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  1. I say its right on, in fact how can you argue that when people have more money they can replace basic stuff is UNtrue? look at your number of posts, its this 1% mentality that makes this game continue to loss ppl, Saying ppl can't replace stuff if they have more money in their pocket is untrue, what a joke
  2. how much of a change would it be if the Developers actually worked on content that brought new players into the game, rather than restrict the players that are already here, and lets go a step further for arguments sake, how hard would it be to get content that makes new players "want " to stay in the game, this should be one of the highest goals, and Seriously, I don"t think its anywhere on the future road map, Keep making the game harder for new players, take our material ability to make new ships if we sink them, just keep doing that, and watch the player base continue to shrink, you wanna know what makes a game fun, the ability to craft our own ships, the ability to go out and sink or swim, Jobs where we can acquire wealth, and spend that wealth on things to make our lives better in game, but, no. Lets make the game wealth harder to get, lets make ships harder to craft, why? because a 1% of the player base wants this, and is afraid others will be able to gather this elusive wealth that they already have, heavens no, make the game harder, like i said, bringing new ppl into the game isn't even being thought about, nowhere on the future road map, and not anywhere in the developers plans
  3. So now delivery quests don't give Dabloons? is the only way to get Dabloons now random Npc kills? C,mon. devs quite holding the game back. how is someone supposed to get 50,000 dabloons for a lvl 3 shipyard? pve for months? pve for months to do pvp, thats what we have now. but lets give it a try, maybe we can get dabloons from somewhere else instead,
  4. ahh didn't know about the follow feature, thanks, i looked at that first post but i missed that one remark on page 15.
  5. Just wondering if they Dev team is done is the game still being supported? i see some forum posts that have been relocated but that may just be moderators, maybe i missed something, and the Dev's are still active, but i haven't seen them post anything new since release, have they moved on? is anything planned for the future?
  6. so lets make the L'Hermione a DLC? Its already in game, its not even that popular of a ship, ppl hardly ever craft it, how is this not a cash grab Possible Pandora DLC? the one possibly only reward we get for being an early tester, and you just sell it to anybody, How is it a reward if anyone can have it? Sheez, just make all the ships DLC and make us pay to Sail them why don't ya.
  7. My two cents. if we want more pvp, we need to do away with the things that are holding us back, this game could be pvp battles all day long if we just make a few adjustments, leave the rules of engagement alone, make ships more readily available. and make currency easy to get, in the above example, the only thing holding the attacking players back was how hard it is to replace ships, if the prince's in the OP could replace their ships easily, then their would have been a battle, this is the goal. 1. eliminate labor hours. everyone can make as many ships as they materials for. 2. Increase material production Keep the ports location and product the same, but, have ports resources produced more readily 3. change Labor hour perks into Ship quality perks, ppl would have the ships built by master crafters or change perks, making dabloons more valuable, 4. Change the Gulf to pve strictly, and merge servers put basic materials in the gulf, and high value commodities in the pvp zone, this would make the entrance to the gulf a natural hotspot for open world pvp, money to be made if you can make it thru, opening up roles such as escorts, adding ppl to the servers is just what we need, the idea is to make ships replaceable, within a few minutes, and the money to buy them can be made thru trading or selling dabloons, so we are down to one kill per 8 hours? how about if you were in four battles in that time, in the pvp zone, and if someone doesn't want to be bothered today, they can hang out in the gulf, oh, and one more thing, for me, make Key west a free town again, it really was the best
  8. i can let you know why we were waiting, we had a first rate and about four more ships coming from Ctown, yah, we waited for those guys to come all the way from the capitol, Why? because why deny them the chance to fight too? for us, "casuals" killing pirates is a community event, sure we don' t do it every day, but its fun for us, to get on teamspeak as a big group and fight you. You may not like the odds, but, Who cares, just an hour ago i was jumped by about 4 pirates outside st marys, and a revenge fleet waiting, so, it happens to both sides. its the same guys fighting each night, if you don't like it, like was previously suggested, take it somewhere else.
  9. what about this Mint building? isn't it supposed to come in this patch? the one that makes coins. i cant even find any info about what kind of coins it makes, i mean, are we using an economy that is based on a building we don't even have access to yet?
  10. just wondering if there are any plans to make Dabloons DLC, i started a forum on the steam website, just wanted to see what other ppl think
  11. its sad that we are now thinking that getting a shopship and buying shop cannons is "better"
  12. after three years in development, these things should have been handled by now, sorry, i just find it hard to believe that after this long we need more feedback on looting. but i guess we do,
  13. Is it just me or does anyone else miss actually "Being" in port, As if one were in a town, i like the idea of being able to see my ship at port, but the open world background kinda gets in the way, for instance, maybe, have trading done in town with a static background, and then park at port before sailing, to check weather and wind, seeing the boat always in open water makes it feel like you just stayed on the docks.
  14. tacking with a bigger ship in the battle is death now, a 4th rate against a 2nd rate is an easy win for the second rate, its now a book of five rings meta
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