure what you're asking here, for the modders no it is not possible.
  4. Thanks for the kind words. Currently (and by this I mean, in the latest rolling dev version) the only type unit that cannot get new recruits is Union infantry regiments, which was historically, generally, the case (to their detriment). Further, you can combine regiments in the camp screen. More work has been done on this in the latest dev version, but generally units must have the same equipment, perks, and be below the max unit size when combined and they can merge. I encourage you to check out the submod channel here to get more explanation and the latest version, which is quite far evolved beyond the latest released version.
  5. Very glad to hear it. Next version will have a much more cleaned up control scheme -- and maybe some useful documentation (finally) to introduce people to how the mod works.
  6. @Dauntless07 https://discord.gg/gTjpcR5d link to discord channel, I post latest dev versions there.
  7. It's simple, you can double click on any unit and that will select the entire brigade of that unit (or, every unit that is not currently out of order). Then you can hold the right mouse button down to issue a line-order for all of those units. In this way, you can zoom way back and give large commands to many units at a time -- but of course this will force a cooldown of your commanders' ability to issues orders depending on your AO stat.
  8. @Dauntless07 I see what you're saying, but I think that if you take a step back from your concerns and look at the wider picture you might see that you are answering your own question/concern. The way I have the system set up is that the general should be reluctant to drill down into regiment-level command, unless he is specifically in the immediate area of units. Rather, the player should concentrate on making calculated, considered bulk orders to whole brigades/multiple regiments at once. I've tried to cast command itself, or the player issuing orders, as a finite resource in the game. The general can only issue so many orders at once through his staff (in fact, the order cooldown rate is tied to the general's hp/total hp as well to achieve this effect). So I appreciate what you're saying; but on the other hand, just the fact that you are saying it makes me think the effect is working as intended! I want it to be hard and messy to command, not like in vanilla where it is clearly abstracted away. There is a lot of cleaning up of the order system in the current dev version, as well as a whole new simplified order macro view that I've developed, which allows a simplified view of the brigades specifically, and the ability to bulk select them.
  9. I've made a historically-focused submod of the J&P Rebalance Mod. Both mods change the experience significantly from vanilla, you could give those a try.
  10. @dixiePig check the version (f) I just posted, it gives a lot more tactical control to units in a pinch. I think you will appreciate that. I do; I do not think I'll research these ideas any time soon. After 1.3.5 is done and dusted I wanted to take a 6-12 month break from modding. I addressed this a couple posts above.
  11. This would be a very easy implementation to apply assuming I get the auto-AI function to start working. That is to say, if a unit is out of the control area it would revert to the build-in AI control; and depending on aggressive / defensive personality, that brigade would use the attacking or defending AI. And if it were not optional, it would probably add a significant layer of shit to worry about for the player... I like it. Plus, you can always put the units on hold and they will not move around, which is probably good because that auto-AI is not very useful as we all probably know. Thanks for the idea, I'll do some research on this down the road.
  12. hey @dixiePig One by one: - regimental officer profiles: I empathise with you that these are not obvious to happen upon, but I was constrained to find anywhere to squeeze them in at all, and it took quite a lot of work to implement them. I would also like to add that if you mouse over regiment stats, it gives explanations about their computations. You can also mouse over the officers in your barracks to get the brief synopsis of traits. (Before you point out, the fact that you cannot see profiles of officers not yet hired is a feature-not-a-bug; I don't want the player to know what he is getting, I want a sort of lottery.) - brigade command traits: Unfortunately the officer's personality traits don't really do anything fancy for officers at the brigade level. Only their reputation stats are implemented, and add/subtract morale from each of their units. I could definitely do more here but that remains for the distant future, if ever. The reputation is displayed in the usual place, and their reputations change based on their brigades' performances in each battle in terms of inflicted/sustained. So there are long term consequences for a poor showing, as with regiments themselves whose morale are permanently affected by battle performance. - traits in battle: The third hud mode displays all your regimental officers' traits, you need to cycle through to it with the tilde key. *edit* If the fancy strikes you, feel free to compile a list of traits and their effects that you think would be cool to apply to brigade level officers (division in vanilla). Such a thing would certainly help me in that implementation. Also if you feel like it, I've wanted to make historically notable officers' traits non-random -- eg Thomas Jackson: 'Sharp, Diffident, Energetic, Religious' -- but haven't found the time yet.
  13. Follow-up: although I did not design this and it just sort of happens somehow, I think this only occurs with 'narcissistic' unit officers. Is it possible for you to verify if this was the case? Other units should fall back correctly even after your general has left the area. Note that falling back is very costly.
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