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About sounthernrebel78

  • Birthday August 22

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  1. Since the ship knowledge slots came out you are just now complaining about it? What logic is that with you having been around long before that update.
  2. @admin @Ink DLC TRADER EASY $20 I believe pricing it at $20 is Fair and the cheapest $15 to be in line with the Admiralty Connection DLC. Take a 2nd or 3rd ship. Cut the top deck off, seal the lower and upper gun decks. Keep middle deck and originals cannon weight. Keep original crew numbers and have base hold size as 5500 or 6000, as for speed make it the same as the Indiaman's base speed. This would be classed as a 4th rate. Be the largest trader in the game. Be able to defend itself against everything smaller than it but still be considerably under gunned by 4th rates and larger. Its base speed would allow it to outrun those ships. Like the Indiaman it has the ability to fight small ship in an attempt to defend itself but faced with anything of equal size it considerably out gunned this ship would be no different This set up would have been a conversion that happened a lot by navies around the world for captured or outdated ships to be converted into a transport ship or simply sold off to a trade company who would make the conversion. For instance a 2nd rate line ship constructed in the early 1600(before 1650) and managed to survive into the 1700s that's atleast 50 years of service in that time it would need to be put in dry dock and repaired from being at sea for so many years. Newer ships would have already replaced it on the front lines making it a reserve ship or coastal patrol at best. Even today ships don't reach 50 years of service very often unless they get converted to another role like the US navy giving its older ships to the Coast Guard. Modeling a ship like this would be simply doesn't need fancy decorations on the ship, that is if you don't just remodel an existing ship. Something very similar to the 3rd rate in the game very generic and as for the name call it Trader Line ship. It would be in line of the Trader Brig/snow/cutter/lynx.
  3. I don't agree with it just pointing out what the devs want and this wouldn't be the first time a game that implements a system to get the time of game play the developers want. ALSO the devs have mentioned "front lines" where you can only take ports close to ones already controlled by your nation so teleport fee seems be pointing in that direction.
  4. This as been suggested many times, but more like the function of the clan warehouse. Saying something couldn't be abused by alts is a huge stretch. I would love this honestly. Don't agree with taxes.
  5. Considering you now require doubloons to craft ships of 4th rate or higher when those ships required combat marks to purchase the permit. You hello kittyed the player base by now requiring a pvp reward to do anything in game. Ships shouldn't require doubloons when you made combat marks convert to reals and made everything that cost combat marks now cost doubloons. This is not a fair trade off for the player base.
  6. You are barking up the wrong tree on this. The devs are attempting to push people to sail between ports instead of teleporting.
  7. This regional based ship spawn is already a pain.
  8. indeed the UI is great though. I don't know how they can fix it though.
  9. Next few days it looks like everyone will be hitting ai traders
  10. so we are getting doubloons for our lvl 2 and 3 resource buildings as well?
  11. no doubt this may go down as the most hated patch.
  12. The way everyone got screwed it would have been easier to accept a full wipe minus xp
  13. This conversion rate sucked I had close to 7 mil and now you only give me 440k which only sounds like the conversion of my combat marks. @admin whats up with this? Edit: Not to mention the supposed refund of buildings.
  14. The Indiaman use to be classed as a 4th rate, not sure why it was lowered in class. So when you compare the Indiaman to ships in its ORGINAL class it makes since. You have not provided a reason on why to lower the crew on the Indiaman. The high crew it has does not create a balance problem. However it does provide player the ability to protect their cargo that other traders do not. such as fully man sails, cannons, and boarding prep. An Indiaman outfitted to be a "pirate" ship requires the large crew. The Indiaman offers players the ability to truly be pirates as they get a high number of crew to board enemy ships good cannons decent speed and the ability to enter any port. Instead of attempting to limit content and different play styles make a suggestion that adds more content and gives player more options. SUCH AS instead of modifying the Indiaman the devs create an "Indiaman Refit" which would lower crew count to roughly 250, lower the class of cannons, increase cargo weight. This would be the opposite of the LGV refit which makes the ship ready for combat.
  15. Cut off dates are more flexible then people realize. It more about technology cut off then just a date. IF the USS Pennsylvania were to be added it would have to be a rare drop from 1st rate epics as well as be slow with like a 8kn base speed so LO/WO would go a max of 6kns. Technology wise the ship would work well in the game. Her cannon load out would make her the most powership in the game and if she would have ever seen combat it would have been a battleship of the time. The American way BIG SHIP BIG GUNS. The only reason the "cutoff" is to insure people didn't try to push steam ships in the game because they launched closed to the cut off date. Personally I feel the ship will eventually get added once they finish the game and work out all the bugs in the mechanics. If not the ship would break current mechanics. So instead of pushing for the ship now lets keep pushing for the game to fix the broken systems before we go an add ships they will end up breaking the already destroyed ship balancing.
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