Gee Whiz, I have ports all over the map, so if you think I am one of the care-bears your mistaken. Mate you were toxic on the server and toxic in here, I can't tell you how happy we are that you and all you so called clan left. The GB nation is back to having a good time and lots of fun, you don't play on PvP2 anymore anyhow, so what do you care, well that's not exactly true, you still come one with your other account to trade. How many accounts do you have again? I forget. YOU are one of the guys that should be ban. IMO your nothing but a cheat. So go take a chill pill or go play in the traffic. Naval Action dose not need ppl like you and your clan that is already causing trouble on PvP1.
Back to the topic of merger, players will come back and new one join ever day, with the new patch timetable may well create some interest again from some of the old hands. Maybe its time for a free weekend or 25% sale to bring in some new players.
To get them to play on PvP2 give them a starter pack and give 2 rank buffs if they play on the PVP2 sever. Ideas are what we need not negative inputs from fools.