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Sento de Benimaclet

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About Sento de Benimaclet

  • Birthday 03/25/1970

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  • Location
    Valencia. España

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Lieutenant (7/13)



  1. I totally agree. We all have friends who for various reasons are or have gone to other factions and now we cannot continue to maintain that contact. Normally you don't insult the people you have on your friends list. Don't let rude and bitter players destroy those friendships, because then they are the winners and they impoverish the game and the majority of the Naval Action community. Thanks in advance.
  2. Cómo creéis que será el Naval Action 2? Facciones, clanes, mecánicas y demás como el actual, además de la carrera offline? Lo comprareis o estáis escarmentados con el primero? Saludos!!
  3. Nope. Is a spanish frigate. https://www.todoababor.es/historia/fragata-diana-del-museo-naval-de-madrid/ Saludos Trujis.
  4. Yo he llegado al convencimiento de usar para PvP sólo barcos DLC, me ahorro buscar maderas y secarlas y a veces con los bonus que trae me sale un buen barco. No voy a seguir los planes de los DEVS que si ahora maderas nuevas raras etc. Ni tengo tiempo ni ganas de ir siguiendo los bandazos que dan con las mecánicas, nuevos recursos etc. Que tengo peor barco? bueno, otros lo tendrán igual o peor que yo. Lo que ya no consiento es que cuando le pillas el tranquillo a las mecánicas, llegan estos y lo cambian todo. Si lo que buscan los devs, es que nos esforcemos más en el juego, pues miren ustedes, al menos en mi han conseguido el efecto contrario, ley del mínimo esfuerzo y a jugar como me dé la gana, no como quieran ellos.
  5. Siendo de la facción española no tienes otro "remedio" que craftearlos en Habana.
  6. Esta es otra cagada más del juego. Y llevo mucho tiempo diciéndolo. Los puertos de capital de nación deben tener bonus, menos si queréis que un puerto de capital conquistable, digamos 40 puntos. Habana, 50 puntos Remedios. Esto para todas las facciones. Y darle capital de nación a aquellas facciones que no tengan puertos inconquistables. Equilibrad el juego con cosas por este estilo joder!!!
  7. A ver si es verdad, que vamos a acabar peor que estos. Hay cosas que no cambian.
  8. No se puede castigar a toda una facción por que unos pocos no sepan estar en un foro. Castigue únicamente a aquellos que con su reprochable actitud han provocado este topic.
  9. There are compelling reasons to seriously think that he was not born in Genoa. Columbus affirmed it in his will and in the archives of the state of Genoa there are 188 documents that are supposed to prove this point. Against this option is that Columbus did not know how to write in Italian or Latin, observing that almost all the writings that are preserved of him are made in Castellano with certain Portuguese and Catalán twists. In addition, it is also alleged that knowing the nautical knowledge he had, it is very unlikely that he was the son of a weaver family, everything indicates that he would rather have belonged to a family with a long tradition and a seafaring vocation. Even he comes to confess that he is not the First Admiral of his family, but that there were several more previous ones. This theory affirms that Columbus was born in 1451 so in 1492 he would be 41 years old, something that does not agree with the physical descriptions of witnesses that place him in his 50s, with very gray hair and very adult features at the time of the Discovery of America. Another aspect that does not favor the Genoese theory much is the fact that his family, without being poor, were nothing more than petty bourgeois, which would make his marriage in 1479 with Felipa Perestrelo Moniz, a Portuguese aristocrat, practically impossible, something unthinkable in the time when a commoner of low birth would marry a noblewoman. Taking into account that Columbus evidently misrepresented and manipulated to hide something, the documents where he is said to be Genoese should not be considered good. Something wanted to avoid in this way and that is why it is obviously false. In addition to the proven facts that he wrote to Italians in castellano and when he tried to do so in Italian, it was found that he did not know it well. Saludos.
  10. Well, you see, this is not a nationalist question. It is simply that I do not share why it has to be Christopher Columbus instead of Cristóbal Colón, which is how he signed. It is not to argue. I'm not going to tell you what we Spaniards usually call Sir Francis Drake, I suppose you have an idea.😛
  11. Los españoles pueden retornar siempre que quieran. Siempre se les recibe con los brazos abiertos, al menos la mayoría. Pero se plantea la pregunta como si fuese necesario darse ciertas condiciones para su retorno. O al menos esa sensación da. En todo caso si de la conferencia salen buenas ideas para mejorar la eficacia de la facción, bienvenida sea.
  12. Que una teka por muy africana que sea de + 25 de thickness es pa mandarlos a pastar. Que le den por donde amargan los pepinos a las nuevas maderas.
  13. Garneray, colonization, Colombia It's for Colón, not Columbus or Corombo. We say George Washington not Jorge Washington, we say Jimmy Carter not Jaimito Carter. Also he signed as Cristóbal Colón. Thanks.
  14. Cristóbal Colón. Thanks.
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