Damn, two comments in one day where I fail completely to understand the English writing. 😭😓
Let's go back and read again what you wrote:
Range of the weapons?
Effective hit chance?
The range of the weapons follow for the most part the UAD vanilla values. Note that in the second example you gave, there is a big difference in the range due to the fact that you are using the coastal variant, which had more elevation. But yes, is possible to improve the ranges with values more close to real life.
If you are interested in doing this, I would recommend using navweaps website to get the data you want.
Then open the guns file. You will see these modifiers for all calibers: "range_1,range_2,range_3,range_4,range_5" Those are the base range for all calibers before the modifiers.
Now, hit chance is a complete different matter. I did some research about hit rates in some reports to use as foundation for the accuracy realistic model being used in NAR, but I can't say that would be exactly how it worked IRL.
Note that there are many modifiers in the game to take into consideration when we are talking about hit rates:
Target size
Target speed
Target maneuvering
Sea state
Radar quality if available
Spotter plane quality if available
Range finder quality
Shell type
Gun barrel
Splashes from own guns
Splashes from other guns
Funnel smoke
Turret barrels (how many)
Modifiers from the towers
Modifiers from the hull
Crew quality
So when you say is 1%, is against what, in what conditions and using what technology?
But if you are interested in tweaking the accuracy values, again in the guns file you will see: hitChanceMaxRange,hitChanceCurver,hitChanceMult modifiers.