Not sure of your correctness on that, but I heard they were able to. Also, what if I had an essex and I'm GB? Do I keep it white? I'm for nelson's chequer, which most of the ships of the RN had, and I dont get an option to do that?
^ contains same historic evidence showing that captains could indeed paint their ships
What is the original picture of this image? I know it is a famous thing, as I have seen it in an exhibit at the Royal Navy museum, but I am unsure of the name.
Thanks for the help.
A turn on Brigand`s idea-
How about you can try to discover the shipwrecks and adopt the name?
or find them,
take the nameplate, and put it on your ship.
Just an idea, just letting my imagination run free though.
Exactly, fermull.
Lots of restrictions will be required-
No numbers
No symbols (~,!@#$%^&*()_+=<>?/"{}| etc.)
No lol, afk, mlg, quikscope, w33d, etc.
No Xx
The list goes on.
It would be helpful if you voted on the poll and explained your choice
(choose other)
This is to determine what the most popular decision is and this long conversation can be over.
This conversation seems to be going on forever and can be settled with a simple poll.
I have posted a poll so this can be settled.
I understand, and I respect that you have stated your opinion on this matter, kudos to you sir.
As I said above, I should have thought it through, and I apologize for any trouble caused.
I posted this out of rage for the deliberate rammers, and I shall apologize again.
Though I may have not thought it through, the ramming is driving me nuts and I am going insane because of all the deliberate rammers thinking its greek times with Triremes and ramming eachother.