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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. Reports will be back starting by 10th of September! Have fun in the open sea!
  2. No need seriously contributions in such an useless topic. Well Spain was the most historical enemy of any pirate, but you are allied with them so i don't see the point talking about history here. Anyway i agree with that, pirates mechanics should change as you wrote, but they have to change not only the "nation" mechanics. Pirates should be able to sail not bigger ships than a frigate class, giving them some unique-faction related buffs like speed/maneuverability etc.
  3. +1! Here the topic dies.
  4. Day 8 - 18/7/2016 The french bought a flag for Tiburon, we had to intercept their flag carrier to avoid them planting the flag so a huge fleet sailed from PM heading E/NE. After a long, upwind, trip we approached Tiburon and almost immediately we spotted and engaged the french flagcarrier managing to easly sink the ship (the guy surrended). After that our guys started the conquest of Les Cayes and after we sitted for a while outside of the port, since our Dutch allies bought a flag for Jacmel we moved there to screen out of the port. There were no enemies out of Jacmel so we turned back heading PM, after a while we spotted/engaged and forced tu surrend a french Ingermanland. After we popped out from the battle the spanish bought a flag for Nippes so we decided to move there. We reached and sitted out without spotting a single enemy ship and after that we headed N to reach La Tortue cuz we wanted to hunt some pirates. From La Tortue we headed N/NW cuz of the wind and we reached Mortimer quickly, but again not a single enemy ship was spotted during the trip. Then my clanmates with the two Constitution decided to taunt the pirates. Me and Bb3ar with the two Pavels moved away being invisible cuz of the distance while Massimo and Luke sitted out of Mortimer writing in private chat to some pirates. We waited there for almost 5 minutes but the plan worked! A bunch of them (2x 3rd Rate, 2x Consitution, 1x Ingermanland, 1x Trincomalee, 1x Renommee, 1x Rattlesnake and 1x Basic Cutter) came toward and engaged the two Constitution, then me and Bb3ar moved to join the battle. During the battle we stayed in grup, as first objective we focused the isolated Ingermanland, and we managed to quickly force her to surrend. We turned than and focused on one of the two Constitution, me and Bb3ar fired 2 broadside to her and after that she had to disengage and turn away. The pirates were focusing on Bb3ar sails. Their second Constitution was almost attached to him so he decided to go 0% sails, that was a smart move cuz the Constitution got caught and Bb3ar jumped on her (she managed to disengage with 97 crew left and 1 morale, she ran away and left the battle). There the pirates splitted, me and Massimo tried to catch a 3rd Rate upwind but she managed to run away while Massimo was still trying to push her upwind. Then Massimo got disconnected and the 3rd Rate immediately jumped on him. Massimo reconnected quickly, went on defend and disengage while i literally parked my ship on her left side. As soon as Massimo disengaged i jumped on the 3rd Rate capturing the ship with just 1 attack. After that me, Luke and Bb3ar focused on the last 3rd Rate forcing her to surrend while Massimo started to chase the Reno and the last Constitution, and after the second 3rd Rate surrended we turned heading to the Constitution but she surrended before we could reach her cuz massimo was hitting her bad side so hard. We could not chase the Renommee that as soon as possible left the battle forcing her AI Trinco to surrend. The battle was over, we smashed them so hard! Luke popped out from the battle, no1 was waiting for us so we left the battlescreen and moved back to La Tortue ending this patrol. "The brits fight only when they outnumber us!" someone said. Here some screenshots:
  5. Day 7 - 17/7/2016 Me and MassimoSud started a patrol from Key West trying to hunt some spanish, unfortunatelly we did not spot a single enemy ship except a Le Gros Ventre that quickly ran back into Mariel... We were going to head home then when we spotted near Matanzas a spanish Essex escorted by 2x Trincomalee. We engaged her and after an almost quick fight we forced the guy to surrend. We popped out from the battle and since it was launch time we headed back to Key West ending this pretty short patrol. Here the screenshot: The same day - 23:00 We were going to start an hunting patrol near Mortimer but as soon as we popped out from the port we spotted a pirate Constitution sitting outside, my clanmates entered back into the port trying to baiting him and, indeed, he sailed heading E. I immediately chased him and engaged while my clanmates undocked and later joined the battle. After a short fight the conny was going to sink forcing the guy to surrend. As soon as we popped out from the battle we spotted the PODW party and then we decided to