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CoolBreeze66 last won the day on June 25 2019

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  1. Does it matter really? I think the game has taken a turn for the worse, its too bad.
  2. Thanks to everyone who commented on this post, let's hope the devs and admin take action. Have a good day.
  3. This is in response to Angus MacDuff as it pertains to how much XP for a cannon. 1XP per cannon is ridiculously low. Think about it. First you have to pay for the setup of a Coal Mine as well as an Iron mine. Then you have to get enough money and doubloons to put up a workshop. Now you have to expend labor hours to take the coal and iron out of the mine and then it takes more labor hours to craft one cannon. What an Investment, so far. Each cannon takes so many reals and so many labor hours. The XP should be commensurate with the size and type of gun crafted. a 42 pound long should result in more xp than a 6 lb long. I believe a ratio associated with the amount of labor hours expended to craft, lets say 32--42 pound longs should yield at least a 25 to 50% return in crafting level accrued. For example, it takes 288 labor hours to craft 32--42 lb longs and 3292 reals, 192 iron and 168 coal. Add up all the hours it takes to mine all the materials add to it the labor hours to craft the 32 42 lb longs, multiply that by .25 to .50 and that is about how many hours one should get credited to their crafting level.
  4. In order to craft guns, perm mods, rig and hull repairs and rum and any other mods you expend labor hours, labor hours equals crafting level cap. There is a huge difference between having 1000 hours of labor hours available at level 1 crafting as opposed to 3000 hours at crafting level 7. Oh sorry I forgot, if you draw resources out of your forrests or mines, whatever, you expend labor hours to do that. So in the end crafting level is extremely important when you are using a garbage can of hours to do the many things a player has to do especially when that player is part of a clan and is contributing to the overall shipbuilding effort. Make sense?
  5. It seems the latest changes to the ability to level up using the crafting of hull/rig/rum is a step in the wrong direction. It used to be way back when, we crafted subcomponents for a ship, that crafting credit for leveling up was given for taking the time to build different necessary pieces for building ships. Of course, that all went away when the subcomponents for ships was eliminated. But no one really cared since most of the folks who crafted ships already had achieved the maximum crafting level. With the elimination of the ability to level up by crafting rig/hull/rum the only way to level up is for everyone to build a shipyard and level up that way. Of course, this is in direct contradiction to the way the game truly forces a player to become part of a clan and work with their teammates to put in the amazing amount of resources required to build a port up to a max level. In effect, players (especially new players) are penalized for not building a shipyard to level up. I mean what about crafting guns, isn't that part of what it takes to put a good ship to sea? I mean it takes a significant investment in creating a forge, a coal and iron mine to be able to craft guns. How about that? I mean how many people (yes i know a few) who sail warships around without guns? How about permanent mods? Don't you need an Academy or Workshop to do different levels of crafting there? Gun and Mod crafters all help in the development of ships, by contributing pieces to the overall ship completion. I request that the developers revisit and rethink the crafting credit system and provide a more meaningful and reasonable fix that will allow those who chose not to build a shipyard, at least in the early days after release, to gain crafting credit for the work they take on to help their clan build a completely outfitted ship.😠
  6. To the Devs: Just asking here, can you give us an estimated time frame or estimated date when you intend to shift to Victory Marks for number of ports on the Lord Protector listing? Also, I am sure many of us would like to know the cut offs for the awarding of Victory Marks in relation to the number of Ports on the Lord Protector Listing. For example, One port to ???? gets one Victory Mark and ????? to ??????? gets 2 Victory Marks and so on. Like I said just asking here. Thanks for your time
  7. I could not have said it better Bristol.
  8. Really? How many people do you know that will have bow gun ports and no guns??
  9. No Chris not all clans! WO and Blanc are independent operators, but I am sure you knew this!
  10. I really hope the Devs give us at least a 24hour notice for the change. You know its going to happen tomorrow, that would be very helpful.
