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  1. Well, pitty, it's not those ports, that got raided today, then. So, that idea here is to make NPC raid the border ports, which don't generate income, but have timers set on those, motivating clans to remove timers, so that those ports didn't end up on the "least profitable port list"?
  2. Yeah. Fact that killing crew does not tag is a bit off. You sail behind a guy killing 100 of his crew every minute with chasers, and he leaves.
  3. I believe it's exactly the opposite (unless something has changed today). You don't get info about Your enemy, only about yourself.
  4. Your "tag" timer and mechanics works the same as it used to, before the changes. it's only the "opponent" attack timer, that changed. This means, that You still tag yourself, eachtime You hit even one sail with a ball from 10000 km. But in order to reset HIS "tag" timer, You need to deal him a certain amount of dmg within certain time. Unfortunately, unlike it was before, now, You never know, if You actually taged him, or not, as Your timer will always reset with a hit, while his will only reset if that dmg requirement is met. You basically no longer get "enemy tag feedback".
  5. That was just a loose suggestion based on assumption, that this would render highest probability of fitting most players. nothing written in stone Also, only 25 + 25 can join the battle so that also needs to be considered, in case there are too many players form some clans, wanting to join.
  6. On behalf of PRIV - we will gladly join this noble event. Sunday and La Tortue?
  7. Hello. Few days back (26.05.2020) we were chasing Russian Rattvissan (Teak (S) / White Oak (S)) From Fort Zoutman to Willemstad. He sailed directly into Willemstad capital zone (North of the island) and sailed past 5 or 6 VP Homeland Defense Fleets, and none of them tagged him. He wasn't fast at all. Today, I was at french coast on a Bermuda (S) / Mahogany (S) Trinco, full speed upgrades (14,46 kt), and I wasn't able to escape French Homeland Defense Fleet, neither going upwind, nor downwind. This got me thinking if perhaps the VP Homeland Defense Fleets are bugged somehow? I attach video from that situation below. This the ship, he was on: And that is the ship I was on today, which was not fast enough to escape the French Fleets: Is this, what is seen on the video, a normal and expected Homeland Defense Fleet behavior? EDIT: corrected spelling errors
  8. Internal Clan Leaderboard. Similar to the Clan Leaderboard, but containing only players from Your clan. Rationale: This could promote internal competition, as, for many clan members, appearing on the global PvP leaderboard is not achievable due to time they have available for the game (that global PvP leaderboard is basically for hardcore players ). Also, this leaderboard would be weekly-based, not daily-based, as the global leaderboard is. Such internal competition would hopefully increase amount of content, by giving people one more reason to do PvP (or PvE, shall they want to compete in that ). Clans could then promote the most active players by rewarding them, therefore triggering even more players to join the competition which would, again, render more content for others. This is, how this could look like: Depending on the possibilities, the list could be restricted to top 10, although top 20, would be better and all available members - the best. Either way, Your own statistics should always be visible there, even if You don't fit into the TOPxx, so that You could always measure yourself against others (just as it is with the global PvP leaderboard).
  9. Battle replay recording. Add possibility to record battles in form of a replay, which could then be replayed afterwards from any perspective. So it's not a movie, but actual full battle replay holding all necessary information to replay the whole battle instance offline afterwards. Like Starcraft II replays, World of Tanks replays and many others.
  10. Fix battle instance map issue, after sinking. Currently, when You sink, the map interface is broken and the click hit boxes are misaligned making it impossible to click on ships on the map. The issue is presented on the video below:
  11. Battle Commander's interface. Naval action, apart from solo/small PvP battles, also has it's obvious, RvR and/or large PvP battles, which can't be performed without proper commanding officer. That officer has a very difficult job today, due to lacking interface. My suggestion is therefore to add a new feature to Battle Instance interface, where a commander could see the status of each ship under his command. The interface would be triggered with a hotkey. The information about each ships would be as follows: Hull/structure status Sail position Sail status (HP and how much of the sails is set + info about depower). Ship's speed Ship's heading Ship leak status Ships gun load status. I'm not a UI designer, but I was thinking about it to look something like that (example of 25 ship group): I'm not sure, if the above is the best way to design it - perhaps there are other ways of showing the same data in a less cluttered way, or maybe have another hotkey, that would hide certain details, starting from the very basic hull info, then adding the course and sail info after another key press, up to full info including guns loading status and then back to the basic hull info, so that commander could chose the desired level of detail. On top of that, clicking on any of those status boxes, would move Your camera directly to that ship, just like You can do, after You sink. If You could move those boxes around and add ships do different, maybe color-coded groups, then that would be even greater addition. I think this would significantly improve possibilities for battle management, and perhaps, add another level to it.
  12. DaRho

    Server down

    at least chat works
  13. DaRho

    Server down

    ok. there is a topic about that already. sorry - didn't notice (although I've been looking for it) . I'll try to delete my post.
  14. DaRho

    Server down

    EDIT: (removed my post, linking to the main one) No, I was not first. Here is the main post (thx Sekiro):
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