engage them supported by a bunch of dutch guys. Again the battle became a shame for us and we were forced to run away and leave the battle. Battle results: Pirates won the battle. We lost 1x Constitution, the dutch lost all their ships and the pirates lost just 1x Frigate. Then we headed back to La Tortue and after 10/15 minutes, since the Swedish planted a flag in Parrot Cay we sailed again heading there trying to help them screening outside. While we were sailing we spotted/engaged and quickly forced to surrend a pirate Ingermanland. Then we went on with our mission after a while we went through a storm, that i have to say, helped us a lot. While in the storm a pirate guy with a Constitution did not noticed us and while he was passing close to us on our right we engaged him and forced him to surrend. Then after we popped out from the battle we spotted another pirate Constitution and again we engaged her, but this time i managed to catch the guy upwind and to capture him. We left the battle and again we headed to Parrot cay, while approaching the port we spotted some pirate ships (1x Ingermanland, 1x Trincomalee, 1x Cerberus), we engaged the Ingermanland and the oter ships joined the battle to help him. The Cerberus forgot to repair his ship (he was with 0% on the right side, 0% on the bow and 0% on the stern) so she immediately surrended. We fought the two Ingermanlands while the Trincomalee after a while disengaged and left the battle and again we forced the two guys left to surrend. As soon as we popped out from the battle we spotted and engaged a pirate Constitution, but one of our guys got dc and didn't join the battle. While we were fight the guy left outside spotted a lone pirate Victory, so since the Constitution was almost sunk my clanmates left me and went to engage the Victory. Then the battle almost turned good for the pirate guy. He turned going for my back, so i had to reduce my sails and to depower, then i managed to go board on board but, as you know, the pavel is almost a bigger Trinco and the Constitution managed to hit me hard giving me 19x leaks! I really tought i was going to lost the ship! Then i transferred all my crew to the survive mode and i turned with my sails too to avoid my ship rolling trying to stop the water to come in and then, when the water level was near the 95% i noticed that the needed crew for the survive mode was decreasing, same for the water level. I made it i said to myself! In the meantime the Conny almost ran away, so far from me, feeling strong that i was going to sink, but then he noticed that i was surfacing like an U-Boat and so he decided to turn to finish me off. There the battle turned again good for me! I quickly managed to give him a broadside on his bad side bringing his hp to 0%, then he turned facing me with his good side but again, with a second broadside i set him on fire. After short amount of time, while he was sinking and while i was keeping him tagged he finally surrended. In the meantime my clanmates were already working on that Victory! I then sitted the in battlescreen listening to my mates on TS. What i can say to you about the Victory battle is that they managed to kill her sails and almost 50% of her crew, not without problems, then the Victory repaired her sails and there again my mates focused to kill her sails again. In the end Bb3ar with the Pavel jumped on her while she was upwind capping the ship. I popped out of my battle outside of Parrot Cay and then i headed S/SW and after regrouping all togheter we sailed back to La Tortue ending this patrol. Here some screenshots:
  6. Day 5 - 15/7/2016 We were trying to form up a group of screeners to help our guys in Sant Iago but the brave pirates decided to attack us outside of PM while the storm was hitting us hard, we did not expect that, we got caught off guard. The first tag was really a bad one for the pirates, me in a Trinco and the other guy that got tagged just escaped the battle quickly but the best was yet to come... They tagged us again, and this time they caught a Santisima too and then the clanmates of the guy with the Santi quickly joined the battle. I did my best to help the Santi but i have do admit that those guys played really bad, the guy with the Santi just faced the pirates exposing for the whole battle the same side, and as you can imagine he got smashed. His clanmates got smashed too and when i realized that there were nothing to do i just turned and started to run away, and as the only survived british ship i leaved the battle. Outside there were a bunch of brits and one of my clanmates waiting for the pirates so we engaged them, but this time, again the battle for us became a shame. The guys with the Bellona got splitted making an easy job for the pirates to sunk them, and again after we did our best to help them we just turned away and leaved the battle. We sitted for a while in the battle screen and when we popped out the pirates were in a new battle so we regrouped with many other guys and two other clanmembers. While we