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  1. I hope that you would add following features to the game International purchases of warships (I think it is most important) It would be very important feature especially for Japan and China, because of the fact that their early fleets consisted almost entirely of European/American-made warships (For example, in the Battle of the Yalu River, 8+11 of 12+14 warships participated are foreign-made ones). Also it would be important for the exporter like Italy, who exported many of his Giuseppe Garibaldi class cruisers. It would be interesting diplomatic option to offer cutting-edge warships and its technology to low-tech countries and easy budget and low-risk experiments of ship designs to high-tech countries. Also I hope that you would add a number of unplayable factions as buyers of these armaments, like Greece, Argentine or Chile. More detailed evolution of "Heavy/Light cruisers", especially their protection Definition of Heavy/Light cruiser was dictated in London Naval Treaty of 1930, for the first time. Since then, there was a variety of types of cruisers according to its protection, like belted cruisers (side belt armor only) or Protected cruisers (armoured deck only) I think it should be important stuff for development of cruisers in the game. More detailed evolution of gun turret arrangements From simple double turrets of back and forth to all-centerlined superfiring multiple turrets, there are a number of weird arrangements of them, for example en echelon arrangement like HMS Neptune (1909) or SMS Kaiser (1911). I think that these weird arrangements should have important roles to fill gaps between both successful and sophisticated designs P.S. Still available is closed Alpha limited edition? As a Japanese guy, I want to help you guys to localize the game in Japanese.
  2. Possible weapon reward ID list Sharps Model 1855: 00 74 03 Sharps Model 1859: 01 74 03 Pattern 1861 Enfield: 02 74 03 1862 CS Richmond: 03 74 03 Burnside: 04 74 03 Colt M1855: 05 74 03 Colt Model 1855: 06 74 03 Frank Wesson: 07 74 03 Lemat: 08 74 03 Maynard: 09 74 03 Palmetto M1842: 0A 74 03 Remington M1862: 0B 74 03 Sawedoff: 0C 74 03 Smith: 0D 74 03 Spencer carbine: 0E 74 03 10pdr Ordnance: 0F 74 03 10pdr Parrot: 10 74 03 10pdr Tredgar: 11 74 03 12pdr Howitzer: 12 74 03 12pdr Napoleon: 13 74 03 12pdr Whitworth: 14 74 03 14pdr James: 15 74 03 20pdr Parrott: 16 74 03 24pdr Howitzer: 17 74 03 6pdr Gun: 18 74 03 6pdr Wiard: 19 74 03 Palmetto M1842: 1A 74 03 Cook&Brother: 1B 74 03 Farmer: 1C 74 03 Rebored Farmer: 1D 74 03 Springfield M1842: 1E 74 03 Colt M1855: 1F 74 03 Pattern 1853 Enfield: 20 74 03 Fayetteville: 21 74 03 Henry: 22 74 03 Hunter: 23 74 03 J.F. Brown (TS): 24 74 03 Lorenz: 25 74 03: 25 74 03 MJ&G Type II: 26 74 03 Mississippi M1841: 27 74 03 Sharps: 28 74 03 Spencer: 29 74 03 Tyler Texas: 2A 74 03 Springfield M1855: 2B 74 03 Springfield M1861: 2E 74 03 Springfield M1863: 2F 74 03 Harpers Ferry M1855: 30 74 03 CS Richmond: 31 74 03 Whitworth: 32 74 03 Whitworth (TS): 33 74 03 General Reward List Northern Generals: 3B 69 03 (Burnside) - 60 69 03 (Schimmelfennig) Southern Generals: 61 69 03 (Anderson) - 8D 69 03 (Wright)
  3. I found where weapons has their IDs And these IDs are linked with Reward IDs Additionally historical generals also has their Reward IDs Weapon Reward ID: Weapon (01FFCAC0 - 01FFCFA0) General Reward ID: Officer (01FFB900 - 01FFCA60)
  4. Battle Reward Deta North: (01FFD430 - 020008B0) South: (020008B0 - 02003C80) At Winter 1862 Campaign a.k.a Fredericksburg Campaign (BG Difficulty, Politics +10) 030D40 in hexadecimal = 200000, 200000x1.25=250000. 01D4C0 = 120000, 120000x1.25 = 150000. 015F90 = 90000, 90000x1.25 = 112500 1D4C = 7500, 7500x1.25 = 9375. 1388 = 5000, 5000x1.25 = 6250. 0BB8 = 3000, 3000x1.25 = 3750 14 = 20. 01 = 1. 100000000-FFFFFFCE = -32 = -50
  5. Well, however, in fact still enemy casualty rate grows more than historical fact with my mod... Basically your problem is related to moral damage per casualties, unreasonable increase of casualties by flanking and rear shots. (Basically flanking and rear shots should just affects moral, not casualities) I haven't find how to edit those parameters yet...
