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Stars and Stripes

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About Stars and Stripes

  • Birthday 02/13/1994

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    Naval history.
    War Literature.

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Ordinary seaman

Ordinary seaman (2/13)



  1. No. I was a new player. I put in the time and effort to get better. I have worked at getting better. I now have better mods. I now have better ships. This is life. Stop trying to get everything for nothing. Put in the time and effort and you can be a vet with the goodies to!! That's how Life and MMO games work.
  2. I have had some great fights against captains who refuse to surrender REGARDLESS of the odds. I have escaped from 5th rates in my Trader and fought off fast soft wood 6th rates with carro armed t Brigs. Those who hoist the white flag should get nothing for quitting without a fight. Rather, why not increase rewards for fighting and trying at lower BR ? Encourage a brave do or die attitude and NOT a 'quit because I cant win' attitude. Quitters should get what they deserve. NOTHING.
  3. Stop whining.😫 The game was completely wiped. Everyone started from a blank canvas!! There are no veterans with lots of mods. Just players who put more time and effort in to get the good stuff. (The vets) are just players who put more effort in !!! Stop going on about balance, everyone has the same opportunity as every one else. Everyone can do and get what everyone else can do and get. Play more. Grind more = better mods and better ships. You cant balance EFFORT.
  4. Ha ha your right there mate. Good winds to you.
  5. You make some good points. I am just saying I like the rewards I get for the time I play and I think the game is getting better. I like the fact that you can customise your ships how you like. I like fast mobile ships that fire quickly. Others like tanky repair ships. This game let's you decide.
  6. No I don't think so. In your game your sailing around in a Fir Fir Santi with repair mods; invulnerable masts, speed mods and only firing a couple of broadsides. Buy hey. You get it. 😂😂🤣🤣
  7. How so ? You think you can have a system that is fair for all playstyles?? So 1 guy plays 4 hours per week is going to find the game as easy as someone who plays for 10 hours and he will have everything that someone who has 3 alts and plays for 29 hours a week. Not possible.
  8. Life is not a level playing field. You want fair, go PVE server. Play four hours. Have fair games. Relax. Stop trying to force a system that favours everyone and all play styles. The more you Play, the more you earn, the more rewards you get. That's fair.
  9. I've been playing since mid 2016 and I say BS on your 'expert' analysis. The game now is good. The mix of mods and of ships is great. Your old fir speed meta is well passed. Teak ships now easily reach 14.5 knots plus with speed mods and port bonuses. Reload mods will smash ships fast. 12 min repair is 13 or 14 broadsides and more with reload mods and carros. Sail damage and then boarding is still possible and effective with max board mods. Stop talking like your a know everything vet talking like you are quoting facts. Anyone who knows what he is doing and uses the mods and ship builds he likes to use, has a chance in any, fight. And by the way the old crafting was slow and cumbersome and was complained about a lot. Rose tinted glasses I think.
  10. So your facing someone with all repair mods and port bonuses. (No shooting, boarding, speed, turning, reloading, or hull or sail hit points). You can only repair hull or sail every 12 mins. With nothing else at all, your dead. If you max out on repair mods that's your choice. While repairing what's the other doing? Is he maxed out on speed? He escapes or keeps catching you). Is he maxed out on shooting? (He out shoots you or with pen mods demasts you). Is he maxed out on boarding? (He boards and caps you.) I suppose you would find it just as unfair when he boards your ass with 5 boarding mods.... In the end you have choices and that's what's great about this game.
  11. What's wrong with aspiring to get better ships and actively using mods to give yourself a better chance. If I play this game for 20 hours per week and I earn the rewards in mods and woods etc why cant I sail good ships. I have put the work in for them. If someone else plays for 5 hours and has lesser ships....that's their choice. Don't reduce my rewards for hard work because it's not fair on new players or casuals who don't put in as much time as me. This is the PVP server. I was a noob. I sailed alone. I learned and adapted. I now try to get the best ship I can and fight and win or get sunk trying. I like mods. I like port bonuses. I like the new woods. I own the DLCs and I enjoy sailing them. (And they give noobs and casuals the S/Woods for free). The arguments about less mods and less choice and using skill is silly. If you have less of everything, you have less choice. Less choice means less individuality and less freedom. We want more of everything, not less. Games which have less...die much quicker than those which have more. What some players REALLY mean is that having less mods will give them an even greater advantage over players which aren't as good as them. Like noobs and casuals or less confident players. Leave my mods and woods and port bonuses alone thanks. I work hard for them.
  12. Great addition to the game. Stops capital camping. Hunters may fight other hunters now. 😁 I like it.
  13. Why don't the home capital players actually join the privateers fleets and fight the players coming to the capital's??? Such a bonus having them on your side for free surely.... But then it's hard to break the habit of sitting and whining again...and again...and again....
  14. There you go again.......🐴
  15. Same old moaning crowd. Every patch. Same cries. Get over yourselves. It will all settle down. Ps. The numbers are up.....
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