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Jack Aubrrey

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    Aussie spiders, Kangaroo boxing matches & sheep

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  1. True, it was gonna happen sooner or later. Chris and his group tried to gank, they got retaliation and ganked themselves. big deal, move on cause the rest of us don't really care about it anymore
  2. Hey captains I don't normally comment on forums but since I was involved in the planning of the counter gank fleet, I thought I should clear things up on the full story and not just the end screenshot. our group planned to do some PvP out of George Town with some of us leaving from Tumbado to reach this destination. One of our group (Barnabus) was late arriving in Discord and left Tumbado in a St Pavel later than us, to find he was being chased by 5 pirate players. We all teleported over to Tumbado and grabbed whatever we had there (tow request was used for George Town) and left to help out Barnabus. We found from Barnabus who was inside the battle, that it was the VCO players being lead by Christendom. 3 of us (Stilicho, incid Fuego and myself ) managed to get inside the 5 VCO vs Barnabus gank to find VCO was "just trying to demast him" while shooting chain at his sails and Barnabus had hull damage....... either they are really bad shots and their ships are so slow that they need to chain him to catch his 10 knot Pavel with speed 5th and 4th rates.... or they just changed their "intentions" to suit their situation of fighting the other players. didn't seem to make sense... as the 3 of us engaged in broadsides with Vodka, the whole VCO fleet retreated to the safety of the mighty Captain Willis in his prized Victory (turny turny, bouncy, bouncy) so we decided to disengage from the fight knowing we didn't have the hull HP or ships to win the day. Barnabus got out of there and we managed to hold off the VCO fleet from swarming him. We tagged them again outside, near Tumbado, but this time with a SANTI player in a speed built santi. We then had BR higher than VCO and it was a 5 VCO vs 6 of the Barnabus help line. once this battle was started and shots were being used to tag the fleeing Vic, Christendom messaged me in discord saying: Christendom-Yesterday at 12:45 PM guess we fight now so we did fight. the battle finished and we left. towards the end, Chris and I said: Jack Aubrrey-Yesterday at 1:06 PM hey, just having a friendly fight you did shoot our guy first Christendom-Yesterday at 1:09 PM we were only gonna play with him since it was barnabus if we wanted to fight we would of engaged in that battle all good though Yes VCO was Ganked by us, not denying that, but it was a counter gank to the VCO fleet on Barnabus, not a straight up gank like he describes. Hopefully that helps people know what happened through the whole battles. I only used discord quotes cause Chris did. We don't hate anyone in VCO and we just wanted a gentleman's fight. I have not insulted anyone and I have not altered any part of the real story. If you want to put bounty on our heads, go for it, we don't mind. just don't pretend like you didn't bring it on yourself.
  3. Interesting choice of VCO changing nation. BLACK had informed us a few days ago and our clan [HYDRA] has been holding off fire on VCO for the past day or two at Tumbado. Missed a nice opportunity on capping a VCO L'Ocean at Belize but oh well, BLACK told us in time. McManis and I were on good terms from our random confrontations there so I'm happy he has no hard feelings for when/if he goes pirate. @Sir Texas Sir They have always had loads of 1st rates around in major GB ports, not news but nice to see you have a screenshot of it. Catch you guys at the La Navasse PB, good luck and have fun all
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