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Raxius last won the day on June 2 2020

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  1. @admin any answer to this question? its been over a month since i asked the question and this has many votes, appreciate hearing your response soon
  2. Hello sailors, Taking a birdseye view on recent changes, developments and updates its clear to me the release was a mere formality, please @admin can you share with your community your roadmap for the game as you previously did for Alpha & Beta, with cannon mechanic changes, ship wood balancing, implementation of new woods, privateer fleets, investments, the ability to improve ports and to teleport into portbattles i think it is clear for all to see development team still has a picture of how Naval action will be. My main point is ofcourse, when is it complete whereby future updates consist of new ships, new events and new rewards as opposed to mechanic reworks and wood balancing, or will the game never be complete in that way? I ask honestly as a loyal player since Alpha with several 1000's of hours of gametime i wish to understand whether we can expect balancing and mechanic reworks for the entirety of this game's life or will we see the light at the end of the tunnel? please release a roadmap so at least as you implement reworks of mechanics we can use the roadmap to explain to our clan members to endure the changes for a better final product otherwise player base will continue to decline as leaders struggle with player retention. @admin look forward to hearing from you regarding this, without this information it will be near impossible to pursuade players to keep enduring
  3. this is nonsense... you expect clan members to delete level 3 shipyards, level 3 buildings, purchase additional DLC and then coordinate with clan to fight eachother to improve? how will the clan sustain that, if half of it has moved then materials are not being deposited, members lose interaction with one another, other clans fail to trust clans that have 50% in another nation i dont want to delve deeper into this unimaginable idea.. wouldnt it be easier, more effective and to be honest with you less hassle to just implement the lobby system fleet practice that was already previously in the game when I purchased it not to mention with your idea it will cost a stupid amount of ships,. upgrades, cannons, to which the fleet practice is designed to teach without substantial cost?? Please read your suggestions to yourself before sharing next time as i dont want to have to explain the well known reasons why this is a bad bad bad idea. please implement fleet practice.
  4. @admin plrease can you comment on this?? right now RvR in Naval action consists of Russia and Sweden.. experienced players looking for RvR move to either of these nations to be with experienced players, meaning nations such as Great Britain, Spain, USA, Pirates, Dutch, Poland, China, Prussia are somewhat at a dead end, its impossible to teach players without losing something and then players you train may just end up moving to one of the two RvR nations. Please comment on this question, preferably return fleet practice! so the majority of nations can train a fleet work together and fight for a place on the map.
  5. the simplest solution would be to make charleston and KPR investable... this way no one clan has ownership (admiralty can own it) - easy nations and no one clan profits from the port other than the abiltity to invest and to craft ships in that port.. KPR is already a 55 point port.. but just needs the ability to invest into it... in order for shipyards to be placed... in the old days everyone crafted in KPR as it was uncapturable and there was no down side except tax income... give easy nations this ability back
  6. lol haha.. but regarding my question with implac's redouts??? rank 3?? or wasa rank 4? connie rank 4?... idk getting more retarded by the day
  7. hello devs, Sorry if this question pains you but seeing a ship existing in the game files but not in the base game pains me.. you can clearly see the HMS Temeraire exists in the game files and the design has already been completed and balanced and fits the time period of Naval Action. What pains me more is you have added in the christian and 2 3rd rates which should be 2nd rates (redoutable, implacable) going by your balancing of wasa (which if you dont update the redout and implacable to 2nd rate then wasa and constitution should be 4th rates again.. but why isnt this ship in the game??????? hope to here your answer soon - here is a wiki link so you can check for yourselves + also advise checking game folder you can clearly see all the coding is intact. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Temeraire_(1798)
