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  1. I think this depends on the difficulty you are playing on. I usually play on BG and kind of maximize my army size while doesn't giving a shit on scaling. You should destroy the enemy army as much as you can in those smaller battles and as CSA try to distribute those Missisipi Rifles as early and numerous as possible. They are much better than those Springfield 1842s and your big advantage as CSA player in the beginning. Another advantage is that your raw recruits bring more experience than the union recruits. So assigning a Colonel to a new formed brigade as commander gives you the first star for free. Later when this unit has gained some experience on the field of battle you may assign a lesser commander depending the unit size while using the Colonel to form an additional brigade. By destroying the enemy you can hold down the enemy manpower from the beginning which will make a big difference. In my lattest playthrough as CSA I will fight Antietam on 1:1 with 70k man on each side which feels like a walk in the park...
  2. Just restarted my campaign in MG and it really is a totally different feeling. You finally have to think to win the battles and it is not that simple to destroy the enemy army. But I won't bother to much about scaling anyway. Just build the most effective army I can. But that's just my opinion...
  3. I am more with soldier. If you brought down the enemy manpower in the battles before, you need not bother about scaling that much. Of course you have to take the win points for victory but your main goal should always be the destruction of the enemy army. I just startet Antietnam with 1:1 odds as CSA and it becomes quite boring. My 2k brigades sit in the woods while the AI is attacking with its 800-1k brigades and I watch my napoleons shoot them into oblivion. I must confess this is BG difficult. I guess I have to restart the campaign in a higher difficulty.
  4. There is a weapon guide on steam that is very useful. Link
  5. Perhaps the brigade commander of the 3* skirmisher unit was not high ranking enough to support 500 men and the unit got an efficiency penalty while the rookie unit wasn't as it was smaller? When you hover your mouse pointer over the efficiency stat there would be a warning in red letters.
  6. Thanks for your replies. Mentioning the manual was the key. I found those two quotes: So if I understand this correct, efficiency is not capped by the command points, but if you do not have enough command points for the unit size you get a penalty on efficiency. My assumption seems to be correct. For the example of a skirmisher unit: A maxed out 500 men skirmisher unit needs 45 command points to function without penalty. So a Lt. Colonel (20 command points) would suffice if a general major (25 command points) is leading the division.
  7. Some time ago I wrote a guide about the assignment of officers (link) based on the assumption that the command points a officer provides must be sufficient to the unit size. If not there is a penalty on efficiency and the tooltip states in red that the rank of the officer is to small for the unit. But there and then I read that you should have more command points than efficiency or the efficiency is caped by the command points what from my side seems not very intuitive. For example a 100 men sharpshooter unit with 3* would need a general major as brigade commander if the efficiency should not be caped while I think a mere captain would suffice for such a small unit. So what is true? My assumption? Or is the efficiency caped by command points? Or perhaps both? And please name a viable source and not that another player wrote this in a forum cause he read this in another forum?
  8. The command points determine the size a brigade may have without getting a penalty on efficiency. This depends not on the experience or efficiency of the brigade itself but only on its size. So your small 3* unit can be lead by a Major without any penalties. You didn't need a Major General as brigade commander at all, as there is no sense for more than 60 command points. Off course later in game you will have a bunch of high ranking officers and you don't need to think about this, but in the early stages when you build your army you want to use your limited officer pool to the biggest effect. I didn't ment the efficiency of weapons. As this value is some measure for its deadliness. The efficiency of brigades determine how good the unit is in reloading, shooting and melee.
  9. Two Colonels close before their promotion can give a maximum of 58 command points (19+39). That is close enough under the needed 60 points that you perhaps won't see an effect on efficiency. But if you hover the mouse over the efficiency stat there will be that red text stating that the unit is to large for his commander. You can simply test this by exchanging the officer in-game, especially after battle when the position is vacant. You shouldn't underestimate efficiency as it seems to influence the performance of a brigade in whole. The strength of a division commander is that he gives command points to every brigade in his division. Thus lower ranking officers will be able to lead the brigades efficiently. But honestly I don't understand the math behind efficiency in detail.