were regouping we just spotted a bunch of 6x danes ships and we started to chase them. The chase did not last so long and we managed to engage them but 1x Trinco. Unfortunatelly our guy with the Pavel was not so fast and while attempting to join the battle he got taggad by the danes Trinco that didn't joined the battle. Our compo: 3x Constitution 1x Trincomalee 1x Frigate Their compo: 3x Constitution 1x Ingermanland 1x Trincomalee 1x Rattlesnake We fought the danes, in the early moments of the battle Pilatus managed to capture one of their Consti, me, Bb3ar and the guy with the Frigatefocused on the Ingermanland but after that Pilatus did an all in trying to capture the other Constitution and after he realized that that guy had the Determined Defender perk Bb3ar had to turn back to help him and avoid Platus to lose his ship. So me and the Frigate continued the chase but, as you know, a Trinco and an Frigatecannot tank many broadside from a Ingermanland, so we had to let him go. Battle result: 0 Lost - 1 Captured Here some screenshots: Day 6 - 16/7/2016 - 20:07 I was quite bored, no action near KPR so i decided to start a lone patrol from La Tortue but the wind was so crappy so i moved then to Key West, there i fitted my Constitution and i sailed heading SW. It was a boring trip until i reached the coast of La Habana there i got spotted by the spanish that quickly sailed with 2 Constitution trying to catch me, i turned W then and after a while i spotted another Constitution sailed from Mariel coming toward me, so i had to turn N/NW to avoid them. I managed to escape and one of those guys wrote me calling me "coward". After going far away from them i turned E and then SE. While approaching the coast of Matanzas i spotted a spanish Traders Snow and i immediately headed toward him engaging that guy. After killing his sails i managed to get closer to him and as soon as i could i jumped on him capturing the ship. There i found 3902x Fish Meat and 2x Shortfin Mako. I sent my Conny to Key West and i sailed back there with the full cargo Traders Snow ending the patrol. Here the screenshots: The same day - 21:20 Me and MassimoSud started an hunting patrol from La Tortue heading N/NW, as soon as we reached Islet we spotted a pirate Le Gros Ventre and then we engaged her. In the early moments of the battle we had many problems while trying to cap the ship so we started to demast her and we finally made it after a while making that guy to surrend after he lost his main and his foremast. In the cargohold Massimo found 268x Sugar and 200x Live Oak, he transferred the sugar on his Constitution destroying the Live Oak. Then we went on with the patrol, we were passing Little Inagua island on its right side while we spotted a quite small pirates fleet (2x Victory, 1x Pavel, 1x Bellonad and 1x Constitution), we then turned N and they quickly started to chase us but we were really more fast and we went far away from them. Then we turned NE and while we were passing near Parrot Cay we spotted 1x Santisima and 1x Pavel, ofc we could not engage them and we went on heading NE. After a while we turned back W/SW and we spotted again the Pavel sitting out of Parrot Cay, we went on with our heading and then, far away from Mortimer coasst we spotted a lone Bellona that we immediately engaged. We had to be carefoul becouse she was hurting so hard, but we first killed her sails and then we started to kill her crew, after killink more than 50% of the crew she surrended. Then we headed S/SW and while we were passing Mortimer we spotted a pirate Traders Snow and we engaged him. The battle started and he went on 30° to the wind, one of his worst sailing profile. He felt really strongly about his escaping manouvre that he wrote us "Bye bye girls"... Well, we kept him tagged, killed his sails, caught him upwind and finally we captured the ship. Ofc we wrote him "Bye bye man" back! In the cargohold we found: 2x Sealed Bottle A lot of fish With a good wind to reach Sant Iago and with our guys going to attack the port we decided to head there, after quiet trip we reached Sant Iago and there we found many spanish sitting outside the port, we managed to engage a surprise sinking her quickly and then we dragged in battle 1x Ingermanland taggind a spanish AI fleet but, that guy had the Coward perk and he managed to escape from the battle. We had to kill the entire AI fleet and then we popped out. We sitted out of the port for a while and after the Dutch bought the flag for Little Inagua we decided to move there to help them screening. When we reached Little Inagua the battle was already ended and no enemies were around there, so we patrolled around Mortimer and then since the wind turned perfectly to La Tortue we headed back home ending the patrol. Here some screenshots:
  7. One of the "enemy" guys that i really respect, not offensive, not rude, skilled player. Everytime i fought him it was a funny battle without talking about who won or lost. My best regards Mariachi, we will face on the sea soon again.
