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  1. Portbattle of English Habour We won it, just as close as we lost it last time. Nice battel.
  2. Our fleet for the first 15 mins Lost Battle of Roseau Winner: Sweden Not-Winner: French Chances are always even when we have a portbattle against the french; they have more screeners and they should not be able to screen us out, since we are defender. That didn't work this time, because our 1st rates and some bucces got attacked and killed. Since we had nothing to lose in that situation, we joined anyway and started to kite them a bit, untill our hero-late-comers saved the day. I always have highest respect when we have a pb against the french; but they first missed the chance to split up they mortar brigs at the beginning and start with 2 forts down, they then failed, when they had the wind and attacked our 3 ships of the line, not only not killing our ships, but allso losing the wind. They then splitted up and lost an upwind bucce for nothing, their mortars and some smaller ships (all within a very short time). They didnt kill me, when i was demasted and trapped inbetween them, the land and the wind and when we finally got some hero-1st-rates, they only had a smaller group of ships of the line left. French Requin got demasted by the fort and killed by a 3rd rate, when he tried to kill me. Last misstake of the french was, that one of them went fire-ship, demasting and decrewing a L'Ocean teammate, who then got boarded and sunk. That was one of the hardest, easiest, stupiest and most funny battles i had for ages and thanks to all! Thing is: french learn - unlike so many other nations - and i am once again glad, that swedish courage saved the day - once again
  3. Battle of Roseau After the Swedish nation had lost the port Roseau against the french a while ago, we destided to strike back and get back our Elsaß-Lothringen. To get into the portbattel, we had to smart-out the russian screening "fleet", who didnt got a fight tonight. Ones we made it into the portbattel, all forts and all towers got destroyed by a great mortar brig player, who got more the 600 points for the swedes and then started to shoot the bigger ships of the french fleet - demasting them and bringing fire and death all over their ships. French tactics were smart too, because they had some smaller ships joining later and because they went for points, trapping more and more ships into a fight of nutrition in B-circel, killing a 3rd rate. Swedish situation got desperate, after there where only 20 mins left untill the end of the portbattel. Then the french did the only misstake in that battel: they went in. Their first attack looked promising, nearly killing one of two oceans and all swedish hopes seemed to vanish. Lucky for the swedes, one of the old-rabbits stepped up, took over commande and saved the day, by making a brillant maneuver. French got in danger of getting beached and then getting killed by the mortar brig. The rest of the french main force had to split up and got hunted down one by one. One might guess, that there would have been more french losses, if they had gone in earlier. But that wouldnt have changed anything at circle B, were the sweds could slowly but steady win too. It was a great battel of tactics, that was won, because the french deviated from their original plan, because there was a brilliant mortar brig and because rediii-russians failed to support their allied appropriately. Rumors, according to which the french-rediii-russian alliance is about to break, havent been confirmed yet; we are waiting to hear more from our spies. Greatest respect to the french from the swedish nation-ts and we are looking to forward to defend it. this text was written by Mortar:-do-your-job-then-go-and-die
  4. Portbattel La Blanquilla Afer the portbattel we managed to get the Aga (notice: he got zero structure at the beginning) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/965348594342260873/DE8064117EBDB21524E3D451162FEAA5A2C63ABF/
  5. @King of Crowns looks like you had fun against Spain so had we Portbattel: Spain joined quite late, coming from south with their main fleet, while view bellonas and a mortar brig joined west. By that time Sweden had allready positioned them selfes and where ready to attack the attacker. Swedisch lighter ships did a great job by sinking a bellona and a mortar brig and swedish L'Oceans managed to focus down three of the enemy ones and nearly sank two more. Spanish Mortar Brig did a great Job by shooting us, but had to run, after some requins managed to break thru. Battel was over after only 30 mins an 20 mins of fighting. PS: how do i get rid of the King of Crowns? Spain then lost some more ships, because of the open world attack of sweden. It was a nice bettel and Spain is very welcome to come back.
  6. pb of french second capital (Puerto de Espana) gg we also like to thank prussia, america and dutch for showing up and provide content (no matter, what side they joined)
  7. @Palatinose: i dont mind, that they used the given machanics. it is the mechanic, that i think is bad
  8. @traitorous mctraitoro: i am glad, that your opinion is of no interest @Christoph thx for the advice; couldnt find the right topic and it is still insane, that you have to do that many missions, if you want to flip a port in shallow and that ships of the line can make it that fast
  9. Today sweden made hostility for kemps bay. I myself played moe then 6 battels, sinking my one single enemy ship and gaining like 5% hosty with every sunken ship. We then got jumped by some nations, but managed to sink them few times, without any great losses. Meanwhile, prussians came with 3 lineships and sailed 2-3 missions to get all the hosty, we tried to get in 5h. We think, that it should not be possible to make hostility for shallow ports with non-shallow-ships. Fighting for 5h, killing 15 human player ships and then not getting the flip, is more then stupid. Suggestion: when doing hostility with shallow ships, you get 2x rooki brigs and when you do it with bigger ships, you get 2 normal shallow ships. Both missions causing the same amount of hostility. BTW: gg spain, nice, that you came back twice after getting smashed
  10. takes you more then 10 secs to get 20 points. you ended up with 40 secs left and 40 points missing - when it was over, you had gained 20 points more. you would have needed at least 40 more secs, to win by points. If we had played with a shrinking circle, we would have been abel to kill even more. As i said: our intention was never to win by points. Anyway - gg (and since i dont like all that spaming in the forum, i will not reply anymore to those battels)
  11. pb of Camp du Roy The port will stay royal, still belonging to the royal sweedish fleet - huray! French laughed to early (min 20) and thanking us too early for the port. Sweden joined the pb to fight, french joined it to win via circels, which didnt pay of, because the swedish pb-commander was simply too smart for them, writing wrong directions into battel chat and complitly messing up the french fleet. Some of us are looking forward to the next fight against france, some dont, because they think, that playing the circle game is boring. We also had some fun fights outside too. For some reason Danes, Prussians, Dutchies, Russians and even french and sweds showed up. Thx to the nations joining our side (Prussia) Losses: sweden (+allied): 5x 1st - 3rd rates 4x 4th - 5th rates french: 9x 1st - 3rd rates 4x 4th - 5th rates GG and thx for the battels
  12. GG dutch; Our pb leader: Tac and everybody else on our side (democratic style pb since we try to develope ) Will we get a recording of you rediii?
  13. Battel result of Mimbres Spanish commander: Christoph Strategic commander: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Tactical commander: Friedus Occurence: Best prince driver ever killed Mortar and got circles; while the rest of the two fleet fought well arounf circle A right infront of the habour. Superior ship-tactics worked perfect for the swedish side and after some attemts the battel was won. Thx for the really good battel. We need more of them!
  14. was a good fight Thx not for going me but getting killed by me. Just not good, that Henry survived
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