how about a 2 week ban like you have for others that have "abused alt mechanics" how about being fair across the board here, you set rules and only apply them to who you want when it's convenience, Yes, Ban for 2 weeks, lower the ranks, how about following through with what you say you are instead of playing favorites. and yes, there seems to be a history of those that yell loudest get what they want. If i'm wrong, so be it, but you should know this is a common perception.
what areas was it interfering with? Besides people using it before the Battle groups were formed (great addition BTW) ... of which you banned an account for... or using it to gank players in a safe zone... of which seems to be acceptable to you....
What players what doen't bother me... MODS and Admins now adhering to the rules they set forth do. You think i'm alone in this, I see 1000s (to use your number) of reviewers that feel the same way. Games change all the time, this I can understand... Rules being used to suit the needs of the times I can't... Yes, 1000's in game, not on these forums....