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  1. Sirwaldi, Von was ich verstehe ist 14 am Besten, obwohl 12 auch sehr gut sind, egal welche Gattung man benutzt. Ich stimme dir zu, dass es keinen Sinn macht, aber das sind die Tabellen. Es ist auch gut zu wissen, dass mehrere Kanonen schwerer zu zerstören sind, auch wenn sie weniger Schaden tun. Ich glaube, dass es dahinter ingendwo irgendeine Formel gibt. Ich kann dir aber nicht sagen, dass ich sowas selbst von der Tabelle verstehe, sondern vom Forumlesen. Gut zu sehen, dass Deutsche sich für den amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg interessieren.
  2. I’m not sure, but it seems to affect weapon recovery.
  3. I can attest to this happening with split units. The casualties have already happened upon deployment, but the animation triggers upon the first volley.
  4. I am curious. Are there any benefits to the pricier guns like the Lorenz and Enfield 53 for infantry? I see the Whitworths are golden, but the others seem inferior to the Harper’s Ferry 1855, at least in a general breakdown.
  5. I read about how units going to camp shouldn't split. At the start of the CSA campaign both Sigfrid's and Kemper's units often get split either at the start or on the switch from day 1 to day 2.
  6. Thanks for the fix! Trees, units, and all have returned!
  7. Hm. I've tried a couple things and even with the new download I am still seeing a mostly plain map (no trees, units) and the units in the battle are all listed at 0 soldiers when selected from the bottom bar. Any ideas? Thanks to you both. Great mod. Version 1.21 worked like a charm. Do I need to keep the old mod folder's aiconfig and config documents? I had been going from a clean install each time and extracting to the data folder. I may have pulled the trigger on that post just as you reuploaded. Trying now.
  8. @pandakraut Has anyone else reported not being able to start battles in save games or treeless, unitless new campaigns? I am experiencing this with the new version.
  9. Just a question about rifles: Is there any benefit to purchasing the more expensive ones like the Enfields or Lorenz? It seems like the SF 1855 and especially the HF 1855 have the most bang for their buck. Am I missing something regarding the stats? I set up a spreadsheet to show high accuracy and low accuracy damages and multiplied everything by the rate of fire and aside from the Whitworths and Henrys, nothing seems close.
  10. You can actually trigger the bug on the Confederate opening mission by saving before the reinforcements arrive and then loading. Each of the units will be between ~2800 & ~3200 for Canfield, Allen, and Birney.
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