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Storm Crow

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  1. The pirate player Demon Lord Morty joined the battle shown in the screenshot above, in which [LG] Vedon (Russia) attacked [R4VEN] Headgerald (Pirates), each with 3 fleet ships with no cannons equipped. Headgerald and Vedon did not try to fight each-other after Demon Lord Morty joined, and instead Headgerald tried to protect the Russian ships by running into Morty. Seen in the screenshot above, Headgerald unsuccessfully tries to prevent Vedon's Diana from being boarded. After this, Headgerald again rams Demon Lord Morty and tries to push him into the shore, as seen in the video clip below. I would guess this is a case of attempted alt farming, though the actual farming didn't take place since Demon Lord Morty interrupted them.
  2. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/754843815915267091/ADD414136CD97416F0C4F80E0F022E2E198B4C0D/ I would like to report a player BIG HIPPO. I think a chat ban would serve him well. As has already been stated, there's no need to bring mothers, or race, into naval action.
  3. me: *attacks mercury* constitution: *jumps in to save it* me: I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move some more battles:
  4. Some fellow clan members and I began hostility on the shallow port La Guanaja. Then the players DarkSun and SeagulGonaCumPokeMeInTheCoconut, both [BL4CK] clan members, joined the hostility mission with the intention of lowering hostility. [BL4CK] DarkSun didn't even bring cannons. This was a blatant, though failed, attempt to try and prevent VCO from setting a port battle. Below is a screenshot of the battle results showing both [BL4CK] clan members having been captured. I have also included a short video of the incident. In the video, from 20-40 seconds you can see player DarkSun attempting to get boarded by the npc Santisima. At 1:20, it can be clearly seen that player DarkSun did not equip cannons on his ship. At 2:12, DarkSun can be seen getting boarded by the npc Navy Brig. At 5:00, DarkSun loses the boarding action.
  5. I was the last one to join the battle, which was around 10 minutes after it began. When I joined, the Spanish forces were chasing the pirates down wind. Once I joined the battle the faster Spanish ships turned to join up with their Victory and the pirate forces grouped up-wind. As the battle progressed, the Victory and larger Spanish ships were slower to react to changes in position and repeatedly left the smaller ships alone. The pirates then quickly sunk the smaller Spanish ships, with Privateer boarding many of them. After a few of the Spanish support ships had been sunk, the remaining Spanish forces began to retreat. The Rattvisan escaped first and the Hercules second. Once the Spanish began escaping the larger pirate ships focused on the Victory, reducing its crew, while the Pirate 5th rates sunk the remaining Spanish support ships. Once the remaining Spanish ships had sunk I was able to board the Victory, which was sunk last.
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