Yes, this is correct, however, my objective of this post was to bring to the limelight the lack of heavy American ships. The Americans have one, whereas the British, French and most all other nations severely outgun American ships for someone who just wants to use American ships. The USS Constitution and USS Essex are really cool, and you folks as developers have done an astonishing job at siphoning out the ships that are unnecessary. This being said, I chose the North Carolina for a couple of reasons: The first being that it's one of the only American ships at the time which was actually active in the class which could be considered a first-rate in comparison with the Victory, L'Ocean, and Santisima(though those ships are indeed built to the actual standards and gunnage of first-rates). Second, it's not a ship which was, in comparison to the USS Essex, captured, or in the case of the USS America, crafted simply to be given to the French. In regards to the USS North Carolina, it's one of the only American 1st rates ever built, and furthermore, the USS North Carolina was one of the first ships to begin the creation of treaties with Turkey and in the Mediterranian in general. I know the time-frame seems to be stretched towards the late 1820's, however, and I know this is extending my claim, the Mercury is still one of the latest ships in the game, which would put this ship in launching with the Mercury at almost the same time. My only objective is to offer a solution to the lack of an American first rate. I'd be more than willing to listen to any topic on the addition of a ship for the Americans which is larger than the USS Constitution and in some ways a 3rd, 2nd, or 1st rate ship.