Sorry guys, this should not be V1.0, you have a long way to go on the interface before this thing is ready.
The unit markers are terrible:
1) the dull brown color with generic symbols for Arty, Cav, Rifle are sub par. Not only do they all blend into each other they are not clear enough to allow you to use it to determine which units are doing what, how much damage they are taking, etc... etc.. The feedback is terrible, the visual cues are non existent and it is frankly dull and lazy work. Get a real UI artist and do a proper job of designing this part of the game, it is essential. When battles become huge, this bar becomes completely useless, and highlight each echelon centers the camera on illogical positions, the underlighting of subordinate units in Green completely blends into the green terrain. Its impossible to clearly see which units where and what they are doing. You have to scroll back in forth constantly in pause to get an update on what is happening, and this is a major fail because it breaks the flow and interrupts the players immersion. This is the BIGGEST FAILURE of this game.
2) The command bar underneath the unit bar, also sub par. The feedback is totally missing:
a) Same dull brown colour: boring and blends into background
b ) hard to tell which buttons are available because colour scheme is unclear and highlighting is too subtle
c ) hard to tell when an order is active or not
d) the icons are insufficiently clear, the symbols do not properly convey what order does what.
3) No fallback command, running away is not falling back.
4) Cavalry is completely unplayable.
5) More chain of command information, more brigade formations, better cover behaviour.
6) All of the ideas presented in this game are refreshing and interesting, but the execution is marred by low quality UI and not enough feedback elements. If you want to enter the big leagues, put more effort and design into your UI and Menus, it really pays off.
All the best