Now after the game release it will be hard to find a sollution for too many nation issue. Adding China nation definitely didnt help it.
Personally, I don't like the nation system on War Server. I will always support clan based game. Nations should stay only on "Peace" server .
If i see the propostions of making forced alliances my reaction looks like this > 🤢. It`s sandbox and game dont force cooperation beetwen nations/ clans/ players that hate each other.
From my point of view we should have one big nation "Neutral" that have a several ports in various places on map. Then players can form the clans that are able to fight over the rest of ports, act like a nation and can ally with eachother.
Less drastic solution was proposed here:
Its hard to predict if it will work as should it. We will always have a "zerg" nation like russia and dead like Poland its all depend on clans. At least the small ones will get the support in form of positive modifiers. If propsition of "national modifiers and corruption" win I hope we will get firstly another thread to post our ideas for national moddifers