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  1. I like new pen and also the new thickness, only problem is that we values are taking account average thickness on OAK, i think we should change that and tweak the pen of cannon with TEAK in mind, as imho it is the meta wood. Acc felt good, but single shot is too high, mast thickness needs to scalate a bit more, mast hp needs to escalate a lot, the mods need to be brought to this new meta on its values, most of them are really outdated i think. Maybe its an inherent problem of building teak ships, good thickness low hp on the mast? New sailing model am in love with, apart from the battle sails i still think ppl only are going to use them to deny short range chain shots, unless its given another reason for them to use it, reduced sailor count needed to sail the ship while on battle sails is still my proposal. All in all i like this build, but there it is still far from perfect.
  2. @Jan van Santen what do u prefer the actual model or the one proposed to the testbed?
  3. You wont be overpenetrating a SoL with a small caliber gun, but with this iteration you will certainly have enough penetration at 100m with small caliber guns to be able to do dmg... I guess with overpen they ment high pen values even on low caliber guns, so there is always a window of pen with ALL the guns. The size of the window depend on the caliber and the thickness and its modifiers (angle and range), higher calibers will have bigger windows and better acc over longer ranges than small calibers... Lets wait and see how they implement this changes on gunnery, because and imho the actual model is boring (32pd carros meta on small ship, longs for everything else... pretty much) and easily abusable at short ranges... This changes might bring back old forgotten ships to the OW, as their guns are going to have some use, all those 6pd and 9pd ships, even some 12pd frigates will see some use after the patch. The only certain thing we know is that with the gunnery and the wind changes the actual meta is going to be usable, but there are many other options that are not just useless right of the bat as they are now.
  4. I hope that battle sails has a reduced number of sailors required to sail the ship, otherwise i dont think we are going to be using this new feature... Is there going to be some kind of way to show us players that we are being wind shadowed? any icon??? a warning message? the wind arrow becoming orange when nearly shadowed and then it turns to red when fully shadowed??? This is the short of thing that many new players would not understand unless showing it on the battle interface. And also this might be the beginning for different wind strengths? and random changes in its direction? @admin
  5. @admin when are this changes going to be applied? is it going to be deployed with the karma system? or are they 2 separate patches? new ETA?
  6. and i suppose thats is where the buff comes in cuz for a 4 pounder to pen any unupgraded ship at 100m it should go up to at least 100cm of pen right? 28 inches is not enough is it? @admin
  7. so for a 4 pounder gun to be able to pen anything at 100m means they are going to have at least 100cm of penertration at said range??? what about carronades? if the effective range of a 42 pounder carro is 250m our godlike 32 pounders would be on 150 or 200? so what about the smallest carros??? are they just going to be 100m effective range? or are all the carros going to be effective up until 250m? and decrease acc and pen like hell when they go up the 250m range??? what about the 12 pounder to 24 pd meds??? to have them effective in this new model should is their effective range going to be somewhere in between 250m and 500m? i cant wait to try the changes, see if the actual meta of shroud cay could be shaken with this patch if DPS gets good enough for make it worth it to use meds and double shot instead of the omnipresent 32 pounder carros. nice reading ty @Hethwill
  8. So that means that even running a well prepared ship for pvp, and by that i mean a ship built around its weaknesses effectively, can still be vulnerable at said weakness at the certain range, by these I mean; upgrades are going to be balanced to give a bonus/malus that are going to modify the ranges where they are going to be effective/vulnerable. And all this is because pen model is done around an all or nothing basis, as it kind of was during the era, so imho admin has acknowledged this effectively... I mean we will see how good their new model is in a few days, I expect the best. Edit: sorry for my english, and writing on 12 inch tablet proves challenging while writing with d**k like fingers as mine o7
  9. I dont think is going to be easier than it is right now, cuz right now its easy to demast a small ship on a SoL, anyway back to topic Now is just impossible to do dmg on a small ship unless u actively look after rake shots or u just shoot chains, those are ur only sources of damage as a small ship, so if with these new patch at least there is a small window of range where u can pen a SoL with your 6 pounders i call it good change, because that small window means that u can actually help ur team with DPS, and that comes with HUGE risk. I will wait and see how it is implemented, but right now I am excited about this, it could be like the resurrection of the Shallow waters, and not only that we could start to see more unrated vessels and frigates used more often, solo or in combination with fleets and that my friends is a win win. Diversity makes a game fun and fresh for longer.
  10. Well a few 6 pounders should not frighten any 1st rate, and also to give these guns at least a little window where they can be effective even against the bigger ship its imho only going to be good for gameplay, it is the resurrection of the 7th, 6 and many 5th rates.
  11. @admin Will there be a reduction on sailing crew needed under Battle Sails??? imho i think this is the only way battle sails will see some use: Dead Slow and Battle Sails should use the same number of crew; a bit less crew than Slow, Half and Full sails. Otherwise we are missing one of the main advantages of it, freeing some crew will let us reload faster or repair better while at close combat or line formation.
  12. All this sounds great, but what about number of crew per gun will stay same? or is there going to be changes here as well???
  13. @admin Do all the soft goods behave in the same manner? Do all the hard woods brittle the same?? if dont could we have the info on which ones do brittle more and how splinter dmg varies depending on the dmg received please?? much appreciated, thx for the changes, am loving the new balance, the game and the sailing model of the ships remember me now at the one we had on the alpha, which imho was excellent.
  14. They should go after the 3 biggest nations or avoid the 3 nations at the bottom of the ranking.
  15. May I ask why the last question??? could you guys just say: do you like 1v1 or fleet engagements?
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