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Wish List

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. I mean the people that play at these times are getting boned hard.
  2. See the insults what I have to deal with..... Free Advice and they want to insult me
  3. JobaSet was in middle GA, Wish List was in Orlando Fla, don't know where other 2 live but both join my clan because I saved them when everyone else called them Alts and kept pulling huge fleets on them...will ask when I see them again. Point is Wish List(me) had more than enough points to join at Start along with the other two. I am a US players Now after the Wipe. They need to get use to it..... Want to know why I made nonaggression pack with some Pirates.... When I was beached afk at a port(yea I know) had 2 or 3 members from a certain Clan pull a NPC and try to make it kill me, THEY talked about in battle chat it "wont stay on them" and say "if we leave it will turn back on him and kill them". But that is not all, over the weekend more than 5(maybe 6) times groups were pulling huge fleets As I am passing them then they start running away to leave me to DIE. Nothing has Happened to any of them and now with the verbal abuse I have taken over the weekend, some of would get you arrested in most states.yea they know who they are. None of that matter to me one bit, as nothing I can do about it, The verbal abuse Spatted off in Nation, is funny Keep it up you are just helping me recruit more people to my clan. I am and my clan are not going away and will grow because we will win when we fight...We have some order, unlike what the US has now.
  4. Your enemy not ours Your enemy not ours No Spanish Show, We sat on circle We had no one to fight sorry you did
  5. ONE Free Lesson for all US player...the rest you can learn when you join Clan....... I wont call names, but you should never never never ever have control or have anyone near(they should not even be there at all) if you are wanting to join a port battle..... I pee'd my self when they told me that they had themselves under control lol.
  6. LOL Again we didn't get a escort lol we were there way before the Pirate got there or any of you. Except for 1 other guy
  7. Just wait until we have numbers like your clans have now. Wont take long people are sick of how bad the leaders are and the Direction the US ARE HEADING AGAIN .......... Who in there right mind would pick a Fight with the the Strongest guy in the room and can't even do 1 push UP. AND THEN Split up. OMG
  8. You guys are a Trip "Everyone is a ALT" ........F that I am a US player with a Clan That has a Nonaggression Pack with the"Most" Pirates. Why did I do this.... Some of Stupidest leaders of The US could not Accept me as a US player. I am a US player "NOW" and I (me Cathy) have kill more players than all of the So Called US "ELITE" Leaders Combined. When I decided to join the US I knew I would have some problems with a few..... But come on it is way to easy as a US Player and I am on hard 2 weeks and light for 2 weeks why I Joined them. But the harsh language I have taken over this weekend from some of the US Elite was to much. I had to watch the Pirate Port battle Vid since I had my mother over I could not go and had more than enough points to join instantly. I had questions for the Leaders and/or who called the port battle. What did I get 2 hours of name calling. What happened after that...... US Hero's was born. When you are ready to learn how to fight and or do port battle "RIGHT" send me a in game email to join the Clan. The days of the US idiots in charge is now ending. Should have trusted me when I tried to help but you didn't.....Life will Suck for most of you now....Why because guess what The Pirate's Love me and Fear me.....NOT any of you . Now they don't Have to fear my Clan. SO GET OVER IT. We will not raise a Sail in a Pirate Battle (for now) I may have to kill Duncan when I see him......
  9. JobaSet Said I should not play on test. Didn't wanna believe him. How hard could it be. Well no way to really gain XP, or what ever the marks are for. Tried to cap a Trader took me 3 times to figure out I had to put crew on it, and tell it to escape just to see it in battle screen. WTF. So I use the handy dandy trader tool to see where I needed sail to make most money from my goods I just got. Needless to say after 20 mins of Sailing I get to were I think I can make a little money off of my goods only to see that the prices DO NOT Match the trader tool. and before you say was it 1. No they had none for sell, so I should have been good on my price from Trader Tool to sell at 251 but I could only sell them at 67. How is this even possible. I was hoping to play live but more people on the test server. Again how is this even possible. I get it testing is for testing but wow
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