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  1. They aren't a "Novice", you can see that their tag is a developer. So yeah, it looks dodgy (the link aswel), but it's all fine ^^ I presume anyway.
  2. I suppose that class system coupled with the CSGO matchplay/round system would work. Either way, I'm eager to see whatever they release ^^
  3. I'm glad to hear that you guys are still open to the future of the game. I'm not so sure on the CSGO comparison though. I would have presumed you guys would take the progression type model of WoT or WarThunder to give some replayability, if that was the road you went down. So in CSGO terms, you mean to just have people enter matchmaking and "buy" their ships/guns/whatever once they're in and then play a 5on5 or 10on10 or whatever? Or a similar model of just enter a game, pick any ship available and then fight? Sounds promising either way, just trying to get a general idea of whats running through your heads at the office ^^ But like dutch said, I hope people really take on to the MMO side of the game and really encourage you to invest more resources developing it later down the line.
  4. Thank you for replying. So, hypothetically speaking, if things don't go completely to plan you could change the focus completely and change the game from being aimed to become a MMO Sandbox world to a World of Tanks-esque PvP game?
  5. I'm not twisting any words. You said what you said, and I explained why it was wrong. Whether you meant to say something else is another point.
  6. I think this is a great idea! Sadly, I see this as something that someone will create as an AddOn to the game rather than a feature the devs provide since it is an "extra" kind of thing.
  7. You are contradicting yourself here; you are saying the looting system means overall, people will have to work for it and it's the opposite of the quick gratification of just buying the stuff you need. It is the opposite - you are getting the quick gratification of having a lucky drop, or you are grinding and gathering the money required to buy a good. I can almost guarantee that if there is a subscription fee, there will be no premium shop. The developers will already have a steady stream of income and will not need to waste their time creating premium items to attract peoples wallets.
  8. But it's not. They advance in the game faster but that does not equate to them "winning" anything, because they will be on equal footing to everyone else at whatever level they reach. I don't like the idea of premium or special items dropping as loot. Why have that system? The whole point of a premium system is to provide the devs a way to make money, making special items and just dropping them at random is worse than having them available in a shop since it'll just mean some people get a rare advantage over others, out of nothing but pure luck. It might be interesting to start a poll on the matter of the financial model of the game. I would definitely be interested to see the numbers of forum users as to which they prefer (F2P, Microtransactions, Sub-based, one price based etc.)
  9. So when the game is released in early access in a few months, we'll have only the match play system (Which is a significant step ofc)? Has that been confirmed somewhere? Or have there been any details to how it'll work on release? And I'm intrigued to hear about boarding. Have we had any details on how that's going to work?
  10. I was wondering, what state are the devs aiming to release the game in? In a WoT-esque style PvP matchmaking arena, or an actual open world MMO? Personally I believe we're a little too far from an open world MMO but I don't know how much progress the devs have made or what aims they have in mind so...yeah ^^ peoples thoughts/informations?
  11. Well, let's pretend the game has a balanced player base of players at endgame (2nd and 1st rates) and midgame. I'm not asking it in relation to balance of the game (we're presuming it will be balanced), but in relation to the ability for a new player to pay for a "premium" ship (which, remember, is accessible to those who don't spend money either) and getting a "boost" to his start. Do people generally consider this a form of pay to win? Or another case of pay to progress?
  12. This! Exactly this. Whilst we're on the topic, I'm curious to know - do you consider items that can be bought using ingame currency and real money to be pay to win? Say, a "Premium" ship that you can get instantly by buying it but is also available via ingame currency?
  13. Didn't earn what? The exp? Yes, you did. It's not a box of 15,000 XP, instantly granted that you can buy 100 times to get to max level. It's a booster, usually 50%. Meaning you still have to go out into the world and do the quests and the grind, just less of it. And it still does not equate to "winning" anything. You are level 20 fighting another level 20 - you have absolutely no advantage over him. You are level 40 fighting another level 40 - again, you have absolutely no advantage over him.
  14. Just out of curiosity, how will we know if we've got invited and when is the deadline for the invites? Will you post a list here or privately PM people?
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