  8. Day 4 - 13/7/2016 - 23:00 After preventing, with many screeners, the spanish to capture Puerto Escondido our guys were going to attack Sant Iago while our dutch allies planted a flag in Portillo and Guama Sevilla, so we decieded to form a group and go to support them by screening. Our compo: 2x Pavel 2x Bellona 1x Ingermanland 2x Essex We plotted a route to Sant Iago from Port Morant heading N and while sailing we spotted 2x french Trincos. Since one of our Bellona was far behind us one of the two Trincos tried to engage him, then we immediately turned back and regrouped with him forcing the Trinco to go away from us. We turned back following our route to Sant Iago. The wind was turning so crappy and it forced us to head NW for a while. While sailing we spotted 2x french Constitution, we engaged them and after a short battle they surrended (1 of them blew up after being set afire). Then we procedeed to approach the port that we tought was Sant Iago but while approaching we just realized we were out of Guama Sevilla with a really bad wind to head to Sant Iago, so we decieded to screen for our allies. We headed toward a quite small French/Spanish fleet and we engaged them (2 dutch players joined the battel with us). All of them except the 3rd Rate and 1x Surprise left the battle after not even 5/10 minutes leaving those poor guys alone against us, so we focused on the 3rd rate and after killing his sails i managed to catch him upwind and then i immediately jumped on him capturing the ship with one shot. Then we turned and finished off the Surprise. We all popped out of the battle and while many of us teleported back to the capital we sitted out of the port and Kenay, Massimo and Bb3ar engaged a spanish Rattlesnake that was sitting outside the port (Massimo tagged a spanish fleet that was near him dragging the Rattle into the battle), they managed to make the Rattel surrend and sink the spanish AI fleet. Then with no enemies on sight we sailed back heading to Port Morant. The same day - 00:58 While we were sailing back to PM we recieved many reports about 3x danish ships E of PM, so we decieded to head there. We arrived just in time, cuz one our guys with a Traders Lynx got tagged by him, ofc we joined (2 of my clanmates i was a little bit late) the battle asap and we managed to force the Constitution to surrend while te two others ships escaped the battle. The player was just one, the other 2 ships were part of his "escort fleet". Then we headed back to Port Morant ending the patrol. Day 5 - 14/7/2016 - 01:30 am Me and Massimo started an hunting patrol from Key West, we sailed near the spanish coast to Matanzas with 2x Constitution spotting just 2x spanish and pirate Trader Lynx, then we turned W passing outside La Habana without spotting a single enemy ship. While we were returning back to KW we spotted a spanish Le Gros Ventre that as soon as he spotted us turned back to La Habana. We docked at KW ending this boring patrol. This is the only screenshot i got (i forgot to take them in the other battles), but Tenakha Kan can confirm my report about the battle against the 2x french Constitution: The Ingermanland was lost in the battle when Massimo captured the pirate Santisima, i forgot to add it before.
  9. Yesterday in a PvP battle outside KPR i managed to capture 2 pirate player ships: 1x Essex (Rumata of Estoria) and 1x Belle Poule (El Mariachi). When the battle ended i got no ships, just a green upgrade as reward. This is just a bug report, i don't want the ships. I did not report the bug via F11.
  10. 3 ships lost against 6 and you talk about winning... Ok! As you wish. Come again, we are waiting for you! It's a pleasure for us too, this is just bar talking and it is funny as it should be.