  8. The reason why the players did not want to attack the NOTO player is because we were hunting together on open world, i was not in the battle but i warned Salladin several times in open world not to tag him we are playing together, this battle took place on the US coastline where we were grouping up to pvp against US players - if your saying that if 8 players want to work with someone and 1 player doesnt and just wants to attack him even though he has been for-warned before, and during the battle then it means that your system of "player driven diplomacy" is broken. as one rogue player can ruin all diplomacy! i feel ashamed to think you would consider de-ranking these players over 1 selfish player looking for a fast kill when he knew what was going on and decided he didnt care about the 8 players spamming his pm telling him not to attack. the reason why salladin wasnt the tagger was because the russian player fast tagged him to prevent salladin from doing it (to try to disenagge) the NOTO player was outside a russian port and was purely based on trust to work with him. please think on this properly, the outcome of this tribunal will determine whether many players (myself included) have any faith in the player driven diplomacy system) The NOTO player could of attack the russian but we also asked him not to as we were working together fight US players to which he agreed. I think it isnt fair to force the NOTO player on tribunal you cannot garuntee all players will follow rules in terms of player-made diplomacy and if this issue swings in the rogue players favor then its clear your diplomatic system is broken and you promote rogue players
  9. hi devs, as you have ranked several nations in terms of difficulty, a lot has changed since those difficulties were set. if GB, USA are deemed easy perhaps they should have a 55 point unconquerable port? then at least new players are on the same footing as nations deemed hard, since currently on the map the nation ranked "impossible" is currently the easiest as they own 2/3 of the entire map.
  10. Please can you stop buffinf the home defense fleets and perhaps nerf them? The 1st rates are sailing faster backwards then our seasoned first rates, they have ridiculous penetration, fire rate and HP, i understand they need to be stronger than standard AI however you have made them a requirement for RvR due to flag drop and added a further 2 santisima's. It seems with 10 players we have to rotate over 300 hull repairs each for 1 HDF. This is far too much, if you need them to be fast then fine, but then nerf some firepower or drop it back to 11 ships. I have seen a huge lack of portbattles since you implemented flags because players dont wana fight a war and have to grind 3 - 4 HDF's every day. up until now pve has been optional as pvp rewards can be as rewarding and allow players to do pvp without so much pve this has now changed. If pve must now be mandatory please can you ease the difficulty slightly on HDF's, we are still able to complete them but its extremely expensive and exhausting and is turning players away from the game, especially as we have to farm over 1500 wooden chests for port investment. i request you nerf HDF's and ease the requirements on port investments maybe even by 30%? you will still achieve what you wanted only it will be less grindy and people will actually be able to see progress.
  11. @admin are you going to put the front line mechanic back where-by only the 2 closest ports can be pulled for conquest mission? Or will you keep the existing system of closest 10 targets? need this answered ASAP.
  12. so.. @admin once this nerf is complete will it be the final result? or do i wait 2 weeks before updating my builds since clearly you cannot make up your mind or even respond and appease your community this is the posiition you put your players in. now i wonder whether we trust the updates you put in are final? Players like myself are forced to hesitate to commit time to the game because you keep moving the goal posts.
  13. @admin Since time has been taken to consider nerfing what has only just been implemented after a delay BECAUSE of balancing... i wonder if you have taken the time to consider compensating the players / clans that have already built fleets of the woods that will now be "nerfed" as well as invested them into ports.. and placed many buildings and upgraded them to level 3? I mean.. seriously??? if your going to delay something..... at least make sure its RIGHT before implementation, you control the attributes, the stats you have released the game.. so stop prematurely implementing updates and using use like lab mice. instead please test these things BEFORE adding them in to avoid wasting dedicated players time. please respond to this, im interested to see whether you care enough to compensate players for your mistakes.
  14. this mechanic is confusing.. not to understand it.. but for players who play together.. when only half or less your group can engage in the content due to bad karma or good karma ... which inevitably forces players to attack specific nations and join specific sides in order to not be affected by the karma mechanic... so if alliances are forged it wont matter because half the fleet cant help the ally.
  15. okay so my alts can be really reaally unr eputable but my main will be reputable and honourable
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