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Zep the Black

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. It comes from 1100 plus hours in the game, many many battles, understanding wind, position, angle, distance, what kind of guns, what kind of ammunition and what kind of ship you're facing. Devs are free to check my account, steam account or even give me a call. There is no cheating. Learn from the fight, please stick with the game. Zep
  2. Devs, thanks for all the hard work, good patch, we’ll see how the rudder change plays out! Zep The Black [black Flag] PvP2
  3. Agreed, as an underdog faction on PvP2 this perk puts us at a very significant disadvantage in nearly every combat situation. The use of our valuable ships and upgrades has to stop until the perk is removed or heavily reduced. Zep the Black [black Flag] PvP2
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