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    Nya Elfsborgh Göteborg
  • Interests
    1600-1700 Swedish and europeen history (1627-1721)

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Ordinary seaman

Ordinary seaman (2/13)



  1. Well its really out of topic what "we" are. But to define things. If u are an naval officer in the navy, you might just be a captain of a ship, as being given the command. This is not your ship, but it belongs to the King. The King (naval command) decide where you go and what you do. This is not our situation. We are "privateers" given the letter of Marquis to attack enemy ships. We decide ourselfs what we do and where we go. Here we own the ship we command and we can use it for trade, etc etc. But most of us owns more then 1 ship. We also own other things. We are a "Company". Ok, as commanders of a single ship we can also be called "captain"
  2. I have about 30 "idle" ships, sitting around in different ports, doing nothing. It does not really make sense that this investment of my "Company" is not making any Money. When I first came here to the west-indies in my basic cutter, I had both Little experince and not a lot of Money to spend. But as years Went by and war raged, my fortune grew, my fleet grew as well. I got bigger ships, more experinced grew. I even got a plantation, a iron and a coal mine. I Went trading, I Went for to raid enemy-ships. But the lack of able captains/officers forced me to only use 1 ship at the time. Yes, I could bring a fleet for protection, but thats about it. Sugestion: Make it possible to hire captains, who could sail all of ur ships on "mission". It could be trading-missons, patrolling-missons or bold missions into enemy waters. Give me the possibillity to give the captain intruction: How he should act in a situation. Example: If he see a enemy-ship of rate 5 or higher, then he should attack, lower he should try to run. I want to set specific route, plotting it on a map. I want to give the instructions to trade, from Point x to y, also specify the merchendise he should trade in,, etc etc. If one of my "Ai" captain should be attacked or are attacking, I would like to have the option to command this ship in the fight. I would like to be able to "train" my captains as officers on my own ship, so I can teach them my style and my moves. They should adopt my teaching.
  3. Be able to use diffrent equiptment (Upgrade) for trolling (trawling was not "invented" at the time) like longer lines (to Catch bigger deep-going fish), xtra bars, baited hooks and multihook for smaller fish (like snappers or herring to be caught in a bigger amount at a time and be used as bait to Catch tuna dorado ) Speed should also effect what kind of fish u get. And the ability to bait,, etc etc And I would love to be able to set my lobster and crab Cages outside fort baii!!..
  4. Well,, that was that, Easy catched easy gone. Tells a lot of the player-quality in Pirate-Danish-French Nation. They cant even beat us when they gang up. Epic fail!! muahahahah
  5. Now Another one of my clanmembers lost ALL. How are U guys dealing with this? I Think that "Oh, tough luck" just do not cut it. I will now start to make a campaign towards the F11 report, as it does not benifit the players who get effected by it. As you threw me the glove: I have picked it up!
  6. Realy funny how this whole game is focused on the organisation of the Brittish Royal Navy, not taking to account that there are other nations in the game, The organisation of Swedish navy, for example, makes the whole crew "Marines", as they where pro Soldiers/sailors. Not marooned or pushed to service as Most Brittish sailors. Muskets used in volley from far (within 100 yrds) and just Before boarding. After this moment, the musket becomes useless as a fireweapon. Theres a reason that the navy have diffrent kind of weaponary than the infantery. Swords, rapiers, are shorter, as well as "Muskeets". Further more, naval muskeets where more carbines and did not have the provision to attach a bayonett. Pistols, axes and swords, where the main weapons during a boarding. Buckshoots where widely used, both in pistols and special guns called "Blunderbuss" (9-11 mm arranged 4-5 per shot). Marines where likely issued the longer model with bayonett, but for attacks on land. Sharpshooters? As I know the first Army using rifled muskeets in a single unit (Unit = battalion, aka aprox 500 men) was the danish from 1690. Used at the borders between Norway and Sweden, by Dragons and "Ski-troops". But mainly this role was given to officers (infantery) that all had orders to keep a muskeet "But not a rifled one" as arm. Tordenskoild was reported to have had the role as "sharpshooter" in the battle of Strömstad 1717. The whole Swedish artillery was issued rifled muskets 1716. It was withdrawn and rebarreled smooth within 5 years. To load a rifled musket takes a lot of time and also skill. The heat and the "dirt" built up during firing makes the gun useless after only 5-6 shoot, if not cooled down and cleaned. Its nothing u bring on a Close range firefight. (Or maybe not on a ship at all, other then as a hunting gun). Now to the very main issue: The use of guns, even cannons, are effected by the very fact that ur are on a constant moving platform. I sugest u all try to get on a boat and use a modern rifle, try to hit a seal, duck, seagul, beercan or anything from it....... Good luck Id say. (And to all of u who that never have been up in a mastrigg on a moving sailing-ship: Ur platform moves a whole lot more then it would, if u where on deck....) (some edit for misspells)
  7. No one of you have the athourity to have diplomatics talks with french on the behalf of the Swedish council. There is no diplomatic relations and it will not be any. So, I sugest that you guys just drop it It is just a waste of time.
