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  1. For PVE sure. But for PVP Server: how does it work? Makes it easy for loot stealers to steal your loot by pressing the key faster than yourself?
  2. Good news, i am excited to test all the new changes.
  3. PVE Server: is very calm, as described, you and other nations wait for NPC ships to sink/catch (who is the most lucky or most fast to tag them? is the main question), you have to defend your ports against AI attacks and you gather xp and craft xp over the time. You have to gather resources and to deal with RNG to craft some decent ships which are relatively safe in your harbour (exept you lose them to AI fights which might happen sometimes) PVP Server: You have all above plus fights against real players (which are really fun, believe me) plus thrilling trade runs in dangerous places plus more frustration. Expect to lose your ships daily, it takes enornous energy to replace them so calculate in to buy some DLC ships and you can lose even a super upgraded ship if you are ganked by a group - for example a small group of enemy ships with a fast small ship that can keep you tagged / destroy your sails to slow you down and a really big ship that finishes you off in a second I mostly play alone, because my clan members often are not on when I am on, and I must say that the frustration factor is high, but also the coolness factor if you make a successfull raid of an enemy ship. So I think everybody must decide for himself if the game is attractive enough to compensate for all the frustration or of it's not. Seeing it from the point of view of a fan of ships of 1812 period there is no better game out.
  4. I don't think that Random RNG fits well into to NA gameplay. Chosen RNG would be much better. All occurencies of pure randomness are bad in this game. Giving special items by crafting is also not the right way, because then it's too easy for everyone to get them. Giving them as rewards for PVP even draws the spiral more down, because then you get few successful players with powerful upgrades. The fair way would be to rely on specialization. The best way and somehow realistic. The whole Japanese Tradition depends on it. For a very special sword, you need a very special swordsmith, a very special woodworker for the scabbard, a very special Tsuba maker, a specialist for making the winding of the grip band .... and so on. Small example: let the player craft ships. Let him choose whatever trim he wants but if he really gets it, depends on random. Slightly rise the rate of success if he crafts more sucessfully ships of the same class and the same trim. So lets say the player crafts a Surprise with speed trim. The first 12 times he fails and gets just a ship without trim. The 13th try succeeds, setting up the chance to craft a fast Surprise to +0.1%. Same would work with guns. Let the player craft a 18pd long gun with trim accuracy. If he succeeds he gets "navy" guns. Let him choose damage and he gets blomefield. Let him choose reload and he gets Pood. Randomness is okay, but only if the player can choose what he eventually gets.
  5. omg, this whole discussion is so annoying. Why not make a daily wood, with superpowers that changes every day, shuffling all stats randomly together? I'll make a pause until this whole woods thing is halfway baken. See you ...
  6. I noticed that these HDF start chasing you and when you reached a certain distance from capital they give up. But I have the impression that the fleet does not return, instead the sail off from the point they gave up the chase. So wondring, if someone can drag them further and further away from the capital?
  7. There is always a faster ship. There is always a sturdier ship. There is always a better ship.
  8. Änderungen in Rot. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mM1LEvwbt1tXOudiDUpTsT97wum_DvZDEs-S1YrkVBw/edit?pli=1#gid=1878153524 Ziele Die Statistik optimieren Die Ungereimtheiten beseitigen (wie beispielweise dass Teak langsamer als White Oak ist), Leichte Vorteile für Riga Fir und New England Fir. Verschiedene andere Änderungen (einschl. Beschleunigung - Es gibt eine geringfügige allgemeine Verbesserung für Beschleunigung und Geschwindigkeit zusammen mit dem Holz-Eigenheiten-Update) Die Änderungen kommen nächste Woche. Bitte verfasst Erfahrungsberichte über die neuen Daten. Ihr könnt jede Spalte sortieren mit den grünen Buttons bei den Spaltennamen. Ihr könnt auch die Holzsorten an- und ausschalten, zur besseren Übersicht.
  9. We'll see and test it. Thanks.
  10. I do not bother with woods anymore. I'll use the ones I have handy atm and craft a ship of them. These prices are way to high for me to afford a ship with new woods.
  11. Good news! Thank you very much @Ink
  12. A game mechanic for arranged battles - let players of a clan choose their mates by creating a battle group, then throw down the "gauntlet" to another battle group of a clan in another nation, then a circle of battle is created (like in PZ) where both clan groups can join. They way to get there is over OW so everybody can attack them, but joining the clan battle is only allowed for both battle groups.
  13. Try this one, a bit outdated but still useful, its called "A Treatise On Naval Action" by Mr. Doran, however, it focuses more on single fights..... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0mo_aCPriQJZE0zM3VkY2pRd3c/view
  14. I mean connection issues. The PC is not crashed. There are 2 types: Ingame freeze (I can look around but ship is frozen, other ships in OW are frozen too and ship does not turn by keypress anymore), but I can quit the game with ESC freeze when entering a battle (I recently lost a Trincomalee to my enemy) or entering port - F11 is defnitely not possible problem logging in takes 2 or more tries - F11 is not possible too
  15. Omg, that's an invasion fleet. 🙂
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