1. You were shooting at me for a looooooong time, taging yourself stupidly (and were not able to dismast a Fir Fir Prince...)
2. "Just Sail out", why should I? You were taging me, and it's you who wanted to leave, not me. Don't expect the ennemy to do your job!
3. My ship had control, yes, but 42pd are easily able to dismast a 6th rate, even more easily under 750m.
4. Even with control, only 1 ship wasn't able to leave most of the time, so the fact i "blocked" the full fleet is false.
5. "without any intent to fight"? What make you suppose such a thing? Obviously i wouldn't rush a 10 1rst rate fleet alone, that would be stupid... But considering i wasn't going to fight is pure speculation, and since i was "controling" 1rst a the time...
6. Were you able to go back to your port safely? No. So saying i was taging whithout reason is false, since our fleet was outside, just waiting for you, so you could consider that as a "tactical move".
7. I don't think a 2:39 video is a good-enough proof but if you say so. You can see that i'm sailing close to 1rst who were sailing in my direction...Maybe you didn't recorded a moment of break in the control just to make a tribunal to justify a failed operation...
8. The firts screenshot is funny because you were (The closest L'Océan at the right side) able to leave (see 1rts and 3rd screenshot, same guy "Havelock"), and i remember i could leave too, so nobody was under control, and since it's this l'Océan who was taged by control in the video was sailing in my direction, you weren't trying to leave.
9. I finaly had to leave because of the menace/insulting words, 45 minutes left in the battle, and the last IA sunk at 1:05, so that was only 20 minutes, and if look the timed you loosed while shoting me, the time you were able to leave and didn't do it and the number of repair some guy needed (Riptide for exemple, was at 1/2 Armor and 3/4 Structure), you finaly didn't loose that much time and you saved a lot of repair.
And for some explaination why they weren't able to dismast my 6th Rate, she was in Fir/Fir/Heavy Rig with "Basic" upgrades, so way to strong for 1rst Rates
PS: You shouldn't post screenshot while you are making menace of tribunal and if you are saying "only noob do that", thats probably no good for credibility
PS2: The video only proof that i'm charging a 1rst rate fleet, you wan't to sink me and you are calling me a "F***ing dumbass" - sam123123 (Not so smart tu use this as a proof)