I wan't to point out, that this isn't a poll. This is a self-selected opinion poll with intent behind it. Started by someone who isn't an admin and isn't a dev. The dev's have said it's not going to happen. They said it was under consideration, but then said it wasn't going to happen because they got a real feedback loop. You can maintain "but they said..." in your head all you want, but they didn't. They said it was under consideration.
My god folks, give it up. You have numerous players saying they will quit. You have people saying that the game is unplayable for them on PVP1. If they want to release the game and have a world wide player base, all the standard measurements, of which ping is one, needs to be under consideration. New players will not join a game where there is 300+ ping. They won't stick around on a server to learn how to compensate for 300+ ping. All the "trust me it's fine..." or "I do it..." is the problem. You keep beating a dead horse. This isn't about you. This is about a company making a game that they want to sell and make money. Right now, the way they can keep making money is by having multiple servers. So if you want to play on PVP1 by all means, play on PVP1. Stop telling me where I should play and giving me reasons why I must play there. I'm playing on PVP2 because that's where I want to be. And spare me the coming insults about not being much of a player, because that poison is why people have left the game.