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Aus Robert Maynard

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Everything posted by Aus Robert Maynard

  1. don't hold your breath ............................
  2. We have been around since the beginning but the constant wipes & development have fractured the fleet somewhat. Cheers .... o7
  3. Little things you'd like to see ....... How about you FIX all the little things that are broken & release this garbage so we can all move on from this debacle. IMHO you guys should go back to playing games & let the real talents create games - this is nothing short of a complete rip-off with it's poor coding & completely inept scale of constant reworks. You seem to take years to get simple coding done, what's the hold-up??? Of course the little fan boy army will scream at this but honestly who really cares about fanboys, they are already a burden on society with their moronic one-sided views. LMFAO Pathetic organizational skills with the barest minimum of interest to the player base, simply going through the motions & pocketing the cash. It has been done before & is very easy to spot but obviously your not worried about that are you? If you think this is harsh, send me an email with your complaint & I'll get you sorted real quick.
  4. lol September has passed, October is half way through ....... & the joke continues ....
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  5. Royal East India Squadron [REIS] We are a small informal "beer n' Pretzels" style clan made primarily of Australians but open to all corners of the globe and in fact already comprised of at least one Italian (Australian Expat), two Belgians (inactive) and one British gentleman from Norfolk. We generally only have four or so players on at a time currently and sometimes as low as two. We play during AU +10gmt time zone on EU1. Usually around 9-10pm AU EST and some of us only come on at midnight. On a weekend we tend to come together a little better however any of us can be on at any time and we can have up to 7 at once. You can read more about us here - REIS - o7
  6. September patch .... LMFAO Maybe try setting your goals at achievable not fantasy. Maybe try fixing what has been overly complained about , them maybe add your latest fantasies. Really getting sick of waiting for simple fixes that never come because Mr Dev wants to try out something new - fix your failures first THEN introduce new ones you can fix. Everyone says the numbers are low because everyone is waiting for the next patch, i think they are low because people are getting fed up with waiting for known issues to be fixed only to have "new" content shoved down their throats. It is an intention to actually make money out of this venture isn't it?
  7. I love these events - I hate the mechanics. I hate the constant EU timezone - event in British territory but still at EU timezone. We were 2 grids away when it popped but all shipwrecks were empty by the time we got there - 256 chest ???? more like 26. So many nations sailing together seems wrong but it is great to see factions you might not otherwise see in normal play. Been to both events - empty both times - pointless exercise in regard to booty but still a great time to be had. We chased every pirate we saw & generally had a good time even though we got zip as usual. Unfortunately due to the timing of the event it is around 3.30 - 4.00 am when it finishes for us so we cannot properly play the event due to fatigue. Maybe one day the devs will think of other players around the world & offer an event they can properly participate in.
  8. Let's give up fishing & go whaling instead - could you imagine the fish meat you would get from a whale ..... Is there any plans to add visible sea life to the open world? Would be nice to see some whales or dolphins roaming around the open world, maybe even capsizing the odd ship.
  9. Also on the "view new content " button - When I click on this button I only seem to get new content to threads I have posted in but not NEW threads. Is this a setting issue? Haven't been able to find the correct key to give me all new content not just those I have posted in.
  10. I must say, nicely done - looked like a good battle.
  11. funny how we see no posts on how fast the renommee & belle poule run away when they see more than 1 English ship ...... tally ho!
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