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About Hjalfnar_Feuerwolf

  • Birthday 05/19/1988

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    Kingdom of Hannover

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  1. Haven't played in ages, so was wondering when I would get a Steam key as an relatively early backer.^^ I'll wait, I think it is worth it!
  2. Completely forgot to share the video here. Usually more of a submarine guy, but I really enjoy this game.
  3. This problem suddenly turned up, kind of annoying as I was about to finish my alpha review and I am just missing some 5 minutes of footage to do so. xD I load up the launcher, hit play, it asks me for configuration setting, I hit play and...nothing. Already tried repairing, didn't work. Any ideas? Edit: Ok, probably add this to your list of solutions. I remembered a problem I had with BattleTech (that also runs on the Unity Engine) and closed all other programs currently using the GPU. Restarted the launcher, game runs. No idea what program caused the issue, I had my Action! recording software, Magix Vegas 17 rendering software and the Firefox browser open.
  4. If I am not mistaken it currently doesn't do anything. I think it well get important in the campaign, similar to the range a ship is build for.
  5. But probably it should be an estimate. Something like 10-12" hits instead of just simply 11" hits.
  6. I have to admit I see this in a rather positive light, coming from Ultimate General: Civil War where the AI didn't even know how to retreat in the campaign (which is nonetheless a great game). But I agree that in custom battles there should be a "no retreat" option.
  7. Just a question that is coming up for me: If I do a custom battle, am I only able to do the design for one type of ship for my fleet, and all the others are randomly generated?
  8. Ah, didn't see your post! Thank you for the information!
  9. Steam will be required in the future from what I understood. And no MP planned as far as I know.
  10. Could you elaborate on your system specs?
  11. Pretty much, it leads to the AI not being able to decide when to pull back...and of course that would make a lot of the battles far less engaging. In UG:CW (and the Total War games) you and your enemy suffer horrendous casualties that would have led to one or even both sides becoming combatineffective. As UG:CW is missionbased and doesn't have a true grand strategy part that would make it necessary for the AI the devs obviously made the battles as thrilling as possible instead of making the AI retreat when it noticed it didn't stand a chance. I guess in UA:D and UA:AoS we might see something new here and I am really looking forward to it, because I know Nick (the lead dev) managed to get the Total-War-AI to consider retreating as an option.
  12. I am not young. And I have played Warhammer40k for most of my life, so I am used to the Imperial system. It's just an annoying thing that is easily averted by a minor UI change. Besides, making this a "boomer vs millenial" (I am neither) problem is not really a way to discuss. Such minor things can have a bigger impact than you would think. Remember, most gamers are still 30 or below, the vast majority of strategy players comes from Europe, of which again the vast majority does not use the Imperial system. But it is the first thing they will see ingame. Quite a few will find a way to the Options menue to change that, but then again a good portion of the English Wikipedia entries on various warships are still Imperial system exclusive. So there you have a clickfest (that for me is already much easier as I have a multi monitor setup) just to get some historical more or less accurate ships...and a bunch of annoyed customers that go play something else. I have quite a few friends in the gaming industry, UI accessibility is probably one of the most important issues they have atm. Not only for younger people btw, but an increasing amount of elders or gamers that get older and have problems with their eyes, mental "speed" etc. TL;DR: Making UI more accessible = profit, no matter how you think about it.
  13. You do realize the sole reason for scaling etc. is because the AI can't retreat in UG:CW?
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