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Hullabaloo last won the day on September 19 2019

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  1. ok this is much better. Mast protection when not on full sails might actually work
  2. It's not about foul words though. Most people don't give a hello kitty about swearing. It's the trolling, arguing and politics. I didn't like the cross nation intel either. Players can use nation chat for help and can communicate in port (which adds a bit of realism/immersion). Personally I'm glad to see global go. I like the wind shadow and the battle sails mechanic looks better now. I don't even have a problem with the new penetration mechanics, they seem fine, I was still angling/bouncing ok. Over all its a good patch....except...the ease of demasting which I still think is going to detract from the gameplay/tactics/skill perspective. Which btw is not my own personal subjective opinion but it is the over whelming opinion of every player I have spoken to in my nation's TS.
  3. I was talking about the game and it's playability, you were the one who started using words like 'whining' and 'silly' because you didn't agree with what I said and now you accuse me of attacking you? go away you wierdo troll
  4. Sorry but you sound like the guy with no skill and the vic DLC who whined about getting rekt by better players in smaller ships? Historical accuracy? Like fixing a whole mast with sails and rigging in under 2 minutes? Like reviving crew members with rum? lol IT IS A GAME!
  5. Yes for these changes: 10 out of 10 for historical accuracy, minus several million out of 10 for fun gaming improvement.
  6. If you were in a mixed fleet or joined a battle with larger ships around you still had a role. Now you will be useless and you may as well not join, you will just be demasted by anyone with a 1st rate DLC with just enough skill to shoot vaguely in the right direction. I don't sink traders and not really into PZ so there is no point of me even sailing them. If some people like this patch then great, but I have just been on my nation's TS and everyone was excited about wind shadow and had logged on to test. After an hour, people just laughed and 80% left to play other games. It is the most negative and deflated response to a patch I can ever remember. Not anger, just disappointment and lack of interest. I have redoubtable DLC. I will spend my money on pimping them a bit and when i lose them I will play other games until the cool down is up. I will not craft anymore it's a waste of time.
  7. I will hold off until more testing but I suspect anything less than 3rd rates will be useless in ow pvp now except for shallow and PZ or ganking defenceless traders and then running away. Wind Shadow might have been interesting but to increase large caliber penning and at the same time reduce mast thickness is madness or a cynical ploy to sell more Vic DLC? The cycle continues: the more this game is worked on the worse it gets.
  8. Sorry Ink if I have duplicated this but I don't see any record of the topic I posted yesterday. Yesterday myself and another player were subjected to a tirade of abuse by another player "Ostupnik" which included racist abuse and comments about his mother. I included the screen shot, I will paste here again just in case. The strange thing was it was unprovoked, it began before the battle even commenced and anything at all was said. There had been no direct interactions (battles) with the player beforehand. I realise that this has been scrolled so I have added another that includes the very start of the exchange. ty
  9. It's not designed to make sense (unfortunately). It's only designed to reduce false flag exploits and this not only doesn't make sense it is totally bizarre! I have never understood dev insistence on depriving solo/small clan players from getting Port Bonuses.
  10. Imagine you are Pirate and you are in LGV refit and you sail up the Florida coast. At the moment you are positive to US (you have never attacked a US player). You can dock at any port in ANY ship you can even build buildings and craft ships and you would even get the Port Bonuses for that Port. You see a US trader, you tag him and sink him. So now your relations are Standard. You can still enter the US ports in a trader (and LGV refit) but not now in a warship. You cant craft anymore or build any buildings in US ports. You can attack as many US players as you like and maintain this til the end of time. Then, let's say you sail past and you see a battle Russia v US. You join the Russian side. Now you are Negative with US and you would NOT be able to enter the US ports even in a trader (LGV refit). If you saw another battle Russia v US the option to join US side would not now be open to you. If you wanted to enter US ports ever again you would need to pay the doubloon cost to reset your status.
  11. Yes it will. You only get negative if you join against nation under a false flag. You can still attack players (that only gives you standard karma with them) and so you can still then go into their port to repair etc. It is ONLY if you join against that nation under a false flag that you would be negative and thus be locked out.
  12. No. If you have negative karma to a nation you won't be able to enter that nation's port even in a trader (LGV refit). Standard and Positive you can.
  13. @admin Multiple buttons (and cost) for each nation? or a single button (cost) to reset to positive for ALL nations? again, am I right in assuming this will show reputation level for each individual nation? eg. Great Britain (S) Sweden (P) Russia (N) ....and so on
  14. No you didn't miss anything: There are no added benefits to being 'Positive' other than being able to enter that nation's port and craft there. (But that's a pretty big benefit imo). Being Standard is exactly as it is now on the PvP server. Being Negative excludes you from being able to enter a battle on the side of that nation AND prevents you from entering that nation's Port at all, in ANY ship, even a trader* (* admin used word 'potentially' here, I am not sure what was meant by that)
  15. Was in battle with Pirates. Both were sunk and battle was effectively over just waiting for last enemy ship to sink. Just seconds before Player 'Hell Crab' sank a Hercules joined 'Captain Agey'. It immediately upped sails and sailed in completely the opposite direction to where all other ships were. One of our ships was de-masted and taking fire from the fort. The timing was such that it was very obvious that the Herc joined at request, simply to prevent the battle ending. He joined the battle with no intention of fighting. It didn't work as the de-masted ship was able to rep sails and sail away, but it was still a long delay. I warned the player concerned that I felt this was not allowed but no repsonse. This must surely be an exploit. Please tell me this is not allowed. I have provided a screenshot but I have recorded a video if required. If nothing ever gets done, people will just keep doing it. ty
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