  11. Nation based fighting relationships has got to go. Look at World of Tanks and World of Warships, those guys understood you need to give the player base real choices for developing fighting relationships. One server with clan based relationships that allows the french to ally up with Brits, Spanish or whomever is the way to go. Nation based in too rigid and too limiting, and players like choices. Oh yeah, one more thing. I have spoken with numerous folks on their TeamSpeaks who would come back to the game provided there is one combined server. The feeling is simply this, the bigger the player base the greater the probability that PVPers can find a fight in a reasonable time frame, and not sail for hours looking for a PVP battle. I mean this is how a lot of folks feel, this is what is motivating them to stay away and choose other games. I am confident the time zones issue can be worked out, but if we don't do this how will we know. I think there will be an immediate gain the the server populations soon as the servers are merged and some system for redeeming ships and mats that might be part of a players dual holdings on both the Global and EU server is worked out and made available.
  12. sorry about that. You wanted an example of stern camping, well here goes HMS Africa revealed. Gunboat War[edit] During the Gunboat War, Africa was under the command of Captain John Barrett.[2] On 15 October 1808, Africa was escorting a convoy of 137 merchant ships in the Baltic, with the assistance of the bomb vessel Thunder and two gun-brigs. They left Karlskrona that day and on 20 October they anchored in the Øresund off Malmö. At noon a flotilla of Danish gunboats was seen moving towards the convoy and Africa sailed to intercept them.[3] The flotilla consisted of 25 gunboats and seven armed launches, mounting some 70 heavy cannons and with an overall total of some 1600 men.[3] It was under the command of Commodore J.C. Krieger.[4] At 1:30 the wind died and Africa was immobilized. By 2:50pm the gunboats had stationed themselves off Africa's quarters, where few of her guns could fire, and opened fire. The battle continued until 6:45pm when with night closing in all firing ceased. Had daylight lasted another hour the Danes would probably have captured Africa.[3] As it was, she had lost 9 men killed and 51 wounded, including Barrett. She was so badly battered that she had to return to Karlskrona for refitting.[3] The convoy, however, managed to reach Britain.
  13. Lets see what history has to say about smaller more maneuverable ships versus big lumbering galleons. Do you remember the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British Fleet under the command of Sir Francis Drake and Lord Charles Howard Size of the navies in the Armada campaign: The Spanish Armada sailed with around 160 ships. The English mobilised up to 200 ships in the Channel. Unknown numbers of Dutch vessels harassed and attacked the Armada and hemmed the Duke of Parma’s forces into their harbour of Dunkirk. Ships, organization, tactics and equipment: The descent of the Spanish Armada on England in 1588 ocurred at a time of profound change in sea warfare. The Spanish represented the old tradition while the English fought with a new design of warship and new tactics. In medieval warfare at sea soldiers added castles to the merchant trading vessel at the front and the rear (fore castle and after castle) and at the top of the mast and fought their fleets as if on land, discharging arrows and handguns, boarding the enemy ships and conducting hand to hand fighting. The ships incorporated by the Spanish in the Armada represented this tradition. The main Spanish vessels were galleons, sailing ships that rode high out of the water with towering fore and after castles from which handheld firearms were discharged; while the crews grappled the enemy ships so that soldiers could board and capture them. Their height and broad beam made these ships awkward to sail. English captains, particularly John Hawkins and Francis Drake, inspired a new form of ship for the Queen’s Navy, the “race ship”, of which around 25 were built. Lower in the water, with a long prow and much reduced fore and after castles, these sleek ships carried more sophisticated forms of rigging, enabling them to sail closer to the wind, making them faster and more manoeuvrable than the Spanish ships. History is replete with numerous events where underrated and vastly inferior forces overcame superior forces. What it takes to win was researched and discovered by a US Air Force Colonel named John Boyd who was obsessed with the question, What does it take to win? He discovered that the deciding factor was agility on the battlefield or on the high seas. Agility built on mutual trust. BTW Malachy don't look now but there is a target on your back!
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