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Everything posted by Liq

  1. tbh I think 1 tow per day is fine, its point is to avoid hours of afk sailing every time you lose a ship - tow a ship every day for a week, 7 ships towed maybe make it 2, but not much more i think
  2. What do you mean? Skill books are not needed to craft ships. You can right click and use a skillbook to then use it in the skill slots
  3. Id say equal BR tags 2-3 min join timer. Then work on an exponential curve, so e.g. 10 frigs vs 1 frig, 10-15 min join timer
  4. At first it sounds like a great addition - But Admin mentionned somewhere that this feature, ammo, was added to POTBS, and just became a tedious time waste after a time But it might be worth testing, when we still got the chance to in the Early Access Alpha stage. I'm liking this part.
  5. I think ships outside a BR range of 200 do not get matched with each other (Except when in a group), that's why I am kind of bored at the moment - Want to play frigates, but there are not many other frigate players, so it's PvE for the most part. I think it would be worth testing to get ALL ships in queue together in a battle, and let the BR balancer try to, you know.. balance it. Result might be terrible but worth a try
  6. Christmas is near.. so I've been working on a little wishlist regarding changes / features I'd like to see in Naval Action.. Just a little brainstorm - I've stolen some suggestions I liked Feel free to discuss Dear Santa I have tried to be a good boy this year and sank as many pira... emm... BANDITS as possible =) In return I would like to present you my wishlist for this years christmas Buy-Contracts for ships, pretty much self-explaining Nerf or remove current PvP reward modules, add paints instead (even if they are only 1 dura; I'm sure it would be a much appreciated feature - I know for a fact there have been some 1 dura paints given out for "testing") Leave the safezone's size untouched BUT make it so only players up to and including Flag Captain (650 Crew rank) get to enjoy it - IMHO a more experienced player should not experience a safezone in a pvp mmo game - That way a player can still try out a ship of the line, 3rd rate or bellona, while being completely safe Allow clans to "hire" up to a certain amount (e.g. 5) of players from different nations and invite them to battle groups, and join their Port Battles ... Nerf the Wasa "Disguised Perk" which hides your name for enemy nations until you are in battle - Players of your nation can still see your name though Remove most of the speed modules - Before the big wipe we only had Copper Plating and Speed Trim (-10% HP), and it worked out perfectly fine. Let wood be the deciding factor. Introduce an exponential reward curve for PvP - a 10v1 should not be nearly as rewarding as a 1v1 - Limit it to 200% rewards (maybe for 1v3) to avoid exploits Slightly buff Carronades Limit chain shot Introduce Control Perk as a default mechanic for every battle Make the santa cecilia more accessible Let players vote for a Commander at the beginning of a battle - The commander can then draw stuff on the map (M), e.g. the general direction, focussed target, or whatever - Useful for bigger battles (especially port battles)
  7. You probably set your OBS to capture the background / desktop or whatever, and not the game - You need to make a new source and then select "capture a certain window", and choose the desired one I'm sure there are some good tutorials out there if needed
  8. We've all been noobs when we started, yet we still kept playing because the overall experience after you get the hang of it is great. Tutorial and UI should help this issue (player retention) Btw. Joining a clan to get to know the game first is always recommended. After some time you'll figure out the base mechanics and will also see whether or not you prefer playing solo
  9. You got a safezone covering quite a distance; as peter said above, missions inside the safezone close instantly - PvEing on PvP server has never been more safe
  10. You wanna be a trader in hot waters, you better get your own protection IMHO Reinforcment zones are okay for players up to and including Flag captain (650 crew rank) - After that (Commodore and Rear Admiral), on a PvP server noone should be experiencing any safezone bonusses
  11. If we didn't have instanced battles and therefore two dimensions with an extreme difference of speed.. then we wouldn't need battle timers. But as we DO have instanced battles, battle timers pretty much are a must. The 3 minute join timer is supposed to simulate only ships in range being able to join and help out, as it should be - Now imagine, you go on a raiding trip with a few clanmates. You are in 5 ships (4th - 5th rates, whatever) - You run into an enemy force, and decide to take fight - Now, at the moment, both sides get 3 minutes to get help in that battle (besides reinforcment zones). Without a timer, anything can join at any time, and there WILL be reinforcments after 20 or more minutes due to the fact that we can communicate and tell the exact location (No way around that). I fail to understand how this could be enjoyable / acceptable
  12. You mean pvp1 eu / pvp2 global?
  13. I never understood why the flag an independant privateer is flying would be important
  14. True, recently i fought one of the best players (if not the best) of the server, ram dinark - we duelee in aggies (I had only 1 slot on it but went for it anyway for some action) The battle lasted 85 minutes (no running). And holy crap I was enjoying every second. In the end I lost but after all the overall experience was great. This is what I love about the game, and with legends getting more battle content soon, one can just bypass 1) the fake feature of crafting due to safezones (where is the risk?) And 2) wasting hours sailing around seeing nothing.
  15. dunno, doesnt matter really, maybe french, never been there
  16. @admin any way to get another forged paper? I've got some bills to settle I'll gank the shit out of some "friends" and enjoy good fights in NA Legends in parallel.
  17. Lol -21.8 million gold a day just to hold mostly uselss ports?
  18. Nah we had some awesome battles this weekend.. 40 players in a battle is max I have seen. Player peak was at about 150 online. That game could be huge. Needs some more polishing, more battle variety but overall it's amazing Who knows, if the steam f2p audience likes it, it might become a huge supporter for NA Vanilla in terms of new ships or content added Even though I for myself dont see much of a reason to play that instead of legends anymore
  19. To be honest I dont think Im going to touch vanilla NA again (besides the tournament). NAL gives me what I wanted, and there is most likely more battle variety (1v1 2v2 3v3...) coming up soon I am not really keen on wasting the few hours after work in the evenings sailing around meeting noone. Netflix & NAL seems like a better alternative to me
  20. You should try solo queue on csgo lol Getting a friendl team is like winning the lottery
  21. yes; we have fought several times before, in surps and hermiones - Sometimes he won, sometimes I won
  22. Scheint den devs bekannt zu sein
  23. Grossartige Neuigkeiten Kapitäne! Die Beta von Naval Action Legends ist nun für alle Spieler, die das Hauptspiel Naval Action besitzen, zugänglich. Wenn Ihr Naval Action auf Steam besitzt solltet Ihr Naval Action Legends ebenfalls gleich darunter in der Bibliothek sehen. Die Server sind bereits live. Entwicklungsplan Hauptpatch 1: Events und Gruppen-Herausforderungen Hauptpatch 2: Integrierung eines Tutorials Hauptpatch 3: Einführung von Premium-Inhalten Hotfixe werden jeweils wöchentlich vorgenommen. Viel Glück auf See Kapitäne!
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