CBC refused to help you for Biloxi as the others clans did because we didn't want to be evolve in several conflict at the same time, it's been said several time.
You didn't just helped CBC at TdB but the Nation, this screenshot doesn't show a CBC only PB from my point of view http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1173380164
Pirates of BURN clan are NOT allies with france, they are allies with you EDR but you seem to identify yourself as the french nation a lot.
-If you think we blame you a lot, why won't you ask yourself why ? instead of rejecting the blame back on us
-We do not complain if the nation is not at our service, and we don't ask it to be, i would like a bit more of explaination. (because you seems to be the one complaining about us not being at your service for Biloxi and Pampatar)
-I get confuse here, isn't EDR clan that is helping other nation ?
For my point of view, we know what is going on with the EDR at the last moment,when they are doing it, like : no information about the "pvp" against the danes, no information on pirates or any other nation being your allies (personally I've learn that you were allies because of this post), no communication at all, we (other clans) do not always agree with the decisions EDR takes, but you seems to take for granted that we do.