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About Parchin

  • Birthday 04/15/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    : Poznań, Poland

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Parchin's Achievements


Landsmen (1/13)



  1. joined with 20-25 crew and around 85% sails lol
  2. But what about submarines?
  3. It would be cool to make Fir/Cargo space ships
  4. Wood types makes shipbuilding more flexible and affordable to people that can't afford to have all ships Teak/WO or LO/WO. Wood system also motivates to capture specific ports making particular wood type, if you would want to have access to higher quality wood. Also - it makes profit to someone who will manage to cap that X port and starts to export wood exclusive to a strict list of ports. Merging woods wouldn't have any sense now.
  5. 998 points, last ship was sinking (0 structure) and server crash.
  6. Parchin

    Stuck on loading

    Nic innego mi nie przychodzi do głowy, a takie rozwiązanie pomogło w moim przypadku. Powodzenia z rozwiązywaniem.
  7. Parchin

    Stuck on loading

    Jeżeli masz internet 3G/LTE w telefonie który ma opcję Routera i masz możliwość użycia wi-fi na komputerze, możesz spróbować się zalogować do NA korzystając z tego internetu mobilnego. Mi pomogło, a miałem podobny problem. To nie rozwiązanie na dłuższą metę, ale może oznaczać problem z portami/połączeniem.
  8. @admin After UI Patch I can't log in. I saw Ink's post about restarting - but that thing is not working for me. After hitting "Start" button game is stuck with "Loading..." and rotating steering wheel. Game is not freezed and I can close it without problems. I already tried restarting game, restarting Steam, restarting wi-fi connection, restarting whole PC. Game was fully downloaded today.
  9. I knooow, I'll do it. But... lateer?
  10. This topic can be closed then - I will contact Nick in-game.
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