  10. At first I wanted to write a big guide about army management as this is my most favourite part of UGCW. But a lot of things depend on the personal style of game play and taste e.g. naming units, so I decided to give the mere facts and numbers. Sadly, the mathematics behind the different stats is well hidden in a kind of black box. So what is the difference between 20 or 100 efficiency? How will a green unit with the first stat perform against an elite unit with the second stat. What does damage and accuracy change in weapon’s stats? You might get a feeling over the time while playing the game, but this questions seem important when you have to decide if you spend your money for new weapons or veterans or what perk you give to your new 2-star unit. As you can see writing a guide can be a very complex matter. So I decided to start with the most obvious part of army management: the appointment of commanders. An officer can be used in three different roles – brigade, division and corps commander – and has a limited influence on the unit(s) under his command depending on this role. Depending on his role an officer has following effects: Brigade commander A brigade commander give two different types of stats to his unit: experience and command points. A captain will give zero points, major 10 points and 10 additional points with every rank he gains. This not only depends on the rank but on his experience (the grey bar) too. So a Colonel can give 30-39 points to his unit and so on. Each time his unit takes losses there is a small chance he gets killed or wounded depending on the amount of losses. Division commander A division commander gives half the amount of command points he would give as brigade commander to all brigades in his division. So a Colonel give 15 points, a Brigade General 20 and so on. There seem to be no other effects. He doesn't give experience points. Every time an unit out of his division takes losses there is a small chance (although smaller as for the brigade commander) that he is wounded or killed. This chance increases when a “division" brigade is formed. Corps commander A corps commander is present as unit on the field of battle and gives a moral boost and perhaps some other bonus to all friendly units in a distinct range. The enemy can shoot on him and drive him from the field. But he can't be killed nor wounded and will be present again in the next battle. Thus he is some kind of invulnerable. He gives some bonuses depending on his rank but no command or experience points. Choosing the most suitable officer Command points give the size a unit may have without getting a penalty on efficiency what you want to avoid on every price. So finding the correct combination of division and brigade commander is the key. A maxed out unit will need 60 points. So a 2.5k-brigade needs 60 points, a 2k-brigade 45 and a 1.5k-brigade about 30 points. With other unit types this is similar with the exception of skirmisher units where a maxed out unit only needs 45 points. Thus a major is sufficient for a 1.5k-brigade, a Lt. Colonel for a 2k-brigade and for a 2.5k-brigade you need at least a Brigade General or an experienced Colonel if the division commander is a Major General. Of course for a 2.5k-brigade you can make a Colonel division commander and a Major General leads the brigade, but it is more advisable to make this the other way around as a brigade commander is more likely to get killed and the division commander gives command points to every brigade in his division. Additionally you can buy some Colonels via the barracks screen, while you will get Major Generals only through promotion, reputation and as prices for won battles. There are other reasons to use the lowest ranking possible officers for your brigades. First when hiring officers their price increases exponential while the gain increases linearly. While the price for a captain is about 350$, the price doubles for a major with about 750$ and doubles again for a Lt. Colonel with 1500$ and so on. Using low ranking officers gives them the possibility to get promoted. A 12-gun-artillery brigade only needs a Major for command. When he is promoted you can move him to other tasks. A maxed out skirmisher brigade don't need a Brigade General in command, a Lt. Colonel suffices. The Brigade General may be useful as division commander or to command a 2.5k-infantry or a 750-cavalry brigade. More command points then necessary don't seem to bring some gain in the performance of the unit. Thus a 3-star elite 1.5k-brigade can be commanded by a mere Major without penalty. There is only one reason to use a higher ranking officer: experience. For example as CSA you want a Colonel command a new formed brigade. As green troops of the confederates will bring 70+ experience points a Colonel will give you 30 additional points what brings the first star for free. But after the unit gains some experience in battle you may use a lower ranking officer. For corps commanders you want the most high ranking officers you have as every rank brings an additional bonus and corps commanders are virtually invulnerable.
  11. Perhaps you were very unlucky. One kill can be enough. Its probability. Was no officer wounded?
  12. Minimize your losses. Every time your unit takes a hit their is a chance that the commanding officer or its division commander is wounded or killed. The more losses the unit takes the bigger the chance. So the only tactic to minimize losses in your officer pool is to minimize losses at all. But even when your unit looses only one man and you are unlucky, this could be your officer.
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