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  1. Not really, it's just that they think they're in to it until it's a little too hard to steamroll their opponents, then they cry foul and go hide. If what you say were true, they would have been on the PvE server to begin with and wouldn't have bothered pretending to be real PvPers.
  2. And of course, on the flipside, all players in a faction other than Pirates are biased.
  3. Agreed - and then allow us to hotkey and fire off each deck independently.
  4. " without having to disable all those that I don't want to fire and then using broadside."
  5. While not discounting or disparaging anything you've mentioned in this last post, I find it interesting that everyone who aren't playing a character as a Pirate have this 'vision' for what Pirates should be, instead of concentrating on what their vision for their actual nation is.
  6. See my preceding post.
  7. Oh so you have population data that the rest of us don't? Ok so Pirates appear to own more ports than everyone else on PVP1 which I imagine is where you play, but on PVP2 where I play both US and GB have far more ports than Pirates, so I say that we handicap the US to give the rest of us an advantage, sound good?
  8. Says who? This whole notion of handicapping Pirates because nations can't get a handle on how to combat them is ridiculous. Don't like it? Develop an alliance with one another and agree to fight Pirates instead of each other, until you've pushed them back. Why? Because you can, but you're just too lazy and/or disorganized to actually do it. The idea of limiting Pirates due to 'historical accuracy' is stupid as well, the only historical accuracy in the game are the ships themselves. It's a sandbox, utilize it accordingly and stop begging the devs for handouts or easy mode for everyone BUT pirates.
  9. I'd like to be able to fire off a deck of guns at a time, without having to disable all those that I don't want to fire and then using broadside. So if I'm in aiming mode, a hotkey to fire off, say upper deck carronades only without firing off the others.
  10. Ah ok thanks guys, I'll throw extra hammocks in it and try my luck.
  11. Hi there, I just got a basic Victory with a crew upgrade, and just made Devil rank in Pirate faction on PVP2, was expecting to show 800 crew available on the Victory but right now am sitting at 759. When I jump on Pavel I now show the full 800. Should I not show at least the 800 crew on the Victory even though I'm undercrewing it normally by 50, but more with the crew upgrade? Is the crew upgrade affecting this, i.e. if the ship did not have a crew upgrade would I show 800 rather than 759? Or is this a bug?
  12. Flagg

    Hotfix 9.73

    That's ridiculous. Go cap player ships, try a challenge for once.
  13. Having telescope in OW world be handy to better pick out landmarks from further away. Otherwise I do agree we need a way to mark up the in game map.
  14. The dogs of war won't negotiate The dogs of war don't capitulate, They will take and you will give, And you must die so that they may live Pirate clan on PVP2 devoted to working with all Pirates and other Pirate clans to further the interests of the Pirate Nation. North American timezones preferred, all ranks welcome just bring a healthy appetitie for ship-to-ship combat and a good attitude. Hit me up here or in-game as Flagg.
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