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Commodore Sixty Four

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About Commodore Sixty Four

  • Birthday October 28

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    Auckland, New Zealand
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    Australian Squadron (AUSQN): https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/8107-ambassador-office/?do=findComment&comment=642202

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  1. Hi Team I have a question regarding the calculation for stacking of trim, port bonuses and upgrades. I'll use speed as an example but assume it applies to other measures, such as cannon dispersion, as well. If I have a ship with a baseline speed of 12.40 kn and it has the following applicable trim, port bonus and upgrade: Trim - Very Fast +3.0% Sailing Bonus 4 +3.5% Copper Plating +3.3% Are these each calculated off the baseline speed individually, e.g. Trim - Very Fast +0.372 kn Sailing Bonus 4 +0.434 kn Copper Plating +0.409 kn And then added to the baseline speed to give, in this example, a final speed of 13.62 kn (12.40+1.22 kn)? https://na-map.netlify.app/ suggests this may be the case but, as the calculation is hidden, and I'm keen to understand the underlying methodology, can you please confirm whether my understanding and calculations are correct or not? Thanks in advance!
  2. Definitely experienced this in battle instance with a L'Hermione using full sail and at high speed. When turning, it was almost like I could feel the keel biting through the keyboard! The turning circle was... impressive too. I'm really enjoying the most recent changes. Fighting in battle instance has a lot more nuance and character now. Keep it up!
  3. @admin, your comment here got my attention. When are you planning to make Navy, and presumably Congreve and Blomefield, if not Pood Edinorog, guns available for crafting? A Forge was my first "building" and I'd love to be able to craft Blomefields, in particular, for myself. Cheers
  4. Your experience is not too different from many British ports to be honest, Santiago de Cuba and Belize to name a couple. Being ganked and losing ships is part and parcel of this game - we've all been there. My characterisation of Naval Action is that it's Darwinian, you need to learn and adapt to grow and become better. One day you may be the ganker. If you're not motivated by that challenge then this is a tough game, and can be even when you are. In the meantime it sounds like you need to change tactics. Operate from a different port or find the right time to sneak out in a fast ship. Better yet, team up with other players or a clan to clear the blockade, at least temporarily. I feel like most players who stick at this game would be comfortable trying any of these tactics. And, what you characterise as "bullying" is, I think, just other players enjoying the game, understanding that Baracoa presents them with a "target rich" environment, as challenging as that may be for Pirate players.
  5. I noticed this change to ship speeds the other night. Was it announced? I didn't see it anywhere but may have missed it or the significance of what was announced. Is it related to the wood changes or independent?
  6. Great video example, thanks for sharing.
  7. This is brilliant! @admin You guys are really on the right track with your most recently announced planned updates and releases, in my opinion. I think it’s going to be a much more historically accurate, nuanced game if the execution lives up to the intention. I’m looking forward to it, even if some changes negate some of the understanding of mechanics and “skills” I’ve developed to date.
  8. I'm really looking forward to this update. I think the effects of Karma will be interesting (and potentially unpredictable) and the new sail and wind "physics" plus new national port artwork will be welcome additions to gameplay and immersion respectively. I requested customised artwork for ports a long time ago so I'm glad to see it finally making it into the game:
  9. I have, Seasoned Fir and Seasoned Bermuda Cedar separately, from Imported ships that used them in the Frame or Planking. It occurs randomly and not very often so you may need to keep trying. I just wanted to confirm it’s not impossible, at least in my experience.
  10. Unlike some other players, as a Lieutenant Commander two-thirds on the way to Master & Commander (second time, first time was in Early Access), I’m actually very pleased with a DLC Trincomalee. I was planning to sail the Trincomalee after mastering the L’Hermione, as I have a soft spot for HMS Sybille, a captured Hebe class frigate, that the Leda class design was based on. Now, I won’t need to grind to add Trincomalee to my fleet. I don’t have an issue using DLC ships, as many of the DLC ships in Naval Action represent my favourite classes / ships of the period, including Concorde / L’Hermione (HMS Concorde); Leda (Hebe) / Trincomalee (HMS Sybille); Portland / Leopard (HMS Isis) and; Téméraire / Redoutable (HMS Donegal). Agamemnon and Bucentaure (as Tonnant class HMS Canopus) are the two others I plan to craft, other than potentially experimenting with some others like Indefatigable and Constitution, despite their seeming unpopularity in PvP. So thanks @adminfor Trincomalee from me.