  11. We smashed you with small ships too, i can remember when we were with trincos and connys... You are pirates and pirates never sailed in 3rd or bigger ships so there is no point about complaining us bringing big ships! And actually nah we did not "escaped" like you wrote, we smashed your fleet, and we could not fight a Victory with a fir Pavel that had less then 20% on her right side and a couple of heavily damaged frigates. But as always, losers complain.
  12. Yo won the battle? We lost 3 ships while you lost almost all your fleet and you talk about winning? Lol! What we will do? We wil smash you as we always do, simply as it is. As i wrote in your clan post you are a pirate and pirates never sailed 3rd rates or bigger ships, or are you looking for an arcade game? You raid us outside of our capital and what did you expect? That we were going to join with frigates? I think that it is just a losers complain question. P.S. How many dura left on your Belle Poule? You got smashed 4 times by FIRST with that ship.
  13. I really enjoyed the battle, expecially when i jumped on you Mariachi! It was a rlly nice fight, GG guys!
  14. Day 3 - 12/7/2106 - 22:30 [PODW] 8x pirate fleet decided to come visit us near the coast between KPR and PM, we immediately formed a group and waited for them out of the battle, When they popped out we engaged them. Their fleet compo: 1x Victory, 1x Essex, 3x Frigate, 2x Belle Poule adn 1x Surprise Our fleet compo: 2x Victory, 2x Pavel, 1x Essex, 2x Belle Poule, 1x Surprise, 1x Renommee and 1x Rattlesnake After the battle started we approached the victory going for her sails (i wanted to jump on her) but the guy on it and his clanmates did well so i had to stop approaching and get away from her (my fir/speed pavel could not sustane more than 1 of her broadside). In the early phase of the battle they managed to sink 1 of our Belle Poule and to capture the Rattlesnake. While i was trying to shoot on the Victory their Essex came closer to me hitting me on my rightside and forcing me to turn, he did it again after a while but this time he got caught upwind and i immediately jumped on him (he got one shotted). While i was going to take back my route i got a second boardside from the Victory and i went down less than 40% of my right side so i decided to go away from her. 2 of their frigates then started to chase me and 1 of them (The good old El Mariachi) managed to hit me with 2 broadside, then our Essex (god bless him) came to cover my side tanking 2 boardside, in the process the pirate frigate started to approach me making a sandwitch with our Essex. When i realized that i just depowered and turned my sails upwind to slow down and again i immediately jumped on him (one shotted again). My 2 clanmates (1x Victory and 1x Pavel) went to chase te victory but after a bloody fight (our pavel crashed into the rocks... SHAME ON HIM! ) they had to disengage and leave the battle. Me, the Essex and the last Belle Poule continued to fight against their Surprise, 2x of their Frigate and 1 of their Belle Poule. We sunk 3 of them while 1 Frigate managed to escape. With my right side almost at 15%, and with the Essex heavily damaged we moved to 270* running away and leaving the battle. Here the battle results: We lost 1x Victory, 1x Belle Poule and 1x Rattlesnake. They lost all the ships except the Victory and 1x Frigate. Screen: The same day - 24:00 After a short break we sailed from Key West heading to La Habana to hunt some spanish, while sailing S/SW we spotted a spanish Surprise but he was on his best wind and as soon as he spotted us he turned back into the port, then we spotted an Ingermanland that sent us via Signal Lamp this message "You can't catch me - STOP - Sorry - STOP" ( ), well he joined a mission and we joined the enemy faction ofc. He surrended asap after we joined. Then we headed again to the spanish capital and in front of us a Surprise popped out of a mission, we instantly engaged and while we were going to sink the guy surrended. After that we had to turn a little bit cuz of the wind and we tried to chase a Surprise almost upwind but he managed to escape and we found ourselves off the coast between Bahia Honda and Mariel, there we spotted 2x Trinco, 1x Cerberus and 1x Frigate. We engaged them and while 2 of them escaped the battel we managed to sink the 2 Trincos (1 of them surrended). Then we went on with our patrol and after 1/2 minutes we spotted and engaged a Surprise that did not noticed us and joined a mission, here again while we were going to sink her she surrended. After all that we moved back to Key West chased by a storm and the patrol ended. Here Some Screenshots: P.S. 3rd patrol since i started this topic. We do this since we started to play this game (almost day one).
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