The LMO Clan, a former French Clan has decided to go pirate... And use the occasion to lay traps like this.
There is now a LMO Pirate Clan.
Theses guys were always a bit of a rogue clan on the borders. I am actually not even surprised that they decided to go Pirates. I am more surprised that they decided to play it that way and use cowards traps like that instead of just attacking NPC.
Becoming Pirate doesn't force you to act like this. They choose too. But it say a lot about that clan.
Jennytall, yesterday you weren't full French.
The 22, there already was a part of your clan gone pirate, and you were ALREADY doing traps like that against random players.
So no, the transition wasn't in one day, and it wasn't a one time occasion. You did that for more than a day.
I am not sur about that case but collaboration like this is of the same levels of Alt account, spy account and are forbidden.