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Valentine Karrde

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  1. Not his first, but judging from the outrage, it may be his last lol.
  2. Admin thinks that depriving players of the means to compete will force them to do rvr. This is a rather short sighted and arrogant solution. What he has not included in his thinking is that players won't stand for being pushed around in a game. Every time he tries something like this he loses 25 percent of his player base. We are at around 800 to 1000 players now. If he pulls this new brain child of his, and we lose the same numbers we lost the last times he tried to enforce his will on the players, we will be at 500 to 600 players tops. Less if the outrage I've seen in game today is any indication.
  3. If you need to force people to do something they don't want to do, you are doing something wrong and should find something they WANT to do. Forcing people to do what you want them to do is just going to cause them all to quit. Quite frankly there are a lot of games out there that appeal to your player base. If this goes in like you want it to, I'm done. All ships should Be available to all players at all times. Enough with the sticks and start giving out carrots.
  4. And all the top nation has to do is park 40 first rates outside, screen everyone from the battle and voila, they win.
  5. Limiting ships that are actually required to knock the folks off the top to only the folks at the top encourages them to remain at the top and prevents those at the bottom from having a chance to get there.
  6. You are clueless and ignoring your players. I'm done. The nations with victory marks will continually roll the ones who don't have them. I'm tired of playing a game that is so completely broken and developers keep bringing back bad systems that were discarded.
  7. That I totally agree with. while I don't think you guys are efficient enough to stand up to really good players (hence why you are focused on britain), everything you said here is completely on the money.
  8. I honestly think we are pretty close to a complete shutdown of naval action. It had so much promise but the game is seriously flawed and the developers won't listen to reason. They are out to punish the player rather than make the game fun and playable by all. We've told them for months demasting is out of control, they refuse to fix it. We can get over the arcade style turning if they like that so much. We've told them boarding is broken, they cling to the same old Rock Paper Scissors mini game. They make the game for 2 or 3 people but forget its the masses that bring them income. I've seen this in so many promising games. The game starts out great, then the development team stops making the game for its customers. There is a mass exodus and eventually the doors are closed shortly afterward. I had such high hopes for this game
  9. This guy was no newton lol. You found one obscure writer whose ideas matched your own and based your game on it. It's your game but it's also what's driving players away from it. I know if something isn't done about demasting and soon, you aren't going to have anyone left.
  10. Potbs, an age of sail game that got rvr about as right as you can, did this: the nation that won, got conquest points for writs for refit ships etc. the next three nations got them as well. The underdog nations got bonuses to money, experience, and resource requirement reductions. All nations could make all ships but the ones who won couldn't refit certain non game breaking ships through the conquest marks. People re rolled to under dog nations all the time to get the bonuses. The winning nations got their pretty refits that didn't change the balance of power or give them a greater advantage. Everyone was happy and the balance of power was constantly shifting. Unlike game labs, flying labs software understood that people respond better to the carrot than the stick. Punishing weaker nations just causes people to re roll to the stronger ones and never achieves balance.
  11. People go to the side that appears to be the strongest. Right now that's Russia. People are sheep. Only a few wolves will pick the losing side to have plenty of sheep to slaughter.
  12. I know who he is, thanks. There are also dozens of admirals and tacticians who disagreed with him. Basing your game off of one mans theories, is fallacy. Again you have to balance your view of reality with fun. Your game is not very much fun anymore. That's why you keep losing players in droves. every day I see someone quit the game over demasting. They ask what they can do to prevent it. I have to tell them there is no good defense. Anything you can try will merely buy you seconds. Put a french rig on that allows you an extra hit. Put all the sail defense mods on, you get two more. Repair immediately, that gives you an extra broadside. Your still going to be demasted in the first 5 minutes and there's nothing that your going to do to prevent it. These people sign off and never return.
  13. Thanks, it's pretty clear that they didn't turn in little circles the entire battle, and that's the point I was trying to make. Gunfire was exchanged broadside to broadside this entire fight. Save at the end when the Connie demasted java.
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