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  1. 1. Restore fleet mission spawns to how they were pre-wipe. They don't have to be completely balanced, I don't care if I'm 1k BR down in higher end fleet missions. Just being able to do some high end fleet missions with or without friends is a nice way to pass the time and enjoy the best thing about this game, the combat. I realize AI aren't the best opponents but then again Naval Action doesn't have PvP on demand, that's what I feel portbattles are for. 2. Bring back ship towing. I don't mind having to wait for my ship to arrive where I need it, bring back some QoL for those who don't have hours upon hours to spend on this game just sailing around to get where they need to be. Maybe have a 24h cooldown so you can't tow the same ship 2 days in a row. 3. Small/Large battles - ships can't be lost, no exp or gold rewards, just straight up combat.
  2. If PvP is going to be the sole focus why not just dump the OW idea altogether and just work on the arcade game. IMO the one thing that was spot on in NA is basically it's combat, the rest is just fluff around it. The transition between OW and the battle instance has always been wonky at best and will continue to cause problems for this game. You can make it as hardcore as you want but this one issue will be the root of all problems if it is not fixed.
  3. Can we just get rid of instances and sail around in realtime speed then?
  4. There's 2 things I'd like some clarity on. What's the limit on battle ratings about, do PBs now have a BR join limit or do you mean 4th rate ports vs 1st rate ports? If you have captured 2 zones do you get 4 points every 5 seconds or 2 points every 5 seconds?
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