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William Livingston Alden

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About William Livingston Alden

  • Birthday 03/01/1965

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  • Location
    Austria - at the moment on a sailing trip
  • Interests
    Fishing whenever I can.

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Ensign (4/13)



  1. bring a little more live to the port battles: fill the empty slots with AI so that we have a full fleet port battle.
  2. The game mechanic is a joke, so don't wonder when all the people are leaving here. it is totally unrealistic. it is more like a curve battle with WW1 planes. look at the players count 300 to 400 maybe 450 (sometimes). so think first before you write something or you will be in a few month the only one here on the server.
  3. you must play Pirate and or Russian faction then you get it. It's a true sad fact.
  4. not every way is the correct way, even when you point on it.
  5. That's not the point here in the game. When you want to build a first rate you need a huge of doubloons ( 12k and more) for that. So how want you achieve that. that's nearly impossible, even for hardcore player and clans when you must build for instance 10 first rate for a port battle. Wait when the people realize that! That is the final nail in the coffin of this game. New player will quit this game in a short time, when they see that. And when you plan to buy doubloons via DLC then the rest of players will quit.
  6. @admin - still missing my compensation, like some others, for my buildings. is there an info about it, when we'll get it?
  7. Ja genau :-). Auch ich habe mich am Testserver mehrere Stunden damit gut unterhalten :-) Es ist jetzt zwar eine hin und herschieben von Fenstern aber im Ganzen ganz nett geworden.
  8. Ja, nur haben nicht alle das als "redeem" bekommen und stehen jetzt mit leeren Händen da. Ich hab's gemeldet und bis jetzt keine Antwort bekommen. Und dann wundern sich die Leute wenn andere aufgeben.
  9. "current buildings were closed and wiped for all players (costs to reopen was added to redeemables) " Sorry but I got nothing except the 2k Doublons!
  10. "current buildings were closed and wiped for all players (costs to reopen was added to redeemables) " Sorry, but I got nothing. only the 2k doublons as a reedem. Will this be fixed somehow?
  11. meanwhile the ship is a plague and when this is the way to bring player back to the game, then this game has failed! when the developers need money then they can contact me and I will buy this company for sure.
  12. the game would never get more then 500 players because of the bad battle mechanics and game play and insane DLC. when you want to shrink the map to focus the player base then it would be only 1 square mile big.
  13. nothing to be proud of and then you always wonder why nobody wants to play this game.
  14. As far as I know, they had no common navy flag before 1800.
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