  8. From the very first day of the Creation of the clan DRUNK: The Danes been the major target for us, as the result of "Black friday" treaty. It was also based on the Historical fact that Swedish nation and Danish nation where arch-enemies until the final defeat of the Danes 1814. Current GAME events, does not make this fundation true anymore. We in DRUNK might even agree with a Peace and a treaty with the Danes. But we will NEVER, EVER agree with a Peace with the French nation. France backstabed us (nation of sweden) as we where agreeing in most of their demands. WE could not agree in the demand that was put forward: To force DRUNK-clan to change its name/clan-tag The war with FRANCE is now total and will never end. Not even with a map-wipe in the future. There will never be any diplomatic talks with FRANCE as they have no DIPLOMATIC hounor and has no way to recover it. (and yes, you might write mile after mile in this forum , defending your actions, it will not help you) Danish "Black friday" was a result of a war, that we lost. The French sneakattack was rightout treason. A "Pearl harbour", A Hazard played with trust, that was lost forever. (In the same moment I am very grateful that the FRENCH treason has done something that could never been done: To unit Sweden as a nation) Read very clear these words "Mene mene tekel ufasin" We will Gank you, attack your traders and your ports. We will sink and capture every French ship on sight. We will raid your Waters and your misson areas. We will make sure that your traders and rates can not move without Escorts, in your own waters. And we will not stop until the day your total surrender is delivered in front of the Swedish nation. With other Words this is: TOTAL WAR And I am sure that the written Words above has the support from every single Swedish clan represented in the Swedish council. No more talks, bring it on, let the GAME begin!
  9. Now, we have a big problem: U are telling me something can not happen, which did happen. The full description was given in the F11 NAS-279733, And we have Another bugg, where even the F11 crash-report is fubar. How am I suppose to see the contains in the F11 crash-report that is sent and if u recieved it? Selling a basic cutter: (Sailing it without cannons to make it small faster and easy to sell). In port, Selling the basic cutter : Game asks me to confirm to sell the basic cutter. I confirm Again the game asks me to confirm to sell the basic cutter, I wonder why, but maybe there something wrong: I confirm the sale of the basic cutter again. "Poof", I see how my Pavel disapers. Money up with 500 k. panic, as all my best upgrades are also on that ship. File a F11 report with full description of what happend. It wont let me send it. I file Another F11 report, It will not let me send either, I file Another and Another. The last report is sent and it DO contain a full descripton of what happend, The number of this report is NAS-279733. The Pavel was fully gunned, had full upgrades: both in permanent and reg. slots. It had also cargo of 2 highgrade notes (won in a previous battle) The Port was "Contested" where this happend. I will not file another F11 report about this event. It happend 3-4 Days ago. U sort it out. And if u r telling me this did not happen, then you have a BIG issue to deal with
  10. In teleporting to capital, from other side of World NAB-42614 Server crashes and teleport reset A new waiting time of 4 hours to next teleport: Seriously? Third time this happens in buggs or during server crash It is getting pretty tiresum now with these severe buggs I lost a pave:l complete with all set of golden upgrades when the game "sold" it in harbour! NAS-279733 Was full guns, all, still the game "sold it" Poof, like that. it will take me months to get thoose upgrades back Lost a 3rd rate when another bugg locked all Controls and ability to sail away, being attacked (and sunk) One of my clanmembers Lost EVERYTHING, Ships, Gold, Mats, resourses outposts, upgrades. He only got to keep his rank and his crafting level. I will now stop to report buggs when they accure, if there isnt some kind of "reward"(at least get back lost stuff and the teleport) for doing so.
  11. It is funny how some players can not see the "Inflation" in things. We start in a basic cutter, struggeling hard every day to finely reach the moment when we can sail around in a victory or a satismo. The problem is: All the players are sailing around in these ships. There is no limit in things (and why would it be?). Im at the Point where I can buy anything I wish for. But I have returned to only sail basic ships, not being affraid of loosing my golden monkeys in a 1 dura ship. My Money stash only grewing higher and higher and I am getting to lazy to trade, the game is loosing challange and with this for sure, also players Making it EXPENSIVE to own and sail a BIG ship, with crew and supplies etc, is a way to lower my Money stash or make me sail a smaller, cheaper one. (A cutter or a Lynx with a couple of 100 crew and full boarding-gear, making deck-guns useless and all comes down to skill in Close-combat......)
  12. Would be awesum to let the first arriving defenders have the option to crew the forts (even sailing in there with a basic cutter).
  13. Can not condemn anything that has not been tried. This seem to be as good system as anything. (Lets get on with it!! After we can complain and devs adjust) One question and then a sugestion (sorry for not put quote) question: I assume implating this to the game would mean a total wipe of map, xp, gold and Craft lvls? Sugestion: Implantation of ransome for captured players. The higher rank and position in enemy nation, the more gold/Resources to be paid. Set by % of what he owns. land and ships owned being calculated to gold If he does not have gold to pay the caping player instantly, part of his land will be sold back to the Crown. This done automaticly. Also a % of his Resources, mats etc should be instantly deliver to the capping player. Now he is released and can sail home with his ship. Maybe a Little less powerful........ A Lord or even Ruler, must also afford to keep an Escort, right? Also preventing people from not being able to take the heat to be in to high possitions
  14. Well add crew to the repair-pack,, but only pressed (low performance) and there will be no timesink. Instant crew, only dipp in water....
  15. Over complicated crew-rules? In a battle, there is a gain and there is a lost. Even if u win a battle you might have lost some men. U can repair ur ship, but u can not get a reinforcment of crew, if you do not have the ability to resurect dead. Enemy crew from a sunken boat might have saved themselfs unto your ship and you can take them into service? At a Point, when you know the battle is lost and the enemy is going to overcome you and sink you, even capture you. The option to surrender should be given a second thought, as the remaining crew still could live to fight Another day and you are set free without ransome, only loosing a dura on your ship.
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