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  1. Please can we have more detail on the Leopard; what will be her stats, armourment etc?
  2. Crafters need to be getting xp for crafting cannons, upgrades, and books. Only getting xp for crafting ships is unfair to those that want to play the game as crafters.
  3. As far as helping new players stay, personally i think the capital zones should extend to one port either side of the capital. That would give the new players a larger sandbox to play in until they feel confident enough to move to other areas on the map. Reinforcement zones didn't work well, the reinforcements were rubbish so i don't think bringing them back is a good idea; just extend the capital zones as i said above.
  4. Suggestion for Raid mechanics to create more potential pvp opportunities and avoid having to use PVE with ai: 1. Group leader of a group of X size pulls a flag for Y port in a certain ccounty. Flag will have a timer on it. That group will be formed as a "Raid Group", not the usual kind of group. The flag carrier has a Red Flag above his ship in OW. All other group members have say a Black Flag, or some such colour designating them as in the Raid Group. 2. Group is limited to certain BR. Thus they can decide how many ships and what type to take to reach that max BR. Ideally this is a Small Group mechanic so the max BR can't be too high. Group size should also have a limit; maybe somewhere between 6 and 10 ships for example. 3. The clan that owns the County Capital of the target port gets a notification of a possible raid: "Our spies have informed us that xxxx are planning a raid on your yyyy region" 4. Defenders must then form a group, again with the same(???) max BR to sail and try to stop the attackers. That group will be formed as a "Raid Defence" group, not a usual group. Each of the Defence Group members have a flag above their ship in OW designating them as in that group, say Yellow for example. 5. Only the Raid Defence group can gain a successful attack on the Raid Group; anyone else trying to attack them, the attack will fail: "You cannot attack this ship". Same goes for the Raid Group; only they can attack the Defence Group. Of course the scouts not in either group can be out and about ahead of their group trying to spot the enemy and reporting back. This could of course lead to fleets also out and about looking for additional pvp like we get with screening fleets in port battles! 6. A successful raid is gained by: (a) the flag carrier delivering the flag to the destination port without being intercepted by the Raid Defence group and within the flag timer window, or (b) defeating the Raid Defence group in battle(s), and then proceeding to deliver the flag within the flag timer window. Multiple engagements are allowed but only for members of the original Raid Group and Raid Defence groups, ie you cannot sub people in after some have sunk. Hence, if Defence group loses say 3 out of 10 ships in engagement one, in the next engagement only the remaining seven members of the group can engage. Same goes for the Raid group. (c) if the flag carrier sinks in a battle, one of his group members can salvage the flag from the carriers hold and become the new flag carrier. If the Defence Group take the flag, the raid has failed. 7. Flags should be relatively expensive to purchase; in reals or doubloons. Maybe 1,000,000 reals or 50,000 doubloons??? OK thats just a quick brainstorm of an idea. I'm sure others may have ideas on making that even better. My main aim was to come up with an rough idea for a mechanic that could possibly create pvp and not require pve against ai. Side Notes: There needs to be rules around all of this to stop griefing and night flipping, such as how often and how many flags can be pulled, and at what time, eg during port battle window(?). Examples of some rules could be: 1. Each nation can only purchase one flag for any given County in any 24 hour period. That county's ports would then become greyed out in the port ui. 2. A maximum of 2 flags, one from each of two nations, can be purchased for any given County in an 24 hour period.
  5. Please god tell me we at least get to keep the Pandora dlc????????
  6. Damn they took away F11 coords; now we have to waste a perk on Sextant. That kinda sucks.
  7. Great video! Some good learning points in there for NA devs!
  8. No Raids in this patch 29th May ... feeling bummed
  9. This should be so much fun! Given the overwhelming majority voting for Yes + Raids Today; it should be great content for everyone and a nice difference to port battle RvR. On the surface it looks like bringing back that feel us veterans had of the flag system that gave each night a sense of urgency and fun to play! Looking forward to it being implemented. I would suggest trying to get this patch in before release though. As we have seen recently with the new front lines system for RvR there will be those out there trying to exploit the Raid mechanic. I think it would be good to iron out any issues before release. A messy new mechanic brought in soon after release will not create a good impression on those new to the game from release.
  10. Extremely happy to hear that Release is fast approaching; really hoping for a good solid increase to the player base. However, one request: If there is a subject that would create goodwill and a happy player base at release it is Ship Knowledge and learned Knowledge Books. Please let us keep these as a Thank You to the testing community.
  11. I think all thats happening here is the devs are going for historically accurate ranks is all. Its only right that there should be Vice Admiral/Admiral/Admiral of the Fleet ranks in game.
  12. I think the biggest issue as they stand now having a ship that is Hull Bonus 4 AND Sailing Bonus 4 makes no sense. We should have to choose one or the other; there should be a drop down menu where you choose which port bonuses you want on that build. Maybe even cap it at 2 or 3 port bonuses per ship but you cannot have both Hull bonus and Sailing bonus together. This would stop the issue of having super tanky ships that are also super fast, which is ridiculous.
  13. If we're going to have enforced coalitions then Portugal should be added to the game as a Nation. They should be allied with GB as per Napoleonic War alignment. They could have their Capital base at Santo Tome de Guayana in the southeast corner of the map that would be nearest to northern Brazil.
  14. Add Portugal to the nations. They can have a starting Capital at Santo Tome de Guayana down in the SE corner of the map which is closest to northern Brazil. If the enforced coalitions go ahead, Portugal should be allied with GB along historical lines of the Napoleonic Wars as Admin has stated for other nations.
  15. Would like the ability to see what cannons i have on board when in OW and battle and the ability to throw them overboard to increase speed when being pursued. The ability to be able to throw cargo over board when in battle to lighten ship and increase speed when pursued.
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