  6. Weapon Shop Data Reputation Shop North: Path ID 221147 (01ED8770 - 01EDAA30) South: Path ID 221148 (01EDAA30 - 01EDCB40) 011170 in hexadecimal = 70000, 0DAC = 3500, 07D0 = 2000, 05DC = 1500 "Stage7" means Winter 1862 Campaign a.k.a Fredericksburg Campaign
  7. Where save data are on Win PC: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Game Labs\Ultimate General Civil War\Save
  8. I'll gladly lend The Solder my MOD on his dropbox And I update my MOD with some important fixies (in fact these fixes patches my bluncer...) http://up3.kouploader.jp/?m=dp&n=koupz95945 DLkey is UGCW Btw I play Historical Battle Gettysburg with my MOD!
  9. Unfortunately, no... However, we should find a way to increase ammo that unit can have and supply wagon can store, or decrease consumption of ammo per volley. Additionally there is other problems such as a fact that we cannot fast-forward volley animation yet...
  10. Here is it. DLkey is UGCW http://up3.kouploader.jp/?m=dp&n=koupz95925 Replace resources.assets with this.
  11. I tried modding Fire Rate x4, Damage x1/4, Accuracy x1/4... In fact it was pretty fun!! Volleys aren't so destructive but more volleys has steady stopping power as historical fact. Additionally I felt it becomes more difficult to entrap AI in low cover terrains with my mod... More Historical Weapon MOD (Alpha version) http://up3.kouploader.jp/?m=dp&n=koupz95945 DLkey is UGCW. After downloading it, replace "resources.assets" with it in Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data. When you want to recover the game to vanilla condition, uninstall and reinstall the game (Save data is stored in your personal directory so there is no fear of losing your save data)
  12. Time-related issue 1h54min in game is 12min: it means 9.5 times faster Fire Rate of rifle musket: 40-57 (1shot/20s = 0.05shot/s with Fire Rate 40, 0.07125shot/s with Fire Rate 57) in game -> 2-3shot/min = 0.033-0.05shot/s: it means 2.1375-1 times faster Moving speed: Range 350(= 291m) with 30s = 9.7m/s by walking in game -> Common Step (64.008m/min=1.0668m/s), Quick Step (78.232m/min=1.303867m/s), Double Quick (138.303m/min=2.30505m/s): 9.09-7.44 times faster Probably Fire rate should be 4.96 times faster
  13. I found a funny truth (In fact it is serious problem that could break the game balance, so we should do some fixes when making MOD) http://steamcommunity.com/app/502520/discussions/0/1470840994966509738/
  14. Fire Rate: 1500(00 40), 375(00 41), 1488(01 40), 1333(10 40), 1200(20 40), 1091(30 40), 1000(40 40), 885 (50 40)
  15. I found accurate place where cost parameter of weapon is So Updated... Thumbnail, Effective Range, Fire Rate, Damage, Melee, Accuracy and Cost Accuracy: error(00 00 00), 10(CC CC 3D), 40(CC CC 3E), 160(CC CC 3F), 640(CC CC 40), 10.78125(CC DC 3D), 11.5625(CC EC 3D), 12.34375(CC FC 3D) 200.0049 (00 00 40) 0.78125=25/32, 1.5625=25/16 3.125076(00 00 3D), 12.5(00 00 3E), 50.00122(00 00 3F), 199.2212(00 FF 3F), 200.0049(00 00 40) 640.1953(DC CC 40) 25/128=0.1953125
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