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Miaowi last won the day on August 9 2019

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  1. Yes - I mean that the cost of ships is not a factor if we're comparing combat performance. For the comparison to be fair the baseline needs to be fair - same woods/bonuses/knowledge slots etc The ease at which a Seasoned wood (with rng port bonuses) Redoubtable is attainable VS a seasoned wood Christian is a different comparison/conversation altogether.
  2. +100 I'm really happy this is at the top of the priority list. Small quality of life improvement: I'd like to be able to select people/ships by selecting/clicking them in the battlegroup list - sometimes its hard to select a clan mate when everyone is stacked
  3. I had the same - rounding issue - you need one more kill
  4. One of which lived dangerously and almost sank your santi
  5. Why? You are looking at the status quo rather than the mechanisms as a whole. You cant holistically make sure that everyone has a 55 point port. You cant make sure that everyone has protected waters. Instead we need to celebrate these differences and work within their confines. Its a sandbox. Everyone has equality of opportunity. We all started the same on day 1 with the whole map being neutral. Honestly, i promise you. There are a select few folks that have organised infrastructure. With that I mean a small handful of people. The success of nations/clans/groups is attributed to those groups that have organisation and required thought processes to work within the confines of the game. Nothing that you forum warriors suggest will have an impact larger than a communal teamspeak and some shared goals and infra-structure The more admin listens to you folks (not aimed at you I Shot Got) the more diluted the game experience tends to get.
  6. I've yet to come home and play test Is it not the case that this adds more depth? i.e your vic example, that guy found the correct tradewind and hence a better speed. I imagine once you become familiar with the tradewinds you can eek out an advantage over folks who don't know them? Pure conjecture on my part. I need to get my hands on it so i can test
  7. Ehm it's completely possible right now. Yesterdays fight at Baracoa is one example. Cartagena is another. You need only 50 people minimum to make that work. Not 1000 Also there are plenty of low BR battles happening everyday. Yesterday 1500BR shallow water port battle @ Mangrove.
  8. You're all barking up the wrong tree when correlating pb BR with low player numbers. Naval Action is a slow game, you dont get your quick fix. The time investment is high as is the difficulty curve. It will always remain a niche game and it will never be as popular as something mainstream. The population decline is normal too. There is no max exodus due to pb BR rates.The decline is fine. Its not even an issue. It was never an issue. Even when we were all waiting for the final release it wasn't an issue. Why? We can all still pvp, pve, RvR, trade and do all the things we want to do exactly the same as in day one. Be that with 1000 players or 300. There is no difference. zero Now if all the keyboard game developers would stop for one moment. Start defending or flipping a bit more we'd have some good fights. There is a 1500 br port battle this evening. V tiny. Exactly the sort of thing folks are clamouring for on this thread. So I'm assuming you'll all get involved? One last thing as far as i can tell no one is fielding 25 man 1st rate fleets. It is always a combination of clans that form a main pb fleet. Lowering the BR does absolutely nothing. You need big 25v25 1st rate battles for the climatic end of game 45-55 point ports as it is exactly that... end game...the juiciest ports will need the biggest ships to defend and it feels silly to have that represented by anything less than 25 boys n galls in 1st rates If you want to play lower br play about with the shallow water ports or alternatively jump onto your relevant communal nation Teamspeak and get organised, team up and fight as a group like the rest of us
  9. See screenshot - I'm unable to claim the reward for this PVP Hunt Mission - no green tick denoting mission success even though mission conditions have been met (10.0/10) and the only option is to abandon. I'm trying to claim in a national friendly port with an outpost. I've filed a bug report - NAB-94371 Anyone else experience the same issue? https://gyazo.com/f788329bb2ba74e1b9bb5d0dbc196fcf
  10. Indeed! A copper plating is sold for about 700k last time I checked so its very very expensive and rare if you're buying it in free ports. If you really want copper ingots it means that unless you are wanting to pay this price you and your buddies will need to find a way to get those ports for yourselves. That is the game. That is the content. (you can do the alt thing too I guess but I don't want to mix up arguments here) Nor does not having those ports mean you cant get copper plating. its just more difficult. Like I was trying to point out with my port bonus spiel here. There are myriad ways round it with many speed mods available. Some of them (Naval clock and navy hull) are better than cp. Even if you wanted to build the ultimate fir/fir trinc griefer with cp you would still be able to that without having access to a copper port. Not saying its easy, just saying that we should perhaps celebrate that actions are meaningful in Naval Action. That folks have eeked out advantages over time. What we definitely shouldn't do is make everything the same and easy available. I would really like carta tar buy contracts so I'm going to try and get the port. That is the content. What I'm not going to do is demand readily available carta tar for everyone. At the moment its pain in the arse to get and I don't tend to get many. Plus I'm not very good so it takes me an age to get the CM for the equivalent navy planking reward. Its something I live with and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't stop me enjoying this sandbox
  11. Interesting. Can you expand?
  12. Caracas has copper ingots and is Dutch just sail there and start buying. Having said that I think your suggestion of making these mineable is interesting and has merit. The market is volatile as the resource is rare and results in v good upgrades which I'm not adverse to either. It all adds to the canvas that is playing NA I'm hoping that tar will soon be available for me just as I'm hoping you'll sail out to defend your access to it
  13. I gotcha but those upgrades are difficult to defend my dude. If speed was an issue perhaps copper plating, navy hull and a sextant? Heck go crazy and add a bovenwinds. She may never be the fastest but you'd get her speed to be competitive and you'd still have room for one more upgrade (harkens back to my point about naval action being uniquely situational)
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