  11. Thanks @admin. I’ll no doubt give it a go if/when I obtain a Loki Rune. The mechanic is interesting, based on the premise that everything on PvP server is dangerous and has the double benefit of upskilling PvE players to PvP standard more quickly (albeit with a few hard lessons and tears along the way) and giving those in possession of Loki Rune the ability to enhance their PvP skills at little cost (the opportunity cost of time spent only). I may regret it if I lose my primary ship to a Loki but, as has been mentioned, that should still be difficult if you’re choosing a PvE target(s) of an appropriate BR. In the meantime I’m a fan of the “nasty surprise” element of this feature, unlike some others.
  12. Thanks, this is also helpful. I didn’t even think to look for an announcement in Combat News but will do so in future if I suspect I’ve fought and won against a Loki. Surrender is indicated by a white flag right (my detailed understanding of game mechanics is not deep enough here)? Because there was definitely that, but I just can’t remember how a PvE victory ends (presumably no white flag?) to confirm it was a Loki I defeated. If so, it was my first — if unwitting — PvP win.
  13. Thanks for this and @Macjimm’s previous answer. Based on this, I’m 90% certain I went up against a Loki Russian Traders Snow last night. I picked the juicy target for my Niagara but found myself in a full-on, twisting knife fight I wasn’t expecting, with repeated missed attempts at boarding from me. The Traders Snow eventually surrendered with zero crew, but my Niagara was badly shot up and I remember thinking “Wow, that was more aggressive AI than I remember encountering before. Either that, or I’m even more incompetent than I thought!”. I wasn’t looking for, and didn’t notice, the rank change but will keep an eye out for that in future. That’s the reason I was so interested when I started reading this thread this morning and your replies may have helped me put two and two together. Thanks.
  14. Streamline Port Bonuses proposal Reduce the number of Port Bonuses to 1-2 per port to force a decision on the qualities of ships built in that port and encourage port specialisation within nations. Currently ports have the ability to develop Port Bonuses along five axes: Crew; Gunnery; Hull; Mast and Rig and; Sailing. Ports are encouraged to progress as quickly as possible along all axes to produce the most powerful ships possible in that port. This encourages nations to develop ports with maximum bonuses (1-4) along all possible axes, ultimately reducing diversity among ports and becoming the de facto baseline for port-built ships. It also reduces diversity among ships, with the best ships having Level 4 bonuses across the maximum axes. It would be interesting to only allow specialisation along 1-2 axes per port to force port owners to make choices with trade-offs about the qualities of ships they want to produce in that port, e.g. Gunnery and Hull bonuses OR Mast and Rig and Sailing bonuses? There would be many permutations depending on the needs and preferences of the port owner and nation. It will also mean more diversity among ships engaging in PvP, depending on the port they were built in. It could lead to ships built in one port developing reputations for excellence in port battles and from another as open world commerce raiders, much like French ships had reputations as fair sailers and British ships as sturdy (deserved or not). It’s also reflective of real life where businesses and manufacturers develop competitive advantage and reputations in specialisation, Toyota (high volume, mass market) versus Ferrari (low volume, high performance) in cars, for example. I’m sure this was also the case for shipyards during the Age of Sail and could be reflected through this mechanic.
  15. Reading this thread about the Loki Rune has been interesting but I’m keen to understand from the ambushed player’s perspective, how do you know when your AI opponent has been “possessed” by a human captain, turning your PvE engagement into a PvP one? Is there any indication in-game, via UI for example, other than a potentially hard to identify change in opponent behaviour? I couldn’t find this mentioned in the thread and am intrigued to know, as I’m currently building up to PvP ability through a focus on PvE targets, so am more likely to encounter someone using Loki Rune. Thanks in advance.
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