It is not temporary, it was always a problem and there always were people abusing this. Especially now with fireship fitting being a skillbook, you can just do a free fireship fleet, that can actually damage a bigger ship, or even whole fleets. Today, we've seen basic cutters being used to the point, that it cna actually be considered griefing, like you can see on screenshote above. basic cutters are tagging traders and other ships, sometimes without even the intentto sink it, just to keep a victim in battle, piss him off, and waste time. they join battles, they join missions, and this is at NO COST at all. You try to make more risk in the game, with cannon cost, 1 dura ships, etc, and this is great, but there is no place in this system for a warship that has no cost to operate. Also, there is no pvp reward for sinking them (which is obviously good because it prevents pvp mark farming) Just make its BR 0, or make it impossible for it to join PvP battles/start battles.