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Bobby Fiasco

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  1. Crushing. Maybe it's time to upgrade your difficulty level?
  2. What's this strategy? Sounds fun
  3. After all the updates and many changes, I feel like cavalry is in the sweet spot right now. They're great for scouting and supply raids, can fight well dismounted, can still harass artillery, skirmishers caught in the open or routing units, and they get massacred by prepared infantry. This all seems historically accurate to me! As fun as it was to have melee cavalry around wreaking havoc, that felt more Europe: 1809 than America: 1862. Plus I hated getting utterly wrecked by all those 3 star confederate cavalry units. Thanks for all the tweaking, developers!
  4. Hey guys, let's talk about the nitty gritty game-upping strategy choices for major general! How do you defeat the enemy supermen? I'm finding that I am way more concerned with flanking than before. I always went for envelopments, but now I'm more concerned with micromanaged skirmish cav. and sharpshooter flanking maneuvers because enemy units DO NOT BREAK otherwise (or much less often than before). My men cannot go toe-to-toe in the open without disproportionate casualties. Does anyone have any thoughts about maintaining veterans at this level? Keeping my star levels up is just sucking money (yes, I'm investing in training, but dividing it with politics and the crucial army org. so I'm not high level yet). My one-stars are going into major battles with 1,300 or 1,400 men and frequently coming out with 800 or 900. I barely have any two starts because of the cost, and those are at around 1,000.
  5. Damn, you're managing to have two star 2,000 man units on Legendary?! You truly are a legend.
  6. I'm on my first MG campaign and it's the first time that some of the battle scripting has worked to the letter. On normal, I get warned to fall back headlong and ignore it until scripting forcibly moves me back because I'm doing fine, but now, on battles like Shiloh, I actually do feel the pressure. These battles are stressful (in a fun way) bloody and awesome. Good times! This has reinvigorated my gameplay.
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  7. Now that I am loving dismounted carbine cavalry on the flanks and rear of enemy units, I send melee cav to sit there and protect them/sacrifice themselves against the enemy's freaking 1,0000-man two-star cav. units. I used to kill artillery with them too but their melee has been so nerfed that they can't even handle that anymore.
  8. Ah ha! I think that's what it was! These were the default units from Philipi. Thanks!
  9. Hey gang. I'm on my first major general difficulty campaign and I started Bull Run, preparing to do THE Union Bull Run strategy: demonstrate at the river crossing until your flanking force arrives on the left side of the screen to attack the rebels' forces with General Bee, then force the river crossing when the huge Sherman and...some other guy brigades arrive. But for the first time of my many times running this battle, the confederates abandoned the river crossing early on and went to help the rebs on the hill, allowing me to cross the river to the primary objective (Matthew's Hill?) and start fighting it out there much earlier than usual. It made for a different kind of battle. Has anyone seen this before? Maybe it's this new patch bringing some new tricks.
  10. Thanks gang. I'm saying: after a battle I had three units level up to one star status, so I could choose morale or strength/conditioning for the infantry, and I believe artillery has the third choice of extra ammo. I selected stamina for one unit and it automatically applied it to all of the others that had leveled up, against my will. Is this a bug?
  11. But few are as awesome as Ultimate General! I would love to make cavalry squares and French attack columns with this engine and AI. Also love the medieval idea. Whatever it may be, it would be great to have more dynamic battles, i.e.: if I take a point, don't "advance to the next day" and kick me halfway back across the field to where I've given up my hard-won position.
  12. It seems like on major general, when a unit levels up and I choose a perk for them, it gets applied to every unit in the division. This is my first MG campaign so... is this really the case? If so, I am officially whining! Why do I want artillery units to have stamina? And what about that far-sightedness perk for cavalry? Or different perks for different jobs, for that matter?
  13. It was BG level, and the same thing happened to me in my first campaign. I refought the battle several times and always got ground down to nothing. I was going to just give the opposition a bloody nose and withdraw everyone and take the defeat this time, but then my strategy worked. Things I did wrong in the past were: underestimating what it takes to hold the bridges that the Union sends a flanking force over. You need a division at each one with strong artillery support. I used 1 star guys with rifles. I threw in a bunch of the random extra Napoleons and 6 pounders from my armory into new units in my third corps forces that arrive last. That probably scaled up the Union artillery, but the AI doesn't use it as well and I eventually destroyed it all. I have a lot of ordnance guns now! Other things to consider are: your force at the Dunker Church should be your best men, with a few expendable units mixed in to stand in the most dangerous spots while the two-stars are getting all the kills. Keep to the L-shaped forest. It also helped that I sent 28 heavy howitzers and ten ordnance guns. Ration your supply wagon ammo carefully. Each of the howitzers got around 3,000 kills. I used much more cavalry this time than I did in the past. Four smirkish cav units and three large veteran melee units I had carefully shepharded through the campaign. I micromanaged the skirmishers (carbine-armed ones) to give attacking Union troops flanking fire and break them. The melee units captured supply wagons and waited for their moment to slaughter the enemy artillery. When your sunken road units arrive, be AGGRESSIVE. I sent one division to the bridge and everyone else attacked, not defending the road at all. I also sent a division from the Dunker Church Force flanking around from the north west (from the direction of Nicodemus Hill, that random VP you don't actually need) but only because there was an opportunity to do so. They took heavy casualties but split the enemy's attack so they never hit one spot with their whole strength. I had four large units of cannon fodder rookies armed with farmers and springfields. I literally named them 1st Cannon Fodder, 2nd Cannon Fodder, etc. They would break cover to run out and deliver flanking fire to break attacking units. It helped that the Union attacked kind of piecemeal. Finally, I abused the "deploy skirmishers" exploit to break up enemy charges... I'm not proud, but neither is defeat! Save often.
  14. After multiple attempts and campaign-ending defeats, I did it! The advice that's floating around here has been pretty good (hold the L-shaped tree line that the Dunker Church is in, rather than the fortification lines in the open) but I also went way more aggressive. My Sunken Road reinforcements in phase II went ON THE ATTACK immediately, staunching the Union advance and eventually enveloping them. I sent one division with strong artillery support to be a bridge bottlenecking force for the bridge the Union tries to cross but everyone else went forward. My third wave reinforcements reinforced/relieved the bridge forces and held Burnside's Bridge. I went in with 53K rebels against something like 97,000 enemies. Took 18,000 casualties and inflicted 67,000. Most of my casualties were caused by poor micro-managing of the bridge holding forces, who were especially chewed up by Union artillery before I sent cav around and ate them all. Great times!
  15. I believe this happened to me